Transport Warehouse System
- Added: 09.01.2012
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Transport Warehouse System
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Additional information
1 Generation of reliable initial data for ATCC design of the plant machining shop
1.1 Nomenclature of goods
1.1.1 Manufacturing objects
1.1.2 Set of metal cutting tools and tooling
1.1.3 Auxiliary Materials
1.1.4 Process waste
1.2 Annual demand for procurement and materials for the program
1.2.1 Material consumption rate per item
1.2.2 Product Production Program
1.2.3 Material consumption for repair of workshop equipment
1.2.5 Procurement requirements for the annual program
1.2.6 Value of storage stocks of goods (materials and procurement)
1.2.7 Value of cargo flows taking into account inventory
1.2.8 Determination of interoperative stock of procurement
1.2.9 Determine stock of finished parts in warehouse of finished parts
1.2.10 Total cargo flow
1.3 Determination of number of storage bins for tools, tooling
1.3.1 Define storage bins for tools and tooling
1.3.2 Determining the number of satellite devices and pallets
1.3.3 Number of storage bins
1.4 Determination of storage bins for auxiliary materials
1.5 Calculation of number of machining machines
1.5.1 Number of machining machines for body parts
1.5.2 Number of machine tools for machining parts of the type of bodies of revolution
1.6 Conclusion
2 Equipment of ATSS machining shop of machine-building plant
2.1 Automated Storage System Equipment
2.2 Selection of type and calculation of container parameters
2.2.1 Determination of average storage stock of cargo of each name
2.2.2 Determination of average volume occupied by blanks
2.2.3 Determination of pallet types and number
2.2.4 type, size and quantity of container for tool storage, tooling
2.3 Rack structures
2.3.1 General Information
2.3.2 Classification of rack structures
2.3.3 Sizing racks and cells
2.4 Stacking Equipment
2.4.1 Equipment classification
2.4.2 Selection of stacking equipment
2.5 Conclusion
List of sources used
An analysis of the production processes of machine-building plants of small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production shows that the operation of equipment, the use of materials and the employment of production personnel during the operation of universal equipment and CNC machines are not high.
In this regard, the problem of improving the continuity of production processes is urgent. Ways to solve this problem are related to the concentration of production departments, to the rational organization of transport and warehouse operations based on transport links and technical means of the automated transport and warehouse system (ATCC). Thus, increased production efficiency is achieved by improving all technological, transport, control and other operations by connecting equipment into technological automated complexes: flexible production modules (GPM), flexible production sections (GPU) and workshops (GPC), flexible production systems (GPS).
ATSS is a functionally independent link and at the same time an element of a complex man-machine production system.
Therefore, the goal of creating ATSS is to ensure the efficient operation of production through the rational organization and transformation of material flows.
In course work, one of the versions of the automated transport and warehouse system (ATSS) is designed according to the given initial data.
Cargo nomenclature
The loading factors of the workshop are the product production program, operation and repair of the workshop equipment. Taking these factors into account, the annual demand for materials, blanks, tools, tooling and accessories is determined.
All goods entering the workshop are divided into four traffic streams:
1 flow - manufacturing objects, that is, workpieces to be processed and parts to be obtained;
2 flow - a set of metal cutting and measuring tools, tooling (satellites, pallets, devices, etc.);
3 stream - auxiliary materials (oils, LPG);
4 stream - process waste (metal shavings spent LPG, etc.)
Set of metal cutting tools and tooling
Housing parts are supplied to the workshop on pallets.
The following tools are required to process the body parts:
end cutters, cylindrical, end cutters up to 5 sizes of each name from diameter 20 mm to 400 mm;
quick-cutting and hard-alloy drills from diameter 8 mm to 40 mm;
boring, passing and other incisors of different sizes.
To orient the attachment of the hull parts and supply them to the machines, satellite devices are used.
Parts like revolutions are supplied to the workshop in the container.
Various cutters, drills, and countersinks are used to process such parts. In the warehouse, the blanks are installed in pallets and fed to the machines for processing.
