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Thermal power plant heating area operation mode

  • Added: 22.04.2012
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Complete set of drawings and abstracts for thesis.

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1 Optimization of the mode of operation of the main heating networks of the heat supply zone of CHPP-3 in Khabarovsk

1.1 Technical characteristics of heat supply in the central part of Khabarovsk

1.1.1 Initial data Calculation of heating and domestic temperature range

1.1.2 General characteristic

1.1.3 Hydraulic mode

1.1.4 Possible solutions

1.2 Feasibility Study

1.2.1 Variant A

1.2.2 Variant B

1.2.3 Variant C

1.2.4 Conclusions

1.3 Proposed Design Solution

1.3.1 Summary of heat loads of consumers

1.3.2 Description of network diagram

1.4 Hydraulic calculation and its results

1.4.1 Hydraulic calculation for existing position

1.4.2 Piezometric schedules and justification of PNS construction

1.4.3 PNS

1.5 Selection and calculation of heat network structures on the heat network section under construction

2 Special section

3 Automation

3.1 APL automation

3.2 Use of SPT-961heatsink in heat and coolant metering units

4 Technology and organization of construction and installation works

5 Economics


List of literature

Replacement of existing heating line diameters

To ensure a normal hydraulic situation in the city center, it is possible to replace the existing heating line of a smaller diameter with a larger one. The narrowest link in this system is the heating line between nodes No. 393 to node No. 613. From junction No. 393 to junction No. 613, the heating line dy = 500 mm passes along Saratov-Khabarovskaya Street and Dezhnev Street. Replacing this site with dy = 800 mm will increase the flow of network water to the central area of ​ ​ the city. The available head of heat consumers will also increase.

However, this option cannot be implemented because the area where this section of the heating line passes is densely built and does not meet the requirements set out in Annex Table No. 3/2/.

Jumping between nodes 613 and 394,17

The construction of an additional heating line (hereinafter referred to as a jumper) Dy = 800 mm and a long 2.9 km will increase the capacity to the city center, partially relieving the load from junction No. 393 to junction No. 909 and redistributing the flow to jumper and TM No. 199. In addition, it is necessary to replace the pipeline section from unit No. 612 to unit No. 613. At the same time, the available pressure on the unit No. 909 from the side of the jumper will be 25 m, and from the side of TM No. 199 18 m.

Considering high pressure in return pipeline P2 = 0.36 MPa (3.6 kgf/cm2). It is proposed to perform a lowering pump station with a pressure reduction of 20 m, installing it in unit No. 199. At that the minimum pressure drop at unit No. 909 was Rsp = 0.35 MPa (3.5 kgf/cm2), and the maximum pressure in the return pipeline P2 = 0.12 (1.2 kgf/cm2). The jumper is made with a diameter of 800 mm.

Since some capacity margin appears with the laying of this jumper, the load on KimYuChen Street starting from junction No. 621.7 to junction No. 612 can be switched to the heat supply zone of TM No. 31, the head at junction No. 621.07 will be 22m, the plot of the located head is presented on the sheet. As a result, the load on TM No. 32 will decrease and the available pressure at node No. 621.7 will be 30 m., which will allow to increase the load on the promising connection to TM No. 32 by 30 Gcal/h.

At the same time, the additional capacity of the thermal network increased by 1000 t/h along the TM heating line No. 31 and the jumper to the central part of the city, see the piezometric graph No..... Pressure differences, non-crushing and non-crushing conditions in this mode satisfy the dependent (elevator) circuit of heat consumers connection for actual connected thermal energy consumers. Rr = 3.3 kgfs/cm2.

Further development and connection of prospective construction will depend on the chosen scheme of connection of heat consumption systems. When choosing an independent circuit for connecting heat consumers and observing the temperature schedule, the additional pass can reach 3000 t/h, while the minimum pressure drop will be 0.5 kgf/cm2.

FTA Installation Recommendations

the counter is mounted only on the horizontal section of the pipeline with an upward roll;

installation is performed in such a way that the meter is always filled with water;

when installing the counter after taps, shut-off valves, adapters, filters and other devices directly in front of the meter, it is necessary to provide a direct section of pipelines with a length of at least 5D, and beyond the counter - at least 10, where D is the diameter of the conditional passage. A straight section of the pipe in front of the counter with Dy = 15· 40 mm is not required if the counter is mounted with a set of special-design connectors supplied by the manufacturer that stabilize the flow of water;

the meter must be positioned so that the direction indicated by the arrow on the meter body coincides with the direction of water flow in the pipeline;

before installation of the meter, the pipeline must be washed to remove contaminants and foreign bodies from it;

remove blankings at inlet and outlet branch pipes of the counter only immediately before installation;

connection of the meter to the pipeline must be tight, without crossings, so that there are no leaks at a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2);

connection of the counter to the pipeline with a larger or smaller diameter than the diameter of the conditional passage of the counter is carried out using adapters installed outside the area of ​ ​ rectilinear sections;

in case of repair or replacement of the counter before the direct site to the counter and after the direct section of the pipeline after the counter, shutoff valves (gates, latches, valves) and also descents and ki for depletion of the disconnected site which are mounted out of a zone of direct sites are established.

