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Tunnel intersections on highways - coursework


The course project was completed in 2020 as part of training in the specialty construction of transport tunnels and subways. The explanatory memorandum contains the rationale for the decisions taken. The drawings contain: plan, geological section, cross-sections and design features of the tunnels of round and horseshoe-shaped outlines

Project's Content

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1. Analysis of source data. Groups of soil conditions. Space-planning solutions. General requirements

2. Variant design of tunnel junction routes. Routing of the railway line. Feasibility Comparison of Route Options

3. Tunnel Crossing Plan and Profile on Highways

4. General design requirements. Procedure for designing tunnel linings. Setting the Inner and Outer Outline of the Lining

5. Variant design of tunnel structures of the master outline

6. Selection of materials of tunnel structures: linings, portals, etc., with indication of design parameters. Innovative materials and designs

7. Design of monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete horseshoe-shaped linings (closed (mountain) method of tunneling). Detailed design of selected lining option

8. Prefabricated Design Options

9. Techno-economic comparison of cut options

9.1 Calculation of lining cost type I, length 1400 m

9.2 Calculation of the cost of lining type II, length 1870 m

9.3 Calculation of lining cost type III, length 1405 m

9.4 Calculation of type IV lining cost, length 1010 m

9.5 Comparison of cost of device of types of linings (tables of thermal power plants)

10. Design of monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete linings of rectangular shape (open method of tunnel construction). Detailed design of selected lining option

11. Design models of interaction between the lining and the surrounding massif

12. Definition of permanent, temporary and special loads and impacts and their combinations for the summary outline

12.1 Horseshoe-shaped lining

12.2 National Team (Round Robin)

13. Selection of calculation scheme, method and program for static calculation of lining

14. Define internal forces (Tables M, N, and R, pens). Calculation of the joint of prefabricated compartments. Analysis in Hazardous Sections

14.1 Horseshoe-shaped lining

14.2 Round Robin

14.3 Calculation of the joint of prefabricated compartments

15. Calculates the design from the limit states of the first and second groups. Check of strength of hazardous sections of lining

16. Make design changes as needed. Calculation and reinforcement of monolithic and prefabricated linings. Reinforcement Requirements

17. Variant design of primary (temporary) support. Justification of selected temporary support structure

17.1 Static calculation of time support

17.2 Calculation of arched support

18. To Design a Selected Cut

18.1 Upper structure of the railway tunnel track

18.2 Waterproofing and corrosion protection

19. Devices ensuring uninterrupted and safe operating conditions of the railway tunnel

19.1 Drainage and drainage devices

19.2 Lighting, automation, alarm and communication

19.3 Fire Protection

19.4 Justification of ventilation system accepted during tunnel operation

20. Selection and substantiation of transport tunnel construction method, temporary support type

21. Organization and planning of tunnel construction

22. Environmental and industrial safety measures

23. Bibliographic list


The purpose of this course project is to design a single-track railway tunnel of category II according to the given initial data. During the course project, based on the JV, methodological recommendations, and additional literature, it is necessary to solve a number of design tasks, such as:

Selection of the most rational location of the tunnel route;

Design of the longitudinal profile of the route, based on the specified engineering and geological conditions;

Lining design;

Technical and Economic Comparison and Calculation of Basic Work Costs for Different Types of Linings

General design requirements. Procedure for designing tunnel linings. Setting the Inner and Outer Outline of the Lining

The task of designing tunnel linings is to choose the type and material of the structure, as well as to establish the internal and external outline.

Enclosing bearing structures (linings) and internal bearing structures of tunnel structures shall meet the requirements of strength, operational reliability, durability, fire resistance and resistance to various types of aggressive environmental impact in accordance with the requirements of SP 122.13330.2012 [15].

Structures of tunnel linings, portals constructed in areas with seismicity of 7 points or more shall meet the requirements of SP 14.13330.2011 [12].

The shape and dimensions of transport tunnels are determined by the mode of transport, the specified dimensions of the approximation of buildings and equipment, the adopted ventilation system and volumes.

The choice of the design option of the lining directly depends on the intended method of penetration (mountain, shield, open ).

When designing the mountain tunnel, the specified soils according to the close strength and stability indicators according to Table 2.12 of the Recommendations to the CP [27] were combined into the following groups:

Clay shale, f = 2.9 fractured - weakly resistant;

Limestone, f = 3.6 - medium stability;

Tufopeschanik, granite, f = 7... 7.8 weakly fractured - stable.

