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Underground development of a reservoir deposit


1. Study and brief description of mining and geological conditions of occurrence of mineral strata

2. Calculation of balance and commercial reserves of the mine field

3. Operating mode, power and service life of the mine

4. Selection of the scheme and method of opening the mine field

5. Selection of the scheme and method of preparation of the mine field

6. Selection of means of mechanization of cleaning operations

7. Calculation of the load on the complex-mechanized longwall taking into account the gas factor

8. Plotting a planogram and a schedule for the organization of cleaning operations

9. Choosing a development system


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icon ПГР. Махвееня. 2..cdw
icon ПГР. Махвееня. 1..cdw
icon Курсовой проект. ПГР.docx

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icon ПГР. Махвееня. 2..cdw

ПГР. Махвееня. 2..cdw

icon ПГР. Махвееня. 1..cdw

ПГР. Махвееня. 1..cdw

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