If the installation conditions are violated, an additional meter error appears.

Device Setup

Setting the device for specific application conditions is reduced to entering into it the values ​ ​ of parameters (database), which describe, in accordance with some rules adopted here, the heat supply scheme and sensor equipment for each pipeline. The entered database is stored in the electrically programmable part of the device memory (flash memory). That is, the database becomes an integral part of the device and is stored not only when the device is de-energized, but also when the backup power element located on the device board fails.

It is recommended that you make the basic database entry using a computer using the software supplied with the device. In the absence of a computer, as well as when adjusting the database directly on the metering node, you can use the keyboard and device display.

Computer input software is self-documented. Naturally, the database can be displayed on the instrument display at any time. The values of the database parameters, as a rule, cannot be changed during the operation of the device, but some tuning parameters, so-called operational, can be changed during the operation of the thermal calculator.

Operation of the metering unit

1) The consumer thermal energy metering unit shall be operated in accordance with the technical documentation.

2) The responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the consumer accounting unit is borne by an official appointed by the head of the organization in whose responsibility this accounting unit is maintained.

3) Maintenance of the metering unit related to dismantling, verification, installation and repair of equipment shall be carried out by personnel of specialized organizations licensed by Glavgosenergonadzor for the right to perform such work.

4) The head of the organization, in charge of which the consumer's thermal energy metering unit is located, should, at the first request of the representatives of the energy supply organization and the State Energy Supervision Agency, provide them with unhindered access to the thermal energy metering unit.

5) Readings of devices of the consumer metering unit are recorded in logs every day, at the same time. Time of beginning of readings records of devices of metering unit in the log is recorded by Certificate of admission of metering unit for operation. Records of readings of devices recording coolant parameters are attached to the log.

6) Within the period specified by the Agreement, the consumer is obliged to submit to the power supply organization a copy of the heat energy and coolant registers, as well as records of the readings of devices recording the coolant parameters. In case of refusal to receive a copy of the record book and records of readings of devices used to calculate with the consumer for the received heat energy and heat carrier, the power supply organization shall notify the consumer in writing within 3 days about the reasons for the refusal with reference to the relevant paragraphs/10/.

7) Violation of the operating requirements set forth in the technical documentation listed in/10/is equivalent to failure of the consumer's thermal energy metering unit. The time of failure of the metering unit is recorded by the corresponding entry in the log with immediate (not more than a day) notification of this to the power supply organization and is drawn up by the Protocol, the Consumer Representative is obliged to inform the power supply organization about the readings of the metering unit devices at the time of their failure.

8) In case of failure of metering devices, with the help of which the amount of thermal energy and mass are determined (volume) of coolant, as well as instruments recording parameters of coolant, keeping records of thermal energy and mass (volume) of the coolant and recording of its parameters (for a total period of not more than 15 days within a year from the moment of acceptance of the metering unit for commercial calculation) shall be performed on the basis of readings of these devices taken for 3 days prior to the failure with correction for the actual ambient air temperature for the recalculation period.

9) In case of untimely notification by the consumer about violation of the mode and conditions of operation of the metering unit and about its failure, the metering unit is considered to have failed since its last check by the power supply organization. In this case, quantity of heat energy, mass (volume) of heat carrier and values of its parameters are determined by power supply organization on the basis of design heat loads specified in the Contract and readings of instruments of heat source metering unit.

10) Thermal energy metering unit shall be considered as failed in the following cases:

unauthorized interference in its operation;

violations of seals on the equipment of the metering unit, electrical communication lines;

mechanical damage of instruments and components of the metering unit;

the operation of any of them beyond the accuracy standards set out in section/10/;

tie-ins to pipelines not provided for in the design of the metering unit.

11) After the expiry of the State verification of at least one of the devices of the heat energy and coolant metering unit, the readings of the devices of this metering unit are not taken into account in mutual calculations between the power supply organization and the consumer. The metering unit is considered to have failed as per para 9.9 ./10/.

12) Upon restoration of operability of the consumer heat energy and coolant metering unit, its admission to operation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section 7/10/, on which the Act is drawn up.

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