Ust-Khantai HPP Diploma Project

- Added: 05.07.2012
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Set of drawings and explanatory note for thesis.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 General part
1.1 Natural conditions
2.2 Selection of design hydrographs of low-water and medium-water years
2.3 Determination of maximum design flow rate
2.4 Construction of daily load schedules of the power system
2.5 Construction of annual schedules of maximum and average monthly loads of the power system
2.6 Covering the load schedules of the power system by existing hydroelectric power stations
2.7 Calculation of HPP operation modes without regulation taking into account water management system requirements
2.8 Water-energy calculations of HPP operation mode in low-water year
2.9 Determination of installed HPP capacity and planning of major repairs
2.10 Water-energy calculations of the hydroelectric power station operation mode on average in terms of water content per year
3 Main and auxiliary equipment of hydroelectric power station
3.1 Selection of number and type of units
3.1.1 Selection of hydraulic turbines by universal characteristics
3.1.2 Determination of parameters of PL50-B and PL60-B turbines
3.1.3 Check of hydraulic turbine operation at limitation by minimum flow rate
3.1.4 Determination of hydraulic turbine impeller deepening to ensure its cavitation-free operation Operation of one unit with set power at elevation of NPU Operation of all units with set power at NPU elevation Operation of all units with installed HPP power at design head
3.1.5 Economic justification of the main power equipment variant Investment during installation of PL50-V turbine - Investment during installation of PL50-V turbine - Investment during installation of PL60-B- turbine
3.2 Determination of geometric dimensions of flow part of PL50-B- hydraulic turbine
3.3 Selection of hydraulic generator for PL50-B- turbine
3.4 Determination of installed HPP power
4.1 Hydraulic calculation of spillway dam
4.1.1 Basic design case
4.1.2 Verification case
4.1.3 Calculation of spillway surface shape
4.1.4 Determination of the type of interface of beefs
4.1.5 Hydraulic calculation of the water wall
4.2 Determination of dam sole width
4.3 Structure of the spillway dam and its main components
4.3.1 Cutting the dam with seams in sections
4.3.2 Water tank
4.3.3 Drainage devices
4.3.4 Anti-filtration curtain
4.4 Determination of ground dam crest elevation
4.5 Determination of loads acting on the dam
4.5.1 Wave pressure
4.5.2 Determination of dam and goby weight
4.5.3 Weight of process equipment
4.5.4 Sediment pressure
4.5.5. Horizontal component of hydrostatic pressure force on the dam from the upper side
4.5.6 Horizontal component of hydrostatic pressure force on the dam from the side of the lower side
4.5.7 Vertical component of hydrostatic pressure force on the dam from the side of the lower side
4.5.8 Back pressure
4.6 Dam Strength Calculation
4.6.1 Main load combination
4.6.2 Special load combination
4.6.3 Dam Strength Assessment
4.7 Dam stability calculation
4.7.1 Main load combination
4.7.2 Special load combination
4.8 Hydraulic assembly layout
4.9 Skipping construction costs
4.10 Conclusion
5 Electrical part
5.1 Selection of main equipment of the main HPP circuit
5.1.1 Selection of synchronous power plant generators
5.1.2 Selection of block transformers (p.253 [3])
5.1.3 Selection of auxiliary transformers
5.1.4 Selection of section of air power lines wires
5.2 Selection of RP diagrams and design of the main HPP diagram
5.3 Calculation of short-circuit currents for selection of electrical devices
5.3.1 Preparation of substitution scheme
5.3.2 Calculation of short-circuit currents at the point K- Conversion of substitution scheme and determination of resulting relative resistances Determination of initial value of periodic component of short circuit current Calculation of aperiodic component and shock current of short circuit Calculation of periodic component at arbitrary moment of short term Calculation of thermal action of short circuit current. Determination of KZ quadratic current pulse
5.3.3 Calculation of short-circuit currents at K-2 point (3) (ORU-220 kV buses) Conversion of substitution scheme and determination of resulting relative resistances Determination of initial value of periodic component of short circuit current Calculation of aperiodic component and shock current of short circuit
5.3.3. 4 Calculation of periodic component at arbitrary moment of short term Calculation of single-phase short circuit current at K- point
Aperiodic components of short circuit current at the moment of time: Calculation of thermal action of short circuit current. Determination of KZ quadratic current pulse
5.4 Selection of electrical devices
5.4.1Selection of devices and conductors according to operating conditions
5.4.2 Selection of switches and disconnectors
7.1 Safety of hydraulic structures
7.2 Safety and Fire Safety
8.2 Determining the Financial Efficiency of an Investment Project
9 Calculation of auxiliary circuit
9.1 General provisions
9.2 Diagram of S.N. Ust-Khantayskaya HPP
9.2.1 Selection of transformers of the unit board 13.8/0.4 and 6/0,
9.2.2 Selection of input and outgoing switches
The area of the earth's surface is 2/3 covered with water. It would be unreasonable not to use such a wide prevalence of water in nature for the national economy. Competent and expedient use of hydropower resources, an integral part of increasing the well-being of any country .
