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Two-storey cottage with basement and attic floor

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Thesis project. Two-story cottage with basement and attic floor. Material of brick walls. The roof is multi-pitched, waltz. Cottage designed in Novocherkassk

Project's Content

icon Моя Записка.docx
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon ж.cdw
icon план второго этажа перемычки .cdw
icon план мансардного этажа перемычки .cdw
icon план первого этажа перемычки .cdw
icon план цокольного этажа перемычки .cdw
icon ворой этаж .cdw
icon мансардный этаж .cdw
icon первый этаж .cdw
icon цокольный этаж .cdw
icon основание под бетон этаж .cdw
icon основание под плитку этаж .cdw
icon плита ( под ламинат) этаж .cdw
icon плита ( под плитку) этаж .cdw
icon функциональная взаимосвязь помещений.frw
icon Чертеж перемыки .cdw
icon Чертеж фундамент .cdw
icon Чертеж фундамент новый .cdw
icon Чертеж архитектура лист 1 ЛИНИИ .bak
icon Чертеж архитектура лист 1 ЛИНИИ .cdw
icon Чертеж Лист 2 ЛИНИИ .bak
icon Чертеж Лист 2 ЛИНИИ .cdw
icon 12,13. Рекомендуемая литература.doc
icon 14,15. Введение.doc
icon 2,3. содержание.doc
icon 4. График.doc
icon 5,6. Задание.doc
icon 7. Паспорт.doc
icon 8-11.Состав ККП.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Титульный лист21.doc
icon Двухэтажный дом.frw
icon Двухэтажный с подвалом и мансардой.frw
icon Записка.doc
icon Записка.doc
icon Конструкция ограждения.cdw
icon Конструкция ограждения.jpg
icon Лист 8.gif
icon Сети Колян.gif
icon Чертеж.cdw
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon Фрагмент.frw
icon Чертеж.bak
icon Чертеж.cdw
icon геодезия МОЯ .bak
icon геодезия МОЯ .cdw
icon ПО ГЕОДЕЗИИ буду делать .doc
icon Титульный лист нормальный.doc
icon Записка.doc
icon расчет обрешотки.doc
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon Плита.cdw
icon Конструктивная и расчётная схема перекрытия.cdw
icon Конструкция покрытия.cdw
icon Опалубочный чертёж плиты перекрытия.cdw
icon Приведённое сечение плиты перекрытия.cdw
icon Приведённое сечение плиты перекрытия2.cdw
icon Расчетная схема прогона.frw
icon Схема раскладки плит перекрытия. Узел опирания плит на ригель.cdw
icon Фактическое сечение прогона.cdw
icon Андрей.xls
icon Записка.Экономическая часть.Андрей.doc
icon Смета Андрей.doc
icon Титульный 2.doc
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon 7 ведомость готов.doc
icon Записка.doc
icon подсчет 7 ведомасти.xlsx
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon календарник.cdw
icon строй генплан.cdw
icon Тех карта моя.cdw

Additional information



Attachment to Cover Sheet

Task for a comprehensive course project

Project Passport

Composition of the comprehensive course project

Recommended Literature


SECTION I. Site Engineering Preparation for Construction

1.1. Design Input

1.2. Calculations for determining grades

1.3. Vertical planning calculations on the site

1.4. Building Vertical Reference

SECTION II. Architectural and structural

2.1. Master Plan

2.2. General characteristics of the designed building

2.3. Space-planning solution of the building

2.4. Engineering equipment

2.5. Structural diagram of the building and provision of spatial stiffness

2.6. Building Finishes

2.7. Applications


3.1. Calculation and construction of slab

3.2. Calculation and design of the lattice

SECTION IV. Building Utilities and Equipment

4.1. Design Task

4.2. General Information

4.3. Cold water supply system of the building

4.4. Heat Engineering Calculation

4.5. Sewerage system

4.6. Power supply

4.7. Heating

4.8. Installation of telephones

4.9. Ventilation


Last name Signature Date 03 SD 270802.01.52-

Slogov Klimenko A.C

Rukovod. Kovalev A.I.

Counselor. Ivanov P.V Sheet Sheet Stage

Consulate Manges N.F KKP

Consulate Zubov G.B DGMKSEiP SPU-

Consultant Gordienko I.V.

Consultant of Ivanov E.V.

Consulate Plotnikova S.A.

