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Tile and Curb Factory


Complete set of all necessary drawings and documentation for the thesis.

Project's Content

icon Титульник.doc
icon 7 Ферма.dwg
icon 12 Научно-исследовательский раздел.dwg
icon 6 План цеха.dwg
icon 7 Разрез цеха.dwg
icon 9 Проектирование строительных конструкций.dwg
icon 9-ый ватман.dwg
icon 9-ый из 12-ти.dwg
icon Штамп.dwg
icon 1 Номенклатура.dwg
icon 10 Автоматика.dwg
icon 2 Технологическая схема.dwg
icon 3 Организация производства.dwg
icon 4 Бетоносмеситель.dwg
icon 5 Теплотехника.dwg
icon 8 Генплан.dwg
icon 1 Обоснование строительства предприятия.doc
icon 2.1 Номенклатура изделий.doc
icon 2.2 Исходное сырье и полуфабрикаты.doc
icon 2.3 Проектирование составов сырьевых смесей.doc
icon 2.4 Технологическая схема изготовления продукции.doc
icon 3.1 Режим рабоы предприятия.doc
icon 3.2 Программа выпуска продукции.doc
icon 3.3 Проектирование складов.doc
icon 3.4 Менеджмент качества.doc
icon 3.4 Таблица 12 - Карта контроля.doc
icon 4 Механический раздел.doc
icon 4.1 Таблица 13 - Ведомость оборудования.doc
icon 4.2 Расчет роторного бетоносмесителя.doc
icon 5.1 Выбор и расчет потребности тепловых установок.doc
icon 5.2 Расчет напольной камеры.doc
icon 5.3 Потребность предприятия в энергетических ресурсах.doc
icon 6 Архитектурно- строительный раздел.doc
icon 7 Строительные конструкции.doc
icon 8 Автоматизация дозирования сырьевых материалов.doc
icon 9 БЖД.doc
icon 10 Инженерная защита окружающей среды.doc
icon 12 Повышение качества готовой продукции.doc
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon Задание.doc
icon Список литературы.doc

Additional information


Improvement of the territory of city squares, park zones, household plots began to pay more and more attention. The greatest interest in this area is manifested by the owners and builders of cottages, estates and country houses.

High-quality paving elements are increasingly conquering the consumer market. Demand for such products is constantly growing. Today, various paving materials are offered on this market: natural stone paving, semi-dry concrete paving, concrete tiles and paving made by vibration casting.

With the ability to combine various elements for paving paths, recreation grounds in their country plot with garden and ornamental plants, there was a need to create magnificent living corners in the garden around the house, carefully laid stone paths and platforms. The tracks perform a number of important functions: first, of course, they walk along the tracks - this convenience is difficult to overestimate, since in this case shoes do not get dirty, a person gets rid of blurred paths, dirt and clay; secondly, the paths are assigned the role of visual zoning and structuring the garden, especially if you use tiles - paving, decorative or natural stone.

It is known that the strength and frost resistance (durability) of the material from which this coating is made is of paramount importance for the road surface. Natural granite is a recognized leader among road materials for these indicators. Granite bridges are, first of all, strength (more than 90 MPa for compression) and durability. The only problem is how to provide material for such bridges with huge modern road construction needs and at the same time make it extremely affordable.

One of the ways to solve this problem was the creation of artificial stone - concrete paving stone. To date, various concrete paving elements are offered. Due to the low cost of products and the high productivity of lines, the semi-dry vibration pressing method took the leading place in the world in terms of production volume. At the same time, this method does not allow to ensure high (F500 or more) frost resistance of vibro-compressed concrete, which means that the issue of durability of road surfaces made of such a material has not been resolved.

The problem is the very basis of this method. The semi-dry concrete mixture, even subject to hyperpressurization, does not feature a dense structure. Concrete after hardening has a developed directed porosity, which leads to its increased water absorption and, as a result, to a decrease in frost resistance .

The second method is vibration casting technology. Due to the increased water-cement ratio (compared to semi-dry molding), it allows to achieve a better compaction of the concrete mixture by casting without pressing. But simultaneously with the increase in the water-cement ratio, the strength characteristics of concrete also decrease. On the other hand, excess mechanically bound water, which does not participate in cement hydration processes, creates additional directed porosity when concrete dries, which leads to increased water absorption of concrete, which in turn reduces its frost resistance and durability [52].

This diploma design has developed a plant for the production of high-quality road paving elements.

