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Vehicle disinfection point in the village of Priborovo, Brest region

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Drawings of NPP grade

Project's Content

icon 3-х этажный жилой дом.dwg
icon 3хэтжд.png
icon экономика каменец.doc
icon КАМЕНЕЦ.docx
icon Расчеты диплом Маркелов.xls
icon Архитектура.doc
icon 1кв ж.д..doc
icon Пояснилка Конструкции Alex.doc
icon Диплом (архитектура)3.bak

Additional information

1.1. Plot Plan Brief and TEI

The general plan and improvement of the adjacent territory of the disinfection point of vehicles in the village of Priborovo, Brest District, were developed in accordance with TKP 453.01-116-2008 and the architectural and planning task. The designed building is located on the northeastern outskirts of the village.

The territory is located in the lowland. Pine trees grow on the territory, fruit trees also grow.

The general plan provides for the placement of TPs on this territory, provides for driveways, parking for cars, utility sites. The width of the projected passage is P25.5m, the sidewalk is 1.2m.

Sidewalk and small-piece tiles are arranged along the entrances. Benches with a back and an urn are installed near each entrance.

At the intersection of the sidewalk with the roadway, the height of the side stone should be no more than 5 cm.

The improvement of the territory and the plan for the organization of the relief is made taking into account the existing elevations of buildings, structures and terrain.

For discharge of surface water there is a device of rainwater and filtration wells. The existing groundwater level - 134.20 is accepted according to the geology of RUPIP Polesiegiprovodkhoz dated 28.10.2010.

The projected groundwater level is 135.20.

There is no vegetation layer.

To divert water from buildings (from drains), trays are designed from 0.3 m asbestos cement pipes sawn in half. When crossing with a pedestrian path made of tiles, trays are arranged from ASO DRAIN channels closed with a galvanized steel grille.

Landscaping is carried out in order to create microclimatic, sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions for people to live. Shrubs are planted, lawn is installed with application of plant land h = 0.2m (V = 60.0m2, S = 298.0m2).

Trees are demolished when trees fall under the designed building, for the designed passage.

Landscaping works are carried out after the completion of construction work. The project provides for manual planning work:

Master Plan Technical and Economic Indicators

a) area of 3468 m2

b) building area 225.28 m2

c) tile area 1005.2 m2

d) gravel area 106.3 m2

e) landscaping area 1378 m2

e) K1 = building area + road area = 0.37

plot area

f) K2 = landscaping area = 0.5

plot area

1.3. Structural solution of the building

Foundations - prefabricated, reinforced concrete from prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks. Horizontal waterproofing of two layers of built-up material at the level of 0,020. The depth of foundation laying is 2,550,3,150.

Foundations are designed in accordance with SNB 5.01.0199 "Bases and foundations of buildings and structures" and should be carried out taking into account SNiP 3.02.0183 "Basis and foundations. Rules for the production and acceptance of works. "

Soils of bases shall be protected from humidification by surface water, as well as from freezing during construction. Laying of foundations on frozen soil is not allowed.

Lay prefabricated foundation slabs on a leveled base. After laying the foundation slabs, it is necessary to check their horizontality by leveling, fill the gaps between them with soil with careful ramming.

Laying of foundation slabs should be started from lowered sections, at the same time in places of differences of foundation base it is necessary to make preparation from rammed sand with crushed stone with thickness of 50 mm for overlying slabs, laying them on top of preparation.


External walls of a three-layer structure on flexible fiberglass bonds. Bearing layer of gas silicate blocks, 300 mm thick, insulation - 50 mm thick polystyrene foam, 40 mm thick air interlayer, 120 mm facing brick.


Ceilings - from prefabricated multi-mount plates according to B1.041.1-1.2000 series.

Floor panels shall be laid on the walls along the leveled layer of M150 stratified cement sand mortar. 20 mm.

The seams between the floor panels, as well as the seams at the locations of the panels adjoining the walls, shall be cleaned of construction debris and carefully sealed with M100 cement-sand tweet to the entire height of the seam. Fill the seams up to the partition arrangement along the floor slabs. After installation with solution in seams make partitions not less than 70% of strength.

Anchoring of slabs between each other and with walls is performed by A400 class reinforcement.


Partitions with thickness of 120 mm in bathrooms shall be made from KR. U100/35 STB1160-99 on M50 cement sand mortar. The partitions are attached to the walls and floors in accordance with the typical parts of the 22301 series, item 5. To ensure the required sound insulation of the premises, special attention should be paid to careful sealing of the seams, clearances and holes in the partitions.

Roof and roof

The roof is designed as a sloping roof according to layered rafters. The roof is metal.


Window blocks made of polyvinyl chloride profile according to STB 1108, door blocks wooden according to STB 113898. Door blocks entering the building are steel, equipped with a code lock .


Floors on the ground in rooms with rated internal air temperature, located above the pavement of the building or below it by not more than 0.5 m, shall be insulated in the area of adjoining the floor to the external walls with a width of 0.8 m by laying a layer of insulation on the ground with a thickness determined on the basis of ensuring the thermal resistance of this layer not less than the thermal resistance of the external wall. The design of the floors is given in the explication of the floors.

Electrical installation works shall be performed in accordance with PUE, SNiP 3.05.0685 and GOST 30331.395.

The project provides for: telephony, radioactivity and fire alarm of the facility.

Constructs a slab.

Reinforcement of the slab is produced by a grid in which the longitudinal rods are the working reinforcement of the slab.

We accept 8 rods Ø 8 S 500; Ast = 402 mm2.

The cross bars of the mesh are accepted Ø 4 S 500 with a pitch of 200 mm.

In the upper shelf, for structural reasons, a grid of reinforcement Ø 4 S 500 is adopted. For transverse reinforcement, we accept structurally short frames installed in the support quarters of the plate span. Frames installed in extreme ribs and further through 2-3 voids. The number of frames on one side for a given plate is four.

The diameter of the longitudinal and transverse rods of the frames is assumed by Ø 4 S 500.

The mounting loop is accepted by Ø 8 S 240; Ast = 50.3mm2.

Drawings content

icon 3-х этажный жилой дом.dwg

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