SECTION V. Technology and organization of construction

5.1. Design Data

5.2. Calculation of the scope of work

5.3. Selection of Work Methods

5.4. Calculation of labor capacity, machine capacity and material requirements

5.5. Calculation of labour force

5.6. Routing

5.7. Safety and Fire Safety Measures

5.8. Scheduling

5.9. Construction Master Plan

5.10. Environmental protection activities

5.11. Technical and economic indicators

SECTION VI. Estimated

6.1. Construction Object Estimate

6.2. Local estimate for civil works No.

6.3. Local Heating Estimate No.

6.4. Local estimate for water supply and sewerage No.

6.5. Local estimate for power supply No.

6.6 Local Ventilation Estimate No.

6.7. Local estimate for gas supply No.

6.8 Local Road Estimate No.

6.9. Local estimate for landscaping No.


7.1. Main technical and economic indicators

7.2. Calculation of economic efficiency of construction

7.3. Calculation of technical and economic indicators


One of the priority national projects adopted by the country's leadership in the near future is the national project "Affordable housing."

To solve this problem, more and more attention is being paid to the use in mass construction of low-rise buildings built by individual developers or specialized organizations.

The proposed design on the design features and type of materials used meets the requirement of most families counting on relatively inexpensive and high-quality individual housing, having architectural expressiveness, characterized by a convenient layout, as well as the possibility of developing the house for the future through additions or reconstruction.

The main advantage of the manor house is the direct connection with the home plot and household premises, which combines them into a single whole, that is, a dwelling. At the same time, it is important to create comfortable conditions for the family to live in the 21st century, i.e. with full provision of engineering communications.

5.1. Design Data

According to the design assignment, it is required to draw up a project for the production of work related to the construction of a residential building in Novocherkassk, according to Khopersky.

The main initial data for the development of the project are:

1. the legislative period for the construction of the facility, adopted according to SNiP 1.04.0385;

2. detail drawings of the architectural and construction part of the project

5.1.1. Logistics sources

The following construction industry enterprises are located in the construction area:

1. "Prefabricated reinforced concrete products plant" with a capacity of 3000 m 3 reinforced concrete products per year. This plant produces all types of prefabricated structures for industrial and civilian buildings.

2. Solution concrete unit with capacity of 9000 m 3 mortar and concrete per year.

3. Lime plant with a capacity of 1,000,000 tons of lime per year.

4. Stone quarry with a capacity of 200,000 tons per year.

5. Other materials - glass, cement, alabaster, sawn and round wood, metal, paints and other materials are supplied by the building materials base.

5.1.2. Roads

The construction site is connected with sources of logistics, asphalt roads with a carriageway width of 7.0 m with a haulage range of up to 10 km.

5.1.3. Transport

In the construction area, all transportation is carried out by the transport of Special Cargo Transport JSC, which is responsible for:

1. automatic dump trucks with lifting capacity from 3.5 t to 16 t;

2. cars with a carrying capacity of 2.5 to 12 tons;

3. panelevoses;

4. vehicle kneaders;

5. cement trucks;

6. trailers.

5.1.4. Mechanization base

The General Contractor shall use the following machines and mechanisms under the control of CJSC UM-3 for construction and installation works:

1. tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 3 to 20 tons;

2. caterpillar cranes with a carrying capacity of 5 to 40 tons;

3. pneumatic-wheel cranes with lifting capacity from 5 to 50 tons;

4. car cranes with a lifting capacity of 3 to 16 tons;

5. excavators with ladle capacity from 0.25 to 2 m 3;

6. bulldozers of DZ42G, DZ-109B, T54V, MB-4 grades;

7. self-propelled fasteners with bucket capacity from 2 to 6 m 3.

5.1.5. Energy and water supply

Energy and water supply is carried out by connecting to existing urban networks, which run at a distance of 100 m from the construction site.

When introducing water supply to the construction area, a water meter is installed in the well to take into account water consumption. During power input, a step-down oil transformer is installed, which reduces the voltage from 6 kV to 380220 V.

On the territory of construction, an electric power accounting cabinet is installed, with appropriate electrical appliances.

5.1.6. Shots

Construction is supplied with personnel at the expense of a permanent labor force, a general contractor and a subcontractor organization, as well as at the expense of graduates of basic vocational schools.

Drawings content

icon ж.cdw


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icon функциональная взаимосвязь помещений.frw

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icon Конструкция ограждения.cdw

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icon Чертеж.cdw


icon Фрагмент.frw


icon Чертеж.cdw


icon геодезия МОЯ .cdw

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icon Плита.cdw


icon Конструктивная и расчётная схема перекрытия.cdw

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icon Конструкция покрытия.cdw

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icon Приведённое сечение плиты перекрытия2.cdw

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icon Расчетная схема прогона.frw

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icon Схема раскладки плит перекрытия. Узел опирания плит на ригель.cdw

Схема раскладки плит перекрытия. Узел опирания плит на ригель.cdw

icon Фактическое сечение прогона.cdw

Фактическое сечение прогона.cdw

icon календарник.cdw


icon строй генплан.cdw

строй генплан.cdw

icon Тех карта моя.cdw

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