Environmental indicators

From year to year, the appearance of the city changes: streets are landscaped, new buildings appear. Since 2001, the district administration has been paying special attention to the improvement of Zhukovka. The central sidewalks are lined with modern paving tiles. Two fountains are decorated on Pochtovaya Street, where citizens like to relax. Asphalt pavement has been updated on the roadway of the streets. Residents are pleased with beautifully decorated flower beds and lawns.

Zhukovka took part in the competition "The most landscaped city of Russia in 2002" and entered the top ten cities in Russia. Following the results of the competition, she was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Gosstroy of Russia.

On the territory of the district there is a sanatorium "Zhukovsky," a children's tubsanatorium, a sanatorium orphanage for orphans and children left without parental care, in which 320 children are on state support, a boarding school, a boarding house for the elderly and disabled, children's health camps, tourist bases [3].

When designing an enterprise for the production of road paving elements, it is necessary to solve environmental safety and engineering environmental protection issues.

In order to address the main environmental problems, the following main provisions should be presented:

- location of the designed enterprise according to environmental characteristics .

The site for construction works shall be selected taking into account climatic characteristics and terrain, direct solar radiation and natural ventilation, as well as dispersion in the atmosphere of industrial emissions. The enterprise should not be located on the windward side for winds of predominant direction in relation to residential buildings;

- Prevention of air pollution.

Sanitary standards must be observed at the designed enterprise. It is recommended to use two ways of preventing air pollution from industrial emissions: the first - air cleaning directly at the plant using dust and gas purification plants, the second - the creation of such processes and technologies that maximized the creation of waste-free technologies;

- protection of natural water pollution.

During process design, it is necessary to create closed water cycles. Soil, snow and water contamination is unacceptable in the storage, transportation and use of materials, which will eventually lead to contamination of the water basin;

- Soil protection and land reclamation.

An important task is not only the preservation of agricultural land, but also the return of used land through its reclamation. Raw materials are obtained by developing natural deposits, transforming terrain is formed, the flow of groundwater is disturbed, their pollution occurs, dips and landslides occur.

It is recommended to use waste and secondary industrial products as much as possible instead of natural raw materials.

Very useful measures that reduce environmental damage determined by the formation of industrial waste are the improvement of production technology and strict observance of all technological parameters of production processes, maintaining industrial equipment in full serviceability, neutralizing the resulting waste, storing waste in special storage facilities that prevent the ingress of harmful substances into air and water environments.

Equipping industrial plants with appropriate effective treatment facilities is important and has now become a major requirement.

The most effective extraction from industrial waste of harmful substances that poison the atmosphere and the water basin, to obtain chemical useful products from them, is considered.

The most effective way to solve the problem of industrial waste is the creation and widespread use of waste-free technology. In the integrated use of raw materials, industrial wastes from some industries are raw materials for others. Waste disposal allows to solve the problems of environmental protection, to repeatedly reduce the accumulation of waste, to eliminate harmful emissions into the environment.

The involvement of industrial waste in the production of a useful product largely covers the need of a number of processing industries for raw materials and reduces the consumption of natural raw materials. The costs of the main production are reduced.

Landscaping of the industrial enterprise is aimed at reducing the impact of harmful emissions at the enterprise, improving the environment due to optimizing air temperature and humidity, protecting against winds, isolating certain groups of the most harmful workshops of the enterprise, creating an additional fire barrier, creating landscaped places for working recreation [11].

Automation of production processes

In this degree design, the object of automation is the process of dosing raw materials for the preparation of a concrete mixture.

Automation of dosing of raw materials for preparation of concrete mixture will make it possible to increase accuracy of dosing, as well as to ensure constant quality of concrete mixture at standard consumption of initial materials.

We will consider the main technological changes of the dosing compartment and automation devices, which provide monitoring of the dosing process of raw materials and control of this process.

Aggregates are supplied from storage via belt conveyors to receiving bins of concrete mixing compartment. The special distribution belt conveyor of the above-bunker compartment automatically distributes the aggregates to two receiving bins. Hopper filling level indicators monitor availability of materials required for concrete preparation. Filler dosing is performed according to sequential scheme using tape feeders and sector gates with electromagnetic drive. Dosing is performed on electronic scales with strain gauge. After weighing the aggregates, the dose is sent to the concrete mixer by means of a dispenser. If necessary, aggregate silos can be equipped with vibration breakers.

Cement is stored in four silos. Cement silo filling level indicators transmit information to automation system and operators for control of cement pneumatic transportation from warehouse. Cement dosing system is equipped with pneumatic feeders and vibration breakers. Screw feeder is used for cement dosing. Weighing of required cement doses is carried out using strain gauges.

