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Two-storey cottage project


The design of the two-story cottage consists of 7 sections: a breakdown plan (vertical layout), architectural, structural, engineering networks, construction technology, estimates, economic part.

Project's Content

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icon нагрузки.xls
icon 4 раздел - П.З.doc
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icon Гидравлический расчёт внутреннего водопровода.xls
icon 5 раздел - П.З.doc
icon 5 раздел - A2.dwg
icon Ведомость трудоемкость Котедж.xls
icon всякие таблички для ПЗ.xls
icon Отделка подробно.xls
icon Подсчет объёмов земляных работ стр..xls
icon 6 раздел - П.З.doc
icon Смета.xls
icon 7 раздел Экономический.doc
icon Эскиз1.jpg

Additional information


Section Contents:

3.1. Set pages

3.2. Calculation of loads of pages

3.3. Determination of depth and dimensions of foundation base pp

3.4. Calculation of MU-1 pp monolithic section

3.5. List of used literature pp




Bill of Quantities

Local estimate for civil works

Object estimate for building construction

Indicative summary estimate

Main technical and economic indicators

List of literature


7 Job 3 pages

7.1. Market Research 4 pages

7.1.1. Analysis of construction materials suppliers 4 pages

7.1.2. Analysis of potential customers of construction services based on the sample - 20 people 4 pages

7.1.3. Analysis of competitive enterprises 6 pages

7.2. Calculation of contract price 6 pages

7.2.1. Calculation of contract price 6 pages

7.2.2. Determination of actual contract price 6 pages

7.2.3. Select contract type and compile it 7 pages

7.3. Calculation of cost-effectiveness 7 pages

7.4. Calculation of profitability 7 pages

7.4.1. Calculation of estimated profitability level 7 pp

7.4.2. Calculation of actual profitability 7 pages

Appendix Contract 8 pages

7.5. Literature 9 pages


Currently, in the design and construction of residential buildings and, in particular, residential buildings of small storeys (cottages), special attention is paid to engineering communication systems. Creating comfortable living conditions for people is an urgent problem of modern construction. Uninterrupted supply of water - hot and cold, timely drainage and disposal of waste, gas supply, heating, power supply, etc. - pressing problems of construction. It is particularly important to address these issues in the absence of centralized networks.

The section discusses the design, design and calculation of building life support utilities.

The objective of the project is to develop methods of routing and hydraulic calculation of water supply and drainage systems. The correct selection of routing (at the initial stage of design) depends on the uninterrupted supply of water to the building, the presence or absence of pumping units, pipe diameters and, as a result, the above, the construction cost.

When designing the water supply systems of this building, not only the rationality of engineering solutions was taken into account, but also the household interests of residents. Thus, the project provides for the possibility of installing modern automatic washing machines, a version of the arrangement of a bath and a garage has been developed. Summer water supply is provided for irrigation of the garden.

The design and calculation of cold water supply and drainage systems, as well as the calculation of yard sewage, are mandatory sections in this project.

Additionally, a gas supply and heating system is being developed.

When performing section 4 of the comprehensive course project, normative literature was used. Engineering communications were designed taking into account the comfort of housing and economic requirements. Section "Heat Engineering Calculation" - is mandatory in this project. During this part of the calculation, the material selected for the exterior enclosing structures and the wall thickness were checked.


The basis for performing the estimate section are the drawings developed as part of the project and the work capacity list developed in section 5 "Construction Technology and Organization."

The estimated documentation for the construction of the facility is compiled in the basis index method. At the same time, the standard documentation MTSN 81-89 for Moscow was used to determine the basic cost of construction in prices as of January 1, 1998. The conversion of the cost of indicators to the current price level was carried out through the index for increasing the cost of direct costs, which was adopted on January 1, 2006, equal to 6.5. overhead costs and planned savings are calculated in local estimates according to average industry standards in the amount of 106% and 65% of the wage fund.

The FOT is calculated on the basis of the average monthly salary of workers builders and workers serving construction machines, equal to 11250 p.

According to the collections of the "Cost Conversion Factor from the Base Price Level to the Current," developed by the ISC (Moscow Center for Pricing in Construction).

The object summary estimate in order to simplify the calculation was made approximately in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the development of the CCP.

Drawings content

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