Transfer to individual heating of residential buildings located at Zaoksky district T/k Velegozh

- Added: 09.08.2014
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Additional information
Explanatory Note
1. General part
1.1. Basis for Project Development
1.2. Characteristics of the settlement
1.3. Object characteristic
1.4. Design Solutions
1.5. Main design solutions for gas supply
2. Gas supply
2.1. Internal gas equipment
2.2. Internal gas pipelines
2.3. Exhaust of combustion products
2.4. Testing of gas pipelines
3. Automation of safety and regulation
4. Organization of Gas Management Service
5. Industrial safety requirements for preparedness for actions to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents
6. Occupational safety and safety measures
7. Environmental protection
8. Applications:
8.1. Design Task
8.2. Check hydraulic calculation
capacity of the internal gas pipeline
35 apartment building No.
T/c "Velegozh"
8.3.Technical conditions for connection to gas distribution network No. 55 dated 03.02.2012. issued by the Branch of OJSC "Tulaoblgaz" - trust "Aleksinmezhraigaz"
Set of drawings:
Internal gas supply
06-12-GSV, l.1-
06-12-GSW.S, l.1-
Basis for Project Development
This project is developed on the basis of the design assignment, as well as in accordance with the specifications attached to this note and in accordance with the current regulatory documents in force in the territory of the Russian Federation:
- SP 411082004 "Apartment heat supply of residential buildings with
heat generators with gas fuel ";
- SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
- SNiP 42012002 "Gas distribution systems";
- PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution Systems and
gas consumption ";
- SP 421012003 "General Provisions for Design and Construction
gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes. "
- SP 421022003 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes"
- SNiP 21-01-97 * "Fire Safety Standards"
- SNiP II379 "Construction heat engineering"
- SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology"
1.2. Characteristics of the settlement.
Climatic area IIB with an estimated winter outside temperature of 27 ° C, with a standard wind speed of 23 kg/m2, with a standard snow cover weight of 100 kg/m2. The duration of the period with an average daily air temperature below 80C is 207 days. The average temperature of the heating period is 3 ° C. The depth of freezing of soils is 1.4 m. Wind direction - South V. The average monthly relative humidity of the coldest month is 83%.
1.3. Object characteristic
The project provides for the transfer to individual gas heating of 35 apartment building No. 2 T/c "Velegozh" Zaoksky district T.O .
For apartment heating systems, automated wall-mounted double-circuit boilers with gas fuel with sealed (closed) Vitopend100 W combustion chambers of Viessmann company with a capacity of 24.8 kW are provided.
The boiler is supplied complete with the parts of the flue ducts and air ducts, as well as with the installation and operation manual, in which the manufacturer sets out all the necessary safety measures .
1.4. Design Solutions
The arrangement of boilers, pipelines, flue ducts, air ducts and other engineering equipment shall ensure the safety of their operation, convenience of maintenance and repair.
The kitchen room, where gas equipment is to be installed, shall have natural lighting and continuous supply and supply ventilation with natural motive.
For air inflow in the kitchen premises, a gap between the door and the floor with a living section of at least 0.02 m2, as well as the presence of a window with a window, must be provided. Exhaust ventilation - existing. The ventilation channel is located in the wall, section Ø100, which provides a 3-fold air exchange in the room.
The kitchen room shall be not less than 2.2 m high, located at the outer wall of the residential building and have a window with a glazing area at a rate of not less than 0.03m2 per 1m3 of the room volume.
Wall boilers are located on walls made of non-combustible materials. No gas boiler shall be placed above the gas stove or kitchen wash.
Before the front of the boiler, it is necessary to provide a service area of at least 1.0 m.
1.5. Main design solutions for gas supply.
When deciding the gas supply system, the requirements for reliability and uninterrupted gas supply, and the cost-effectiveness of the construction were taken into account.
The project of internal gas supply of residential buildings was developed in accordance with the specifications of the Aleksinmezhraigaz trust No. 55 dated 03.02.2012.
Gas supply to residential buildings is intended for cooking, heating and hot water supply.
The project provides for the installation of gas heating boilers for the need of heating and hot water supply.
The selection of pipes and parts used in the design is made taking into account the climatic conditions of construction, the grade of pipes and parts manufactured by industry, the category of pipeline sections.