Auxiliary Materials
Various oils, greases, lubricating and cooling liquids are supplied to the workshop for equipment operation. These materials are supplied to the workshop and to the equipment in a certain container (canisters and other containers).
Process waste
After the workpieces are processed, various chips accumulate at the machines. It is removed from machine tools in special containers and (or) along the chute by scrapers.
Define storage bins for tools and tooling
Workpieces are machined on NC machines with automatic tool change. Tool blocks consist of cutting and auxiliary tools. The tooling used for machines of various models allows you to attach these tools to the spindle assemblies of machines.
Special packagings (metal boxes) are used to deliver tools and tooling to the shop warehouse.
In the shop warehouse, the tools from the boxes are installed in pallets. For each machine, a specific set of tools is formed, which is placed in one pallet (up to 32 tools). Thus, one machine requires two pallets (one main and one spare). One pallet occupies one storage bin (one bin). Tooling is placed in metal boxes. Two toolboxes are required to complete one machine. One drawer occupies one storage bin.
For 35 machines, 70 pallet bins and 70 toolbox bins are required.
Stock - 10% of the required quantity (14 storage bins).
A total of 154 storage bins are required.
Determination of number of devices - satellites and pallets for blanks
Various accessories are used to process parts. Thus, hull parts are processed in satellite devices. Workpieces for parts of the body of revolution type are installed in pallets for workpieces. After processing, parts are installed in pallets of finished parts and transported to the warehouse of finished parts.
Number of satellite devices for processing hull parts.
During the day, 8 blanks of each name should be processed, a total of 160 blanks. Thus, 160 satellites are needed.
At the back of the machines is one blank of each name, that is, 20 blanks in 20 satellites.
Another 135 workpieces are installed in the warehouse, for which 135 satellite devices are required.
The reserve of satellites is 10% of the required number of satellites - 32 pieces.
In total, 347 devices are required - satellites per day.
Number of pallets for workpieces and finished parts, such as bodies of revolution.
Workpieces of the type of bodies of revolution are installed before being supplied to the machine in special devices, which are called pallets for workpieces (finished parts). 24 blanks or finished parts can be installed in one pallet. According to the task, 24 part names are processed in the workshop. 18 lathes are required to process parts.
554 parts must be processed per day. This number of blanks will require 554/24 = 24 pallets to be fed to the machines.
Reserve - 192 blanks (installed in eight pallets).
In the warehouse are another 37 blanks located in pallets.
Pallet reserve - 10% of the required number of pallets per day - 4 pallets.
A total of 38 pallets per day is required.
Number of storage bins
Thus, 539 storage bins are required for instrument and tooling, satellite fixture and pallets.
Define storage bins for auxiliary materials
Auxiliary materials (oils, greases) are stored in the warehouse in canisters, which are installed in metal boxes. During the day, ≈ 50 kg of lubricants are used, which are placed in two boxes. Required stock 50 kg (one box).
LPG is supplied to the machines centrally through pipelines from a separate room.
Thus, a daily supply of auxiliary materials is placed in two metal boxes.
Auxiliary materials are submitted to the workshop twice a month. Therefore, 25 boxes and, therefore, 25 bins are required for their placement.
Automated storage system equipment
The automated storage system (ASS) is designed to receive, store, register and issue to the production of blanks, semi-finished products, components, devices and tools necessary to ensure the mode of deserted technology during the operation of the GPS. ACS is part of ATSS (automated transport and storage system) of GPS.
Modern automated warehouses are equipped with a variety of equipment:
special racks (storage equipment);
transport and warehouse packaging;
automatic stackers;
overloading devices;
devices for cargo movement;
different local drives;
packaging and satellite equipment;
other auxiliary equipment.
Rack structures
General Information
There are two ways to store goods: stacking and rack.