The most convenient type of power plants with a low cost of electricity today are hydraulic, with an undeniable plus, such as environmental cleanliness. A special feature of hydraulic structures is that their destruction releases the destructive element in the form of water, which in a short time leads to enormous material losses, but which is especially important to great loss of life. Therefore, an extremely serious approach is needed to the design of hydraulic structures for the high-quality and safe use of hydraulic resources, which is regulated in various SNiPs and other regulatory documents.
Dams are one of the main structures of the hydroelectric complex of such energy facilities as hydroelectric power stations, which serve to create water overpressure, with the subsequent conversion of potential water energy to electric energy. Spillway dams, tunnel spillways or other facilities are used to pass more than hydroelectric power stations, which guarantees safe operation of the hydroelectric power station.
The purpose of the project is to calculate the installed capacity of the Shamchakhray hydroelectric power station, select the main power equipment, choose an economical profile of a gravitational concrete dam (located on a rock base) with a spillway that meets the reliability conditions, and determine the layout of the hydroelectric complex .
Natural conditions
The Khantayka River - the right tributary of the Yenisei flows from the Small Khantai Lake. The length of the river is 165 km, the catchment area is 30700 sq. km. The Hantayki River basin is located behind the Arctic Circle, in the forest tundra zone with low forest cover and large areas of swamps and tundra in the permafrost area .
In the alignment of the waterworks, the banks of the river are steep up to 70 meters high, the width of the river along the water cut at low water is 74060 meters.
In the area of the target of the projected Khantaysky hydroelectric complex, the climate is harsh, with long winters, relatively warm summers and unstable weather in the transitional months of the year, strong winds and an abundance of precipitation. The average annual air temperature in the area of the designed hydroelectric complex is minus 9.30 C, an absolute minimum of 640 C, an absolute maximum of + 330 C. Winter is the longest snow cover season for 240265 days a year and the frost-free period is 78 days a year .
Hydrological data
The average monthly water consumption is available for 51 years (193839) and ranges from 618 m3/s (195253) to 282 m3/s (196061). The average long-term water consumption in the hydroelectric power station is 1042 m3/s.
The following are the average monthly and average annual inflow flow rates of the Khantyka River to the Hantaysky waterworks (Table 1.1), as well as the curve of the reservoir volume dependence on its water level (Figure 1.1), and the curves of the water flow rates in the hydroelectric power station (Figure 1.2).
Reservoir zone preparation activities affecting water resources
The complex of measures of sanitary training of the territory includes:
sanitary cleaning of the territories of settlements of enterprises, buildings and structures to be demolished;
sanitation and other activities at burial sites;
preparation of coastal sections of the reservoir near settlements - sanitary zones.
In addition, sanitary measures, according to sanitary standards, include cleaning from woody and bush vegetation, which is considered in a special section of this work.
Sanitary cleaning is carried out throughout the territory subject to permanent or temporary flooding, flooding and coastal destruction. The complex of works on sanitary cleaning of the territory includes:
cleaning from debris and remnants of buildings;
removal of sewage from latrines and removal of household waste;
sanitary cleaning of livestock facilities;
clean-up of the territory after the transfer of industrial enterprises;
liquidation of wells (artesian, geological exploration, etc.).
On the territory of settlements falling into the zone of flooding, flooding and coastal collapse, all buildings, including supports of overhead power lines and communications, masts, hedges and other buildings protruding above the ground by more than 0.5 m, must be removed.
In settlements, sewage from existing individual and public latrines, cattle yards and landfills are selected and taken in specially equipped dump trucks to waste landfills, where they are laid in specially prepared pits.
In burial places, the need for certain measures to prepare the territories of cemeteries for flooding and transfer is determined by the absolute elevation of the area. According to SanPiN 390785, cemeteries located within the reservoir working zone and 2 m below the UMO, as well as in the coastal processing zone, are subject to transfer. All work on sanitary preparation of cemetery territories and reburials will be carried out with the implementation of measures for decontamination of soils, tools, mechanisms, in compliance with sanitary standards and safety.
