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Two-story residential building in Smolensk - TSP

  • Added: 05.12.2014
  • Size: 354 KB
  • Downloads: 2
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Construction area - Smolensk; Seismicity - VI; Construction class - II; Fire resistance degree - II; The degree of durability is I; The functional purpose of the building is a residential building .

Project's Content

icon Архитектура2 Смоленск.doc
icon Архитектура2 Смоленск.dwg

Additional information

Volumetric - planning solution of the building

The two-story 8 apartment building is designed for families to live in.

On each floor there are 4 landscaped apartments: two 2-room and two one-room. The apartments have a common room, bedrooms, kitchens, loggia and a separate bathroom in 2 rooms and a combined one-room bathroom.

The designed building in the plan is a rectangle with sides: length - 22.9 m, width - 15.6 m.

The building is 2 storeys, the height of the floor is 3 m.

Evacuation from the building is carried out through a stairwell, doors. Communication between floors is carried out using a staircase.

Structural solution of the building

Structural diagram of the building is adopted with bearing external and internal longitudinal and transverse walls with support of floor slabs on two sides.



For all load-bearing walls of the building there are tape railway foundations without foundation cushions. Width - 640 mm, depth of laying - 1900 mm.

External walls: - brickwork on cement sand mortar 510 mm thick. Ordinary clay brick.

Internal walls - brickwork on 380 mm thick cement sand mortar. Ordinary clay brick.

Partitions - brickwork on cement sand mortar 120 mm thick. Ordinary clay brick.

Slabs - 300 mm thick railway slabs with circular internal voids (50% voids).

PC - 36.18 (12 pcs);

PC - 54.18 (18 pcs);

PC - 54.15 (18 pcs);

PC - 36.15 (12 pcs);

PB - 48.18 (4 pcs);

PB - 30.18 (4 pcs).

PB - 30.15 (2 pcs).

Stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete from heavy concrete of class B25 with reinforcement with spatial frames of steel A - III, two marching with a slope of 1:2; the width of the march is 1200 mm, the height of the stage is 150 mm, the width of the stage is 300 mm;

Roof - tiled, with organized drainage

Doors - shield structure with continuous filling, shields - glued with hard wood-fiber plates, single-floor, under the opening 910 × 2085. 710 × 2085. 810 × 2085 and double-floor under the opening 1010 × 2085 mm;

The windows are bivalve with paired bindings.


Living rooms and entrance hall - parquet - 17 mm;

Kitchens and loggies - linoleum on mastic - 5 mm;


ceramic tiles - 13 mm on cement sand mortar 20 mm thick;


polyvinyl chloride tile on mastic - 5 mm;

cement brace - 20 mm;

stair landing - 150 mm.


Doors and window bindings are painted with zinc whitewash in 2

times, color white.

Walls painted with facade paint

Interior walls of residential premises are glued with wallpaper.

The ceiling is painted with belils.

5) The walls of baths and toilets are painted with oil paint.

Engineering equipment of the building

Heating system - central, water (70 - 90 ° C), convective

radiating. Cast iron radiators M140 - AO are used for heating of rooms. Instruments are placed under window openings on separate supports on the wall.

Ventilation system - exhaust with natural impulse. Inflow is carried out through open windows, windows and leaks in fences; and exhaust through ventilation channels located in kitchens and bathrooms. Exhaust shafts are brought to the attic, where 4 ventilation shafts are formed, which are brought to 3.5 and 4.6 m from the level of the last attic floor.

3. Water supply systems are concentrated in the area of sanitary and kitchen blocks of apartments. In the room of the sanitary and technical cabin there are all plumbing devices, hot and cold water supplies, sewage branches.

Power supply networks and low-current devices are located in special electric panels located in staircases. Thickness

electric panels - 200mm, blind electric panels were used. Elements

engineering equipment or networks are arranged in wall panels. In order to maintain crack resistance, additional

structural reinforcement at wall panel surface in places

arrangement of hidden wiring channels. In inter-apartment panels

walls are provided with separate channels for hidden wiring in

adjacent apartments and excluded arrangement of through holes in panels in

locations of holes for installation of sockets,

switches. Power supply is provided from the city network

voltages 380 - 220 V; provision is made for the use of electric plates.

The building is radiated and telephoned.

Drawings content

icon Архитектура2 Смоленск.dwg

Архитектура2 Смоленск.dwg

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