When designing small warehouses up to 6 m high, especially warehouses with a small number of types of stored goods, it is recommended to store goods stacked in box and rack pallets, which are installed on top of each other to a height of up to five tiers. The cost of storing such cargoes is low. The disadvantage of such a method of storing cargoes is the difficulty with the automation of loading and unloading operations, the additional time spent on removing cargoes from the lower tiers. Therefore, the GPS uses rack storage of goods. The rack storage method has a number of advantages over the stacked form of cargo storage:
More use of storage by increasing storage height
strict fixation of cargo in the storage area, which ensures automation of loading and unloading operations and accounting of goods receipt and delivery;
the possibility of taking cargo from any tier in height;
high safety of warehousing operations in view of stable warehousing of cargo.
Classification of rack structures
Rack structures can be classified in a number of ways:
according to the method of load support: shelf, frame, unmanned, cantilever;
by the state of cargo in racks: with fixed storage; with movable storage of cargo;
according to the state of racks during operation: stationary, i.e. stationary, fixed to the floor; mobile, i.e. not fixed to the floor;
according to the number of loading units in the cell in the depth of the rack or in length: single, double, multi-seat;
when possible to receive and issue goods: one-way service, two-way service;
according to the material from which the racks are made: metal, reinforced concrete, wooden, etc.;
according to the method and type of cargo storage in the rack: for storage of tarn-piece cargoes in packages and for storage of cargoes by placer.
Stacking equipment
Equipment classification
Stacking equipment used in ATSS includes automatic rack cranes-stackers and automatic bridge cranes-stackers. Stacking machines serve to move and store loads in the storage area.
Stacking equipment is divided into two large groups:
crane (stacker cranes);
floor (electric loaders and electric stackers).
Crane stacking equipment has both advantages and disadvantages over floor stacking equipment, such as:
1) Benefits:
high storage height;
High storage capacity utilization
high performance;
possibility of complete automation.
2) Disadvantages:
higher cost;
links with stationary construction structures;
less maneuverability;
difficulty in transitioning from one aisle to another;
less speed (up to 160 m/min).
Selection of stacking equipment
The right selection of stacking equipment depends on: capacity, processing capacity and the main technical and economic indicators of the warehouse.
Considering the types and basic parameters of stacking equipment, it can be concluded that it is advisable to use crane equipment, rather than floor equipment.
Crane equipment includes bridge cranes and rack cranes-stackers.
Having analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of crane stackers, their technical capabilities (height of cargo lifting, speed of crane units movement, productivity, suitability for automation, lifting capacity, etc.), it can be concluded that it is economically feasible to use the SKSHP-1 rack-stacker crane for processing cargo in packages, having the following parameters:
- load capacity - 1000 kg;
- dimensions of cargo (pallet) a'b = 1200 '800 mm;
- lifting height of load Nst = 14.84 m, which is more than accepted height of racks equal to 8.4 m;
- passage width - 1000 mm;
- stacker length - 5750 mm;
- speed: - crane movement - 125 m/min;
- cargo lifting - 25 m/min;
- extension of grip - 8 m/min;
- control: automatic and manual from the cockpit.
Design and parameters of transport and storage containers, rack structures and stacking equipment are considered. Examples of selection and calculation of the required quantity of containers for storage of body parts and parts of the type of bodies of rotation, calculation of parameters of rack structures for storage of the selected container are given, stacking equipment for maintenance of the storage area is selected, storage parameters by length, width and height are determined, the overall layout of the warehouse with racks (front view and plan view) for the given example is given.
Reliable initial data are formed for designing a new automated warehouse of the machining workshop for processing parts for turning-turret machines of 1B140, 1I140 models for 2000 products per year.
Design and parameters of transport and storage containers, rack structures and stacking equipment are considered. The selection and calculations of the required quantity of containers for storage of body parts and parts of the type of bodies of revolution, calculations of parameters of rack structures for storage of the selected container were made, and stacking equipment for maintenance of the storage area was also selected.
The warehouse parameters are defined by length, width and height.
Graphic part of course work is also performed:
GAU structural layout;
warehouse lifting and transportation equipment;
floor or conveyor transport of the section;
shelving structures of the floor section of the warehouse;
transport and storage containers.
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