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Transport Organization Project


In the diploma project, the analysis of the existing organization of transportation and the use of the tractor fleet was carried out.

Project's Content

icon карта.cdw
icon карта2.cdw
icon разработка.cdw
icon разработка2.cdw
icon разработка3.cdw
icon разработка4.cdw
icon Рзработка.doc
icon Аннотация.cdw
icon Ведомость.cdw
icon Опись.cdw
icon Тема ДП.cdw
icon Янино2.cdw
icon ТЭП.cdw
icon Таблица.cdw
icon процесс.cdw
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon трак.контер..cdw
icon контейнеровоз.cdw
icon спецификация.cdw
icon схема.cdw
icon Показатели.cdw
icon сборка.cdw
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon деталировка.cdw
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon Анализ системы перевозок.doc
icon БЖД.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon ЗАПИСКА.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Организация перевозок.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Характеристика предприятия.doc
icon Экономика.doc

Additional information



1. Characteristics of the enterprise

1.1 Soil - geographical and climatic conditions

1.2 Analysis of business activities of the enterprise

2. Analysis of the existing transport management system

2.1 Rolling stock utilization indicators

2.2 Purpose and objectives of the diploma project

3. Organization of transportation

3.1 Definition of traffic volumes

3.2 Routes of transportation of goods of the enterprise

3.3 Justification of road transportation volumes in the farm

4. Container ship development

4.1 Purpose, manufacturing principle, loading method -

device unloading

4.2 Container ship strength calculation

4.3 Job Instructions for Attachment Pin Manufacturing


4.4 Construction of Transport and Process Diagram


5. Cost-effectiveness of the project

5.1 Cost-effectiveness of transport management

5.2 Calculation of cost-effectiveness of implementation

container carrier

6. Safety and ecology

6.1 Work Conditions and Safety Analysis

Agricultural Arteli (collective farm) "Yanino"

6.2 Emergency Safety

6.3 Ecology


List of used literature




Road transport is a type of transport that carries out the transportation of goods and passengers along rail-free tracks, using a wheel propeller.

This is the most mass mode of transport for transporting goods and passengers over short and medium distances. Its main area of ​ ​ activity is the transportation of goods of any cost over small and medium distances. The use of modern technologies such as container, expands the scope of road transport for the transportation of goods. It is also efficient to transport long distances in international traffic, which brings foreign exchange profits and speeds up the delivery of export and import goods.

Today, the organization of rational transportation is a very urgent issue. In any booming world, quality transport services cannot be dispensed with. Transportation can be carried out by many modes of transport - rail, sea, pipeline, air, river, but this diploma project will consider the delivery of goods by road in agriculture.

Cargo delivery is a concept that has recently become widespread to describe a wide range of operations performed after the manufacture of a product and before the receipt of it by the consumer. In agriculture, these operations include the delivery of products after their receipt, warehousing and storage, packaging, and transportation by transport. This also includes interfacing operations such as route selection, rolling stock, traffic schedules and vehicle maintenance. The purpose of such operations is to close the territorial gap between the consumer and the producer. They ensure reliable transportation of goods from the place of production to the places of consumption, their transportation in good condition to the places where they are required and when they are required. One of the obstacles to improving the operation of the transport system is the delay of goods at their loading, unloading and transshipment points, which is especially relevant for agriculture, since perishable goods are used in the transportation of agricultural products. Also, these losses sensitively affect the efficiency of production activities of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. This diploma project is carried out on the topic: "Organization of transportation to S.A. (collective farm)" Yanino "with the constructive development of a container ship.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise

The agricultural artel (collective farm) "Yanino" was registered in 24.06.1997 and organized by separating Vyborg from the existing AOZT. The bulk of the workers (300 shareholders) combined their property shares, and leased their lands to the Yanino collective farm to create a new enterprise in accordance with the current law of the Russian Federation "On Agricultural Cooperation," land legislation and the decision of the organizational meeting of the collective farm members. The agricultural artel (collective farm) "Yanino" is located in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region, 2.5 kilometers east of the border of St. Petersburg. The building of the board of the Sylkhoz artel "Yanino" is located directly in the village of Yanino - 1, there is also a machine - tractor farm of the artel and its vegetable storage. The granary is located 6 kilometers east of the village of Yanino - 1 in the village of Koltushi, in the same place - in Koltushi, there is a farm engaged in breeding young animals and fattening gobies. The second dairy farm is located in the village of Krasnaya Gorka, 6 miles north - east of Yanino - 1. The agricultural land of the Yanino Agricultural Artel is located in the immediate vicinity of the village of Yanino - 1, with a total radius of about 6-7 kilometers. Graphic images of the location of the Agricultural Artel (collective farm) "Yanino" and the roads used are shown in Figure 1 .

1.1 Soil - geographical and climatic conditions

The agricultural artel (collective farm) "Yanino" is located on the territory of the Prinevskaya lowland. The Prinevskaya lowland, being a special agricultural area, occupies a small, but most agricultural territory and extends from Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland and along the coast of the Neva Bay. It covers the territory of the Vsevolozhsk, Tosno, Gatchina and Lomonosov districts. Reduced relief, glacial and water-glacial deposits of sandy, sandy and loamy composition, combined with constant seasonal overwetting, contribute mainly to the development of soils of the podzolisto - marsh type, as well as sod - podzolic, gleated and podzolisto - gleevate soils, and in some cases peatland, illuminously - humid soils. At the elevations of the lowland, superficial - podzolic and turf-podzolic soils with a developed illuminating - glandular horizon are formed. Peat - marshy lowland and upper soils used for peat mining are widespread.

The excess of precipitation over evaporation in conditions of flat terrain and heavy soil-forming rocks led to the formation of excess - humidified soils.

Within the lands of the Yanino Agricultural Cartel, ternovo - podzolic, loam - sandy and peat - swampy soils prevail, moderately freezing with an average freezing depth of 50-80 cm.

Prinevskaya lowland - an area of ​ ​ intensive vegetable growing. Agricultural use of soils here is associated with their active drainage, fertilization and liming, which is certainly the most important modern factor in the transformation of the soil cover of this territory.

On the site of virgin lands that are not fertile in the past, human labor created fertile soils of the cultural type, which make up the main highly productive land fund of the region. Therefore, anthropogenic landscapes mainly prevail in this area, that is, those that have been modified with the help of man, in view of their adaptation to economic activities.

The territory of the state farm is located in a moderately warm agroclimatic district of the Leningrad region. Perennial climatic data are characterized by the following values:

- average annual air temperature equal to 3.6 degrees

- sum of positive temperatures above + 100 С per year equal to 16300 С

- hydrothermal coefficient equal to 1.5

- annual rainfall of 635 mm, including for a period with a temperature above + 100 С, 225-275 mm.

The climate is characterized by temperate - warm summers, the average monthly temperature of the warmest month (July) is + 16.90 С, long and unstable winters with frequent thaws, the average monthly temperature of the coldest month (February) is 80 С. The average height of the snow cover is 35-55 cm, the average date of formation of a stable snow cover is December 5, and its release is April 10. The average date of complete thawing of soils is April 26. The soft-plastic state of soils favorable for mechanized treatment occurs in early May. The main wind direction is southwest. In summer, the recurrence of northwesterly winds increases. High cloud cover is characteristic, about 30 cloudless days a year. Unfavorable phenomena are frosts, the average date of the last freezing on the soil is June 10, August 1-8.

Climatic conditions are characterized by an average level of heat supply, favorable for obtaining high yields of leading agricultural crops.

The effect of the above climatic conditions on agricultural work is as follows: due to the non-systematic spring warming over the long history of the enterprise, the dates for the start of sowing ranged from mid-April to the last days of May; harvesting was delayed until the end of November; due to night frosts at the beginning of June, the seedlings planted from greenhouses on open ground are very harmful; prolonged rains during the hay harvest lead to its lack, and as a result, the transition to other plant feed, the purchase of the missing volume from other enterprises of the region, a decrease in livestock; also rainy summers lead to low yields, as a result of overwetting of soils, and to rotting of root crops of agricultural plants.