The basis for the construction of the internal outline of the lining of a single-track railway tunnel of category II is the dimension of the approximation of buildings C on a straight line according to GOST 92382013 [3 ].

On sections of curves the dimensions of approximations of structures are increased. In the course design, the dimension C on the curve is based on the displacement of points according to the Recommendations to the CP (Table 2.6 [27]), for educational purposes we accept that the radius of the curve R = 2000 m satisfies the table range R = 200... 1500 m.

In the course design of tunnels constructed by the mining method, the structures of the horseshoe-shaped linings in the form of a lifting vault resting on the reverse vault should be used.

The outline of the inner outline of the lining is designed as a three- or five-center curve, described around the dimension of the approximation of the structures. It is recommended that you design the inner outline as curved not only in the vault, but also in walls.

Variant design of tunnel structures of the master outline

Not considered in CP

Selection of materials of tunnel structures: linings, portals, etc., with indication of design parameters. Innovative materials and designs

Materials of tunnel structures shall comply with the requirements of SP 122.13330 "Railway and road tunnels," as amended by No. 1 [15].

In the course design, when designing linings constructed by the mining method, it is necessary to accept structures made of monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete, spray concrete and fibrobeton .

Class of concrete in terms of compressive strength for monolithic and fibrous concrete linings - not lower than B25, for reinforced concrete and spray concrete lining elements - not lower than B30 (Table 3 [15]). In the course design for monolithic linings - B25 is adopted, for spray-concrete elements of linings - B30.

The design grade of concrete of linings and internal structures for frost resistance in zones of alternating temperatures is accepted as F300, because the air temperature of the coldest month in the construction area (Altai Territory) drops below 40 ̊C.

In the course design, the design grade of concrete for waterproofing, depending on the presence of waterproofing, construction and operation conditions, is adopted by W8 according to SP 122 (item [15]).

Fire resistance limits of tunnel building structures must be taken as per Table 16 [15], for linings of transport non-city tunnels the fire resistance limit is R90.

As working reinforcement of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures, hot-rolled rod steel of various classes should be used, the mechanical characteristics of which are accepted in accordance with current regulatory documents.

Design of monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete linings of rectangular shape (open method of tunnel construction). Detailed design of selected lining option

Not considered in KP.

Design models of interaction between the lining and the surrounding massif

Before mining, the massif is in a state of stable equilibrium, and it is determined by the stressed state of the soils, as well as difficult to take into account tectonic and temperature factors.

Soils that make up the massif are considered as linearly deformable, using methods of elastic theory to determine their stress state. This assumption is justified not only for rock, but also for ductile soils.

Mountain pressure does not depend, as a rule, on the depth of formation. The hypothesis of prof. M. M. Protodyakonov, proposed for a wide range of soils, as a unifying characteristic in this theory, the coefficient of strength f is adopted, which is an apparent coefficient of friction, i.e. the tangent of the angle of internal friction determined taking into account the adhesion with soil particles - tunnels and subways edited by V. M. Khrapov [23].

In KP, calculations are made according to the theory of the collapse of prof. M.M. Protodyakonova.

Definition of permanent, temporary and special loads and impacts and their combinations for the summary outline

According to the instructor's instructions in the CP, it is necessary to perform static calculation of horseshoe-shaped and national (circular) linings, for this it is necessary to determine the design loads acting on the specified linings.

In the course design, the calculation is performed on the main combination, consisting of constant loads, including vertical and horizontal soil pressure, as well as the own weight of the lining. The coefficient of load combination in calculations is taken equal to one .

To Design a Selected Cut

Upper structure of the railway tunnel

The ballast structure of the upper structure of the track is made on crushed stone ballast, the layer of which under the sleeper in the under-rail zones has a thickness of at least 0.35 m.

The railway track in the tunnel is arranged dockless.

Since the length of the tunnel exceeds 300 m, the ends of the lashes are extended beyond the tunnel by no less than 200 m.

According to the standard, we accept rail P65.

The path is designed, as a rule, on reinforced concrete sleepers. To reduce rigidity of track, shock-absorbing rubber gasket is placed on reinforced concrete sleepers between rail sole and lining.

The use of gravel ballast allows:

- straightening the position of the rail screen in the plan and profile

- remove surface water from the path and prevent humidification of the sublime base

-Exert sufficient resistance to vertical and lateral displacements of RCF

-Evenly distributes the pressure perceived from the rail supports to the large surface of the ballast, cushioning the impact and vibration actions coming from the rolling stock.

