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Town Hall Fire Alarm Project. Architectural monument


The object is a three-story with a basement and a tower, a separate capital structure.
The height of ceilings in protected rooms is up to 3.5 m, in the tower up to 17 m.

Project's Content

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Additional information

General part

The technical solutions adopted in the project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other applicable norms and rules, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided by the project.

The project was completed as prescribed by the state fire supervision of the Mogilev city department for emergency situations No. 283 of 13.09.2004

The following regulatory and technical documents were used in the development of the project:

SNB 1.03.0296 "Composition, procedure for development and approval of design documentation in construction";

SNB 2.02.0201 "Evacuation of people from buildings and structures in case of fire"

PUE "Electrical Installation Rules," sixth edition;

SNB 2.02.0504 "Fire automation";

NPB 152004 "Field of application of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing systems"

GOST 30331.395 (MEK.36444192) "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock. "

The initial design data was the approved design assignment and drawings submitted by the customer.

Description and characteristics of the object

The object is a three-story with a basement and a tower, a separate capital structure.

The height of ceilings in protected rooms is up to 3.5 m, in the tower up to 17 m..

The facility is located at: Mogilev.

Key Technical Solutions

Selection of automatic fire alarm system (AFS) hardware was made on the basis of analysis of structural and construction characteristics and purpose of premises, taking into account requirements of technical specification, regulatory and guidance documents, tactical and technical characteristics and equipment cost.

The fire alarm of the town hall is organized on the basis of the Berezina automatic fire alarm, the equipment of which is installed on the 1st floor in the guide room (room with permanent staff).

Fire alarm system (setting, removal, alarm release, etc.) is controlled by "Berezina UKP 10/18 PS" control and monitoring panel. System status information is displayed on LCD display of "Berezina UKP 10/18 PS" panel and on "Berezina UKA 12.5/1 PS" device.

The automatic fire alarm system outputs control signals for actuation of the warning system by means of contacts of the relay module RM 24 of the Berezina system. The project provides for the output of "Fire" and "Malfunction" signals to the EMERCOM panel. There are also contacts for turning off ventilation.

Fire alarm is made using automatic fire smoke optoelectronic detectors IP2125M and manual fire detectors IPR3SU.

According to SNB 2.02.0201, a fire warning system of the SO-3 type is provided at the facility. Signal placards of ASTO 12/1 with the inscription "Exit" are used as warning devices,

ACTO12/1-2 with the inscriptions "Exit/arrow to the Left", banners svetorechevy ACTO12P/1T with the inscription "Exit" and OP-1 annunciators. The warning system is controlled by Tango CP/BP2 device.

Equipment placement

During installation of fire alarm system elements, refer to references on drawings, certificates and technical descriptions for used equipment and materials.

The system equipment is installed in the guide office (place with permanent stay of personnel): devices "Berezina UKA 12.5/1 PS" 2pc, control panel "Berezina UKP 10/18 PS" and Tango warning set (Tango PU/BP2 and Tango MK2) at altitude of 0.8-1 .5 m. The distance between instruments shall be not less than 0.05m.

Manual fire detectors IPR3SU are installed on escape routes and staircases at an altitude of 1.5 m from the floor level. Place the installation of manual fire detectors with signs according to GOST 12.4.009 and GOST 12.4.026.

Fire alarm system detectors shall be installed in all rooms except for rooms of bathrooms and thermal plugs.

ASTO placards with "Exit" inscription are installed above evacuation exits at the altitude of 2.6m. OP-1 annunciators are installed according to the drawings at a height of 2.6m.

Electrical wiring

The fire alarm network is wired with KSPV 2x0.5 cable in the box along the walls and ceilings on 2 and 3 floors, in PVC pipe behind the suspended ceiling on the 1st floor and in the pipe on the stairwell and in the tower.

The light-and-sound indicators of the fire warning system are connected by PVA wire, the wire is branched through KO-4 boxes.

ATP components are combined via RS485 line by CMVEV cable.

The main power supply of the equipment is carried out by the IWG cable and is performed by the customer according to the Tasis UNPP task.

Power supply of equipment

The fire alarm unit is a category 1 consumer and requires two independent power supplies.

Operating input 220V, 50Hz is supplied to power supply of IRPA 124 BP from existing board through circuit breaker.

Backup power supply for devices of the Berezina system and devices of the Tango system is carried out from 12V batteries, 17a/h - 2 pcs. and provides operation of fire alarm and fire warning unit during 24 hours in standby mode and 3 hours in "alarm" mode for fire alarm, 1 hour for fire warning (installed in power supply of IRPA 124 BP).

Drawings content

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