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Upgrade of the belt fit for placing of dough blanks in cradles of the proofing cabinet conveyor

  • Added: 15.12.2014
  • Size: 5 MB
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Status of the question and literary review

Project Feasibility Study

Description of design principle

Design part

Rules for installation, repair and operation of equipment

Economic part

Occupational safety

Project's Content

icon Барабан ведомый А1.cdw
icon Барабан ведомый.cdw
icon барабан натяжной.docx
icon БАРАБАН п.cdw
icon БАРАБАН+муфта.cdw
icon БАРАБАН.cdw
icon Барабаны А!.frw
icon деталировка 2.bak.frw
icon Деталировка А1.frw
icon ДЕталировка.dwg
icon Доклад на диплом.docx
icon Записка.docx
icon колесо зубчатое ведомое.bak.cdw
icon литературный обзор ,ВАЛЕРА1.docx
icon Муфта.cdw
icon Натяжное устройство спецификация.doc
icon Натяжное устройство.cdw
icon Охрана труда(готово).docx
icon Привод к ленточному конвейеру.doc
icon РАМА спецификация.docx
icon рама.cdw
icon Расчёт редуктора.doc
icon Редуктор.cdw
icon сборочный чертёж1.cdw
icon Сборочный чертёж2.cdw
icon Сборочный чертёж3.cdw
icon спецификация барабан ведущий.doc
icon Спецификация барабан приводной.doc
icon СПЕЦИФСБ.doc
icon то.doc
icon шестерня.cdw
icon Экономика.doc
icon БАРАБАН п.cdw
icon БАРАБАН+муфта.cdw
icon БАРАБАН.bak
icon БАРАБАН.cdw
icon деталировка 1.bak
icon деталировка 1.cdw
icon колесо зубчатое ведомое.bak.cdw
icon Чертеж 6.bak
icon Чертеж 6.cdw
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icon Чертеж 7.cdw
icon Чертеж2.bak
icon Чертеж2.cdw
icon Чертеж3.cdw
icon Чертеж4.bak
icon Чертеж4.cdw
icon шестерня.cdw

Additional information




1 Status and questions and literary review

2 Project Feasibility Study

3 Description of the principle of operation of the structure

4 Design part

5 Rules of installation, repair and operation of equipment

6 Economic part

7 Occupational safety


List of sources used


In this diploma project, the tape landing is being modernized. A patent search is also made in which descriptions of mechanisms similar in principle are given.

This diploma project contains 10 sheets A1 of the graphic part, 80 pages of the explanatory note, 16 sources of literature.


One of the main tasks facing the food industry and food engineering is the creation of highly efficient technological equipment, which, based on the use of advanced technology, significantly increases labor productivity, reduces the negative impact on the environment and contributes to the saving of raw materials, fuel and energy and material resources.

More than 1/3 of the fleet of machines and equipment has already worked out two or more depreciation periods. The depreciation rate of fixed assets is 70%.

The insufficient rate of renewal of the active part of the main production funds led to the fact that the proportion of worn-out equipment in service for more than 10 years was in the food industry as a whole 35%, and in the sugar, butter, tobacco, yeast and confectionery industries - 40... 70%. The update of the equipment fleet currently does not exceed 3... 4% instead of the necessary 8... 10% per year.

The total level of mechanization of the production of food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex does not exceed 44%.

These figures indicate how important the fruitful work of mechanical engineers is for the development of the food industry of the Republic of Belarus. In this activity, it is important not to follow, not to copy well-known equipment, but to find their own ways, to develop pioneer design solutions for machines and devices.

Scientific and technological progress in the agro-industrial complex is a complex dynamic process. It is associated with the formation of new knowledge and ideas, the technological mastery of scientific discoveries, inventions and the results of research and development, the introduction of innovations in the form of breakthrough, critical technologies, progressive technology, new types of raw materials, semi-finished products, additives, food products and non-food products, the choice of optimal forms of organization of production and labor, as well as other important types of scientific and technical activities that together constitute an innovative process.