2. Analysis of the existing transport management system

The auto-tractor park of the Agricultural Cartel (collective farm) "Yanino" has 29 cars, the tractor park - 32 tractors and about 45 agricultural machines to them. Cargo transportation is mainly carried out by GAZ cars - SAZ 3507, ZIL 450650, GAZ 33021. The volume transported on average per month is 1000 tons. The company in question does not have a clear, centralized structure for organizing the transportation of goods. The distribution of vehicles by shipper and consignee is as follows. If the heads of the workshops (transport workshop, crop production workshop, animal husbandry workshop) have a need for transport, then at the daily glider they submit an application to the head of the garage. The garage manager, in turn, distributes the transport according to the applications, and discharges the necessary amount of fuel for the transportation distance.

The nomenclature of cargoes, as well as the points of departure and reception of cargoes of the Agricultural Cartel, are associated with the direct activities of the enterprise. Daily, the company's cars carry the following cargoes: bedding material - wood sawdust, shipper - LENRAUMAEBEL CJSC, Stand LLC, consignee - Koltushi farms, Krasnaya Gorka; milk - shipper - Krasnaya Gorka farm, consignees - Petmol OJSC, Parnas industrial zone; manure, shipper - farm "Krasnaya Gorka," consignee - farmland of the enterprise; combined feed, shipper - Leningrad bread processing plant named after Kirov, consignee - farms "Koltushi," "Krasnaya Gorka"; shipper - warehouse of vegetables Agricultural cartel "Yanino," consignee - city market of Vsevolozhsk. The tractors of the enterprise are also engaged in the transportation of goods. The nomenclature of cargoes transported by them is mainly the products of the crop production workshop, side-by-side domestic cargoes, organic and mineral fertilizers. Cargo transportation routes do not go beyond the Agricultural Cartel.

The above-mentioned goods are everyday, in addition to their enterprise, they carry goods related to the production of vegetables. Their nomenclature is as follows: seeds for planting, carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, hay, green food, mineral fertilizers. The cargo turnover of these goods extends to the territory of the enterprise under consideration, all of them are transported mainly from warehouses to fields and back .

In addition to the listed, the nomenclature of goods of the enterprise includes by-products of domestic use, the share of which is negligible from the total cargo turnover.

2.2 Purpose and objectives of the diploma project

After analyzing the economic activities and the system of organizing the transportation of the Agricultural Arteli (collective farm) "Yanino," the following conclusion can be drawn .

The purpose of the diploma project is to increase the productivity of the exchange on the transportation of cargoes of the Agricultural Cartel (collective farm) "Yanino ."

To do this, you need to solve the following problems:

- determine the indicators of rolling stock use;

- Find optimal routes for the transport of goods ;

- determine the required composition of the vehicle tractor fleet;

- calculate technical and operational performance indicators of the motor tractor fleet;

3.2 Routes of transportation of goods of the enterprise

The transportation of cargo of the Yanino Agricultural Cartel is carried out in two types: domestic and external .

Domestic transportation of goods is used exclusively on roads connecting fields, warehouses and farms of the enterprise. This type of transportation is carried out by both road and tractor transport of the enterprise. It follows that intra-business routes are of the same type, including the following parameters:

route type - pendulum;

total driving distance - Ltol, from 5 to 20 km;

ride distance with cargo - Leg, from 2.5 to 10 km;

empty run distance - Lpor, from 2.5 to 10

mileage utilization factor -, 0.5;

External economic routes - routes between the facilities of the enterprise and the points of shippers and consignees located outside the territory of the enterprise. Transportation on foreign economic routes is carried out exclusively by road.

Consider as an example one of the external business routes separately:

Route: Avtogarazh - CJSC LENRAUMAEBEL - Koltushi farm. route type - pendulum; total driving distance - Ltol = 85 km; ride distance with cargo - Leg = 42 km; empty run distance - Lpor = 43 km; mileage utilization factor - = 0.49, I accept = 0.5;

Using the same method, we determine the remaining external economic routes. Then, according to the formulas below, we make the required calculations. The reasons for determining the calculation parameters of the organization of transportation are presented in annex 1.

Drawings content

icon карта.cdw


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icon деталировка.cdw


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