The upper structure of the track in railway tunnels should correspond to the technical characteristics adopted according to the norms of the executive authorities in the field of railway transport for open sections of the railway line.

Waterproofing and corrosion protection

Watering is manifested in the form of humidification of the surface of workings and structures, hood from the arch, intermittent jets or concentrated leaks .

Protection against watering is carried out by surface drainage and waterproofing of the lining.

Water is drained from the massif by means of sealing drainage, drilling of wells above and under the tunnel and waterproofing of the coating.

In this design, a flexible waterproofing device is required throughout the lining to prevent water from entering the cracks.

Also in the prefabricated lining we will ensure sealing of the seams between the lining elements, bolt holes and holes for injection by filling with sealing compound

Devices ensuring uninterrupted and safe operating conditions of the railway tunnel

Drainage and drainage devices

In tunnels, service trolleys and safety trolleys, the removal of water from the washing of tunnels and fire extinguishing, accidental leaks through the lining should be carried out by closed trays or headers of drainage devices.

In tunnels, service trolleys and safety trolleys, the removal of water from the washing of tunnels and fire extinguishing, accidental leaks through the lining should be carried out by closed trays or headers of drainage devices.

When the tunnel is located in a soil environment subject to suffosion, drainage of groundwater is not allowed.

Drainage trays in tunnels shall not pass under rail tracks. In case of structural necessity, drainage shall be carried out by means of closed drain headers. The slope of the bottom of the trays or headers shall be at least 3 ‰. Trays or headers shall have inspection pits with settling part (sumps) of not less than 0.04 cubic meters, located at least 40 m later. Trays and headers shall have siphon type hydraulic locks to prevent combustion of oil products of not less than 0.2 cubic meters. Settling tanks shall be available for periodic cleaning .

The design water level in the tray should be lower than the base of the GSP, and in the tray of the service trolley - not higher than the bottom of the tray of the tunnel. To remove surface water from the frontal slope behind the parapet, a drainage tray must be arranged.

We accept heated trays for design, since the temperature of the coldest five-day period in this region is below 40 ° C.

Lighting, automation, alarm and communication

Railway tunnels and service trolleys with a length of more than 200 m on straight lines and more than 100 m on curved sections should have artificial stationary, as well as emergency lighting. Horizontal illumination at the rail head level and in the service adit at the floor level shall be less than 1 lux .

Power supply of power, lighting and process loads shall be at AC of industrial frequency for 380/220 V voltage from own transformer substations for power supply and lighting loads. Transformer substations of tunnels shall receive electric energy via cable or overhead lines of 6.10 or 27.5 kV voltage from power systems or power plants.

The transformer substation or distribution point shall provide full operating capacity of all simultaneously operating consumers in case of permissible overload. Consumers of category I include: ventilation plants; lighting and barrier signalling; water drain unit; electric lighting of tunnels, niches, chambers, passages, service adit; heating of tunnel trays; Fire Automation Units. Power and lighting cables shall be laid on one side of the tunnel and low current cables on the other according to [16, para. 7.2.1].

Protected railway tunnels should have direct two-wire telephone communication with the nearest separate points on both sides of the tunnel, with guard rooms, as well as with a train dispatcher.

Telephones shall be installed:

- in transport areas of tunnels at all fire cabinets;

- at the doors of evacuation exits;

- in cable headers in each fire compartment;

- in dam structures: transformer substations, drainage plants, emergency exits to the surface;

- in process and service rooms of operational and technical complexes.

Locations of communication equipment installed in the tunnel shall be equipped with signs.

Railway tunnels shall be equipped with a loudspeaker system, which is part of the EPSS. Dynamics in tunnels shall be installed every 60 m according to [15, para. 7.2.3].

Fire protection

At the portals of railway tunnels at security posts, storage places for equipment should be provided for the delivery of fire and rescue equipment to the tunnel.

Evacuation exits, access points of emergency and rescue services, fire ladders, points of connection of fire engines to dry pipes, platforms for placement of special equipment of emergency and rescue services shall be indicated by indicators, according to [15, item 5.12.2].

Railway and road tunnels with a length of more than 600 m shall have additional evacuation exits (failures) in nearby tunnels, service tunnels or an evacuation tunnel having exits to the surface or other safe areas separated from the tunnel by fire barriers. The distance between evacuation exits to the safe zone shall not exceed 300 m, as per [15, item 5.12.3].

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