While the role of mini-industries and small enterprises in meeting the needs of the population for food, it should be noted that the future lies in automated and automatic flow lines as part of large food and processing enterprises.

It is known that production automation is a complex design and technological task of creating new equipment. The main direction in solving this problem is not the replacement of human functions when servicing existing machines and units, but the development of such technological processes that would be generally impossible with the direct participation of a person. Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of automation, it is planned to transition from multi-stage processes with a system for transporting products from one apparatus to another to one-stage, from low-performance equipment to high-performance, from periodic processes to continuous ones.

This is why promising solutions for automation of production processes should be based on solving extraordinary technical problems by engineers, which in turn requires progressive development of process engineers.

Description of design principle

The dough blanks are fed to the rotary belt conveyor from the dough splitter and the inclined feed conveyor. The drive of the rotary belt is carried out from the motor reducer, conical and cylindrical gears to the drive shaft. Rotation is transmitted by a coupling electromagnetic clutch, and for instantaneous stopping of the tape when it moves one step, a brake electromagnetic clutch serves. In this case, the tape moves by a step equal to 285 mm. The cycle is repeated when the dough blank falls on the tape and ends after the seventh blank falls on the tape. After that, the conveyor rotates 45 * around its axis, drops the blanks into the cradle of the proofing cabinet and returns to the initial position. The rotation is carried out using a crank gear mechanism driven by a reduction motor. Periodic switching on and off of the landing mechanisms is carried out using limit switches and pulse counting relay.

Rules for installation, repair and operation of equipment

Installation of equipment is performed according to layout of process equipment location.

Laying of electrical routes to the limit switches, electromagnetic couplings, push-button posts is performed by AKVVG cable from the terminal box according to the metal structure of the landing device.

Laying of electrical routes from the control cabinet to the terminal box, to the control cabinet of the proofing cabinet is performed during installation.

On electrical devices mounted on the control board. In accordance with the electrical connection diagram, mark on white paper tags.

Regularly perform scheduled preventive inspection of the landing device

Check once every three months

A) Presence of lubricant in motor reducers, electromagnetic couplings;

B) Presence of lubricant in bearings;

C) Reliability of attachment of all bolted connections;

D) Conveyor belt tension;

E) Serviceability of cradles of proofing cabinet;

F) Safety of fence attachment;

The electrical equipment shall be maintained in full compliance with the requirements set out in the operating instructions for the equipment.

At the end of each working shift perform sanitary treatment of the equipment.


In this diploma project, the tape landing was modernized, a patent search was made in which descriptions of mechanisms similar to the principle of operation were given, as well as an economic calculation of the modernization carried out and its effectiveness was proved.

Drawings content

icon Барабан ведомый А1.cdw

Барабан ведомый А1.cdw

icon Барабан ведомый.cdw

Барабан ведомый.cdw

icon БАРАБАН п.cdw


icon Барабаны А!.frw

Барабаны А!.frw

icon деталировка 2.bak.frw

деталировка 2.bak.frw

icon Деталировка А1.frw

Деталировка А1.frw

icon ДЕталировка.dwg


icon колесо зубчатое ведомое.bak.cdw

колесо зубчатое ведомое.bak.cdw

icon Муфта.cdw


icon Натяжное устройство.cdw

Натяжное устройство.cdw

icon рама.cdw


icon Редуктор.cdw


icon сборочный чертёж1.cdw

сборочный чертёж1.cdw

icon Сборочный чертёж2.cdw

Сборочный чертёж2.cdw

icon Сборочный чертёж3.cdw

Сборочный чертёж3.cdw

icon шестерня.cdw


icon БАРАБАН п.cdw


icon деталировка 1.cdw

деталировка 1.cdw

icon колесо зубчатое ведомое.bak.cdw

колесо зубчатое ведомое.bak.cdw

icon Чертеж 6.cdw

Чертеж 6.cdw

icon Чертеж 7.cdw

Чертеж 7.cdw

icon Чертеж2.cdw


icon Чертеж3.cdw


icon Чертеж4.cdw


icon шестерня.cdw


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