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Traction - dynamic calculation of UAZ-469 car

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Schedules, Shrus, Specifications, Calculations

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icon Спецификация 2.doc
icon Спецификация 2-1.doc
icon Спецификация 1.doc
icon Спецификация 1-1.doc

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Terms of Reference




1 Traction-dynamic calculation

1.1 Construction of HSX schedule

1.2. Plotting Power Balance

1.3. Plotting Power Ballance

1.4. Building a dynamic car passport

1.4.1 Construction of dynamic characteristic

1.4.2 Construction of car loading nomogram

1.4.3 Construction of slip check schedule

1.5 Plot vehicle accelerations and values inverse to acceleration

1.6 Plotting of time and acceleration path

1.7 Construction of the road braking schedule

2 Design part

2.1 Purpose of SRVS

2.2 Overview and analysis of SRUS structures

2.3 Calculation of SRUS



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Project Description

This course project is a training project. When calculating traction dynamic properties, the UAZ469 car was adopted as the base car. The course project consists of two parts. In the first part, traction-dynamic calculation of the car is performed, and in the second - an overview of the structures and calculation of the selected assembly.

The graphic part of the project consists of three sheets of A1 format: graphics of the traction dynamics of the car, an overview of the existing assembly structures assigned to the project and the assembly drawing of the designed assembly.

The main goal of the project is to deepen and consolidate knowledge of the course "Motor Vehicles," obtain skills in the calculation of the operational qualities of the PBX and skills in independently solving problems of design quality and nature related to the calculation of the units and parts of the PBX for strength, durability and wear.

The main tasks of the transport are to timely and full satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation, to increase the economic efficiency of its work.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to solve many problems, including: the introduction of advanced equipment, improving culture and production technology, and increasing the rate of renewal of rolling stock.


In its more than a century of history, the car has become a very complex technical product. Many of its units and units are brought to the limit of mechanical perfection and continue to develop already in a qualitatively new level, "riddled" with new control and control systems.

Not only the design that determines the operational quality, but also the production and recycling processes are being improved. That is, the entire life cycle of the car, affecting not only the consumer himself, but also the rest of society. I must say a steady trend towards a decrease in the economic impact of the car on humans and the environment has appeared relatively recently. Prior to this, for a long time, cars became heavier and more, consumed more fuel. At the same time, individual technical solutions aimed at reducing fuel consumption did not bring significant results, as they were overlapped with expenditure items. The situation has changed coherently relatively recently, but some environmental crises and the threat of a global environmental catastrophe have put the requirements for protecting the environment, saving fuel and other resources, in the production of a car, first.

The decrease in fuel consumption and as a result of gas content is due to the use of light and durable materials such as aluminum, titanium, as well as the use of antifriction coatings. Optimizing systems and compositions of ICE electronic control algorithms (fuel injection systems, etc.).

It should also be noted that long-term studies of alternative power units and fuels have not yet led to a radical change in power plants, according to experts, all the same gasoline and diesel engines will be improved in the near future.

Nevertheless, alternative tolls have prospects. For example, liquefied petroleum and compressed natural gas have good prospects, the reserves of which are very high. But at the same time, the gas has a disadvantage of low volumetric energy consumption.

Many also see the future for hybrid cars, the engine on which runs in the most optimal mode in terms of economy.

Aerodynamics plays a very important role in the automotive industry. To improve this indicator, more recent steps have been taken, new paint coatings, new designs and technical solutions have been applied.

New technologies are more complex and expensive, so their use in the design of the car is restrained primarily by the solvency of consumers. Nevertheless, they are constantly being introduced on the most expensive cars.


The analysis carried out and performed makes it possible to draw conclusions that the SRUS brings torque to the driving wheels as efficiently as possible. It performs the specified functions, keeping its performance within the required limits until a certain improvement is achieved. The unit provides reliable operation within the applied loads.

The knowledge gained in the course "Motor Vehicles" was deepened and consolidated, practical skills were acquired in calculating the operational qualities of the PBX and skills of independently solving engineering problems of a design nature related to the calculation of the PBX node.

Drawings content

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