Organization of sanitary zones
In accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 3907-85, the organization of sanitary zones intended for access to water and the placement of marinas is provided for near existing and newly created settlements. The dimensions of sanitary zones should be at least: the length is equal to the length of the settlement along the water area plus 500 m in both directions; width - from the borders of coastal development to the water cut at the NPU, plus 100 m along the water area from the reservoir shore. On the territory of sanitary zones, it is planned to remove all woody vegetation flush with the ground. Wells and other artificial recesses shall be filled with soil. Unused or destroyed buildings are subject to dismantling and removal, and their territory is subject to sanitary treatment, similar to the treatment of the territory of flooded settlements.
Cleaning of the reservoir area from wood-shrub vegetation
Sanitary standards require for reservoirs with a water exchange coefficient of 6 and more purification from shrubby vegetation of the territory of the reservoir working from the NPU to an elevation of 2 m below the maximum working rate with stumps of not more than 50 cm. However, sanitary standards allow refusing to clean from shrubby vegetation, If the forecast calculations confirm that the impact of remaining flooding wood on water quality will be within the regulatory requirements (note to item 3.3.2. SanPiN 390785).
Water protection zone
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 1996 No. 1404, a water protection zone (VZ) with a special regime of economic activity should be installed around the reservoir.
All indicators characterizing the state of the forest fund, the intensity of use of forest resources, the state of forest and agriculture are determined in the project of the water protection zone (VZ) according to forest management materials, annual reports of forestry and agricultural enterprises, survey materials in key areas of the VZ territory carried out during the survey. The project establishes the boundaries of the water protection zone and the coastal protective strip, as well as defines a set of forestry, anti-erosion and other water protection measures.
In accordance with Government Decision No. 1404 of 23 November 1996, the following are prohibited in the water protection zone:
1. construction of new and expansion of existing enterprises and facilities that directly or indirectly affect the sanitary and technical condition of the reservoir and its adjacent land;
2. location of livestock farms, poultry farms, use of non-neutralized manure-containing wastewater as fertilizers;
3. location of warehouses for storage of lubricants, fertilizers and poisonous chemicals;
4. Disposal of domestic and industrial waste, cattle trucks and other facilities that adversely affect water quality;
5. Use of aerial pollination of forest land with poisonous chemicals that do not have maximum permissible concentrations (MPC);
6. destruction of soil vegetation cover within the coastal ledges and beaches of the reservoir, river slopes, ravines and beams, ledges and steep sections of terrace slopes and other forms of relief.
7. Within the coastal protective strip, in addition to the restrictions established in the water protection zone, it is prohibited:
8. land plowing;
9. cooperative and individual construction;
10. use of poisonous chemicals and fertilizers;
11. organization of summer camps, water and grazing;
12. arrangement of parking lots of vehicles and boat moorings outside the designated places.
For the period of operation of the reservoir in the water protection zone of the reservoir, forest management measures are recommended as priority measures: cutting of care, sanitary cutting, protection of forests from fire.
Water protection measures at hydroelectric power plants
The generation of electricity at a hydroelectric power station is associated with the use of a renewable resource - moving water, therefore, it does not emit pollutants into the atmosphere and does not generate production waste, such as ash and slag drains at a TPP or spent nuclear fuel at a nuclear power plant.
At the same time, to ensure the normal operation of the HPP equipment, the use of technical oils is required, which leads to the appearance of oil effluents. In addition, the consumption of a certain volume of water is required to provide the facility with its own needs.
The oil effluents of the hydroelectric power station should be supplied to special oil treatment plants. In an emergency situation (fire in the area of transformers), water drains from fire fighting and oil are collected in special tanks - in emergency oil drain tanks.
The category of production effluents that do not require treatment (standard-clean water) includes the water used to cool the equipment and waste water from the fire extinguishing of cable rooms. These waters are not contaminated during use and are discharged to the bottom side without purification.
Also, to compensate for damage caused by flooding and flooding of land, we will carry out the following measures:
- transfer of separate sections of roads, extension of their roadway, attachment of slopes, transfer of communication and power transmission lines;
- Mining or the possibility of subsequent mining;
- transfer or protection of historical and cultural monuments, as well as their survey and description;
- Compensation for the destruction of fish spawning grounds and the number of wild animals and birds.

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