Diameters of gas pipelines are determined by hydraulic calculation.
The project provides for:
- connection of earlier installed gas apartments to the Ø57x3.5 gas pipeline; Rr≤1,8kPa laid along the facade of the house;
- dismantling of the existing struts of Du 20х2.8 and supplies of Du15kh2.5 to the gas-using equipment (PG4 plate);
- connection to the gas pipeline after the counter of Elster the BK G4 Du25kh3.2, Rr1.8kPa type;
- installation of Vitopend100 W wall boilers of Viessmann Company with a capacity of 24.8kW with a closed combustion chamber with a parallel LAS 80/80 combustion product removal system in the kitchen room;
- construction of gas supplies to boilers and gas plates.
The main fuel is odored natural gas according to GOST 554287.
2. Gas supply.
The project was developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas Distribution Systems, PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Consumption Systems," SP 421012003, SP 421032003 and "Rules for Acceptance into Operation of Gas Supply Systems Completed by Construction."
All works on construction and operation of gas pipelines shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for protection of gas distribution networks."
2.1. Internal gas equipment.
The project provides for:
- dismantling of the in-house gas pipeline laid on ladder marches of Ø57x3.5;
- connection of earlier installed gas apartments to the Ø57x3.5 gas pipeline; Rr≤1,8kPa laid along the facade of the house;
- dismantling of the existing struts of Du 20х2.8 and supplies of Du15kh2.5 to the gas-using equipment (PG4 plate);
- construction of internal gas pipelines: struts of Du32kh3.2;
- connection to the gas pipeline from struts after the counter of Elster the BK G4 Du25kh3.2, Rr1.8kPa type;
- construction of Du20x2.5 internal gas pipeline; Du15kh2.5;
- installation of D20 and D15 ball cranes at gas devices;
- installation of Vitopend100 W wall boilers of Viessmann Company with a capacity of 24.8kW with a closed combustion chamber with a parallel LAS 80/80 combustion product removal system in the kitchen room;
- connection of gas pipeline to wall boiler and plate by means of flexible supply of bellows of Du20 and Du15 type as per GOST 1576391.
2.2. Internal gas pipelines.
Diameters of gas pipelines are determined by hydraulic calculation. See annex 2 to the explanatory note "Check hydraulic calculation of the capacity of the internal gas pipeline of the 35th apartment building No. 2 T/k Velegozh."
Internal gas pipelines are designed from steel water gas pipelines in accordance with GOST by 326275 diameter of Du32kh3.2; Du25kh3.2; Du20kh2.5; Du15kh2.5.
Pipes shall be supplied in accordance with applicable standards and specifications, subject to the requirement of Section 4 of SNiP 42012002.
Assembly, welding and installation of gas pipelines shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 421012003, SNiP 421022004.
Gasket of gas pipelines is provided open with attachment to walls according to 5.90518.05 series .
Pipe connection is provided on welding as per GOST 1603780.
Gas pipelines become covered with PF115 enamel in two layers on primer GF021 in two layers.
Perform identification painting of gas pipelines as per GOST 1420269.
2.3. Exhaust of combustion products.
Combustion products from gas instruments shall be removed to chimneys meeting the requirements of SNiP 41012003, SNiP 42-01-2002, RTM 204 of RSFSR 3.3881 "Gas discharge channels for domestic gas apparatuses. Safety Requirements and Rules for Works and Repair of Furnaces, Chimneys and Gas Ducts. "
Combustion products are removed from wall boilers by a parallel combustion product removal system LAS 80/80, which is supplied complete with the boiler, and by add-on chimneys from elements of the MKD dn113mm and dn200mm chimneys system of MK Chimneys (Moscow).
2.4. Testing of gas pipelines.
Quality of butt welded joints shall be tested according to SNiP 42012002 standards by physical and mechanical methods. The number of joints selected for mechanical testing shall be 0.5 of the total number of joints welded by each welder during the construction of the object, but not less than two joints. External inspection - 100 joints made on this object.
External and internal gas pipelines completed by construction should be tested for air tightness. Clean the inside of the gas pipeline before testing. The pipeline shall be kept under test pressure for the time required to equalize the air temperature in the pipeline with the ground temperature prior to the start of the leak test.