Solution with additives is fed into concrete mixing plant via pipeline from additive preparation compartment. For solution dosing, an electronic flowmeter and an electromagnetic valve are used. After dosing, the solution enters the concrete mixer through the distribution pipeline.

After all the raw materials have been removed by weight and volume, the concrete mixer is incorporated and the mixing process [10] begins.

Description of functional and fundamentally electric

Raw Material Dosing Automation Diagrams

The dosing process of raw materials is automatic. For dosing sand and cement, weighing dispensers are used, for mortar with additives - flow meters.

Each supply bin is provided with a level sensor which provides a signal to the control panel "how much material is in each bin at the moment."

Now we will consider the process of automation of dosing of raw components, the functional and fundamentally electric diagram of which is presented on sheet 10 of A1 format. We will follow the work of these two schemes at the same time.

The initial state is taken as follows: electromagnetic vanes FEM1 and FEM2 and valve EM1 of the service hoppers are closed, the hoppers are filled with raw materials.

Power supply voltage is supplied to the electrical control circuit of the dosers, HL1 annunciator (green color) comes ON. Then press the button SB1, the electromagnetic starter K4 is actuated, as a result of which the opening contact K4.4 is closed, which serves as a shunt contact for the button SB1, and the opening contacts K4.1, K4.2 and K4.3 are also closed.

After the opening contacts are closed, electric current will flow through the solenoid valves of the gate VA1 and VA2 and the solenoid valves of the valves VA3, which will be in the position ensuring the discharge of raw materials, that is, the dosing of components; signal lamps HL2, HL3, HL4, warning about the operation of dispensers, come ON.

After the required quantity of feed components has been discharged from the service hoppers, the pressure sensors B1 and B2 and the flowmeter PM1 will send signals to the corresponding electromagnetic devices and the closing contacts K1.4, K2.4 and K3.4 of the sensors open. EM1 and EM2 electromagnetic vanes and EM1 electromagnetic valve will return to the initial position, all closing contacts are closed, all opening contacts will open, HL2 annunciator will go OFF, the dosing process will end.

Buttons SB3, SB4 and SB5 are used for dosing raw materials "manually."

Button SB2 is used for emergency opening of circuit "manually."

FU1 and FU2 fuses are used for emergency circuit opening (automatic), for example in case of short circuit.

Selection of control, alarm and protection equipment

When selecting control equipment, consider the following requirements:

- nominal currents of the protection device should be selected as low as possible, but considering that the protection equipment does not disconnect the circuit during short-term overloads;

- control equipment must withstand the starting current of the electric receiver without damage and disconnect the operating current;

- the protection equipment shall correspond to short-circuit currents at the beginning of the protected area by its disconnecting capacity;

- disconnection of the protected electric receiver or circuit section shall be performed with the least time.

8.2.1 Control buttons

Control buttons are used for remote control of electric devices, as well as for switching of various electric circuits. We select control buttons of KU1221 type, single-button.

8.2.2 Command equipment

The command equipment is designed to control magnetic stations or magnetic controllers. We choose KA2117 series controller as the voltage of 220 V and current 4 A.

8.2.3 Magnetic starter

The magnetic starter is used to start and stop the command equipment. Since the current intensity in the 16 A circuit selects a magnetic starter of the PME211 type without a thermal relay with a nominal current of 25 A and a voltage of 380 V.

8.2.4 Fuses

Fuses are designed for networks and individual electrical receivers from short circuit. If the current in the circuit to be protected exceeds a certain value, the fusible insert melts, causing the circuit to break. Since the voltage in the 220 V circuit, the current intensity is 16 A, we select a fuse of type PR2 with a voltage of up to 500V, with a nominal current of 60 A.

8.2.5 Alarm equipment

The alarm equipment is designed to inform personnel about the state and progress of the process, as well as about the changes taking place in them. In this case, we select a light alarm. For 220 V voltage, we select a lamp of LS53 type with a power of 22 W, with an additional resistance of 2300 Ohm [1].

Drawings content

icon 7 Ферма.dwg

icon 12 Научно-исследовательский раздел.dwg

icon 6 План цеха.dwg

icon 7 Разрез цеха.dwg

icon 9 Проектирование строительных конструкций.dwg

icon 9-ый ватман.dwg

icon 9-ый из 12-ти.dwg

icon Штамп.dwg

icon 1 Номенклатура.dwg

icon 10 Автоматика.dwg

icon 2 Технологическая схема.dwg

icon 3 Организация производства.dwg

icon 4 Бетоносмеситель.dwg

icon 5 Теплотехника.dwg

icon 8 Генплан.dwg

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