Test pressure values:
- for internal gas pipelines of residential buildings with pressure up to 0.003 MPa:
pressure 0.01 MPa time 5 min.
Installation, testing and acceptance of gas pipelines for operation shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002, PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."
3.Automatics of safety and regulation.
1. The boiler is safe in operation, has several independent degrees of protection:
• emergency protection in the absence of thrust;
• emergency protection against water overheating in the boiler;
• emergency shutdown of gas supply in case of sudden gas shutdown.
Voltage 220V and 50Hz must be supplied to power the instruments and regulators.
Existing power supplies provide power requirements for automation units and no special power supply is required.
4. Organization of the gas economy service.
The organization operating gas pipelines is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated 21.07.97 No. 116FZ, other federal laws, legal acts and regulatory technical documents in the field of industrial safety, as well as:
1. Perform a set of measures, including a maintenance and repair system, ensuring the maintenance of the gas pipeline in the boiler room in a serviceable and safe state, comply with the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903;
2. To have (if necessary) contracts with organizations performing maintenance and repair of hazardous production facilities, in which the scope of maintenance and repair works should be determined, obligations in ensuring safe and reliable operation of hazardous production facilities are regulated;
3. Ensure technical diagnostics of the gas pipeline within the timeframe established by the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903;
Persons responsible for the safe operation of gas pipelines are appointed from among the managers and specialists who have passed the certification (verification of knowledge of industrial safety requirements, "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903 and other regulatory documents).
The responsibilities of the responsible person include the performance of production control over compliance with the requirements of accident-free and safe operation of gas pipelines, the implementation of plans for the repair of the gas pipeline and gas equipment, the verification of the correctness of maintenance of technical documentation during operation and repair, as well as the suspension of the operation of faulty gas pipelines and gas equipment and put into operation and not accepted in the established manner.
Persons responsible for the safe operation of gas pipelines have the right to communicate with the gas supply organization and organizations performing maintenance and repair work under the contract. As well as carry out technical supervision during reconstruction and technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities of gas consumption.
5. Industrial safety requirements for preparedness for actions to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents.
Before commissioning, a unified emergency dispatch service (ADS) with the city telephone "04" and round-the-clock work should be organized at the gas supply facility to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents.
In order to ensure readiness for actions to localize and eliminate the accident, the organization operating the gas pipeline is also obliged to:
• Plan and implement measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents;
• have reserves of financial resources and material resources for localization and elimination of the consequences of the accident;
• train employees in actions in case of accident or incident;
• Establish monitoring, alerting, communication and emergency support systems.
6. Health and safety measures
During the development of this project, in addition to the requirements of the construction standards and rules of the State Construction of Russia, the safety rules in the gas industry of the Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation and the provisions on the organization of work on labor protection were fulfilled.
During the operation of the gas farm, it is necessary to organize control over the serviceability of gas networks and gas equipment, tools and devices, as well as the presence of safety devices and individual means that ensure safe working conditions.
Operation of gas supply systems is not allowed, as well as performance of all kinds of other works, if further performance of works involves danger to life of the workers.
Workers involved in the maintenance and repair of the gas farm and the performance of gas hazardous works should be trained in safe working methods in the gas farm.
Workers must be provided with workwear, special. footwear, personal protective equipment and other benefits shall be provided to them in accordance with applicable regulations.
Work on health, safety, industrial sanitation and monitoring of compliance with labor laws should be entrusted to the safety engineer.
Employees who do not have a certificate are not allowed to service the gas farm.
7. Environmental protection
The use of natural gas as a fuel, compared with solid fuel, fuel oil and wood waste, allows you to significantly improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the adjacent area, by eliminating the content of ash, soot, dust, sulfur dioxide in the air basin and reducing the content of nitric oxide.
The main activity is ensuring the reliability and safety of gas pipelines and gas facilities.
In order to minimize the impact on the environment, all construction and installation works should be carried out exclusively within the drainage strip, subject to the requirements of SNiP III480 "Safety in construction."
Additional fire safety measures shall be applied in welding and open fire operations.
The main technical solutions adopted in this project exclude environmental pollution during normal operation of the gas pipeline. Environmental pollution is possible only in the event of an accident. To prevent an accident, the gas pipeline is subjected to tests in accordance with SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems." In order to prevent destruction, welding joints shall be monitored at welding points.
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