Технологический процесс изготовления зубчатого колеса
- Added: 22.02.2022
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Разработка технологического процесса механической обработки детали Зубчатое колесо»
Годовая программа выпуска | 4900 штук |
Рассчитать припуски на обработку поверхности | Ø80H7 |
Рассчитать режимы резания и выполнить нормирование для операций
Спроектировать контрольно-измерительное приспособление | точение, сверления, шлифование.
ПР: Разработать механизированное станочное приспособление для установки и закрепления заготовки при обработке отверстия
Сверл 3 отв.Ø6 |
Project's Content
Additional information
Table of contents
1.Preparation for Mechanical Process Design
part machining
1.1 Service purpose and part design
1.2 Part Constructability Analysis
1.3 Definition of type and organizational form of production
1.4. Select Procurement Method
2. Machining Process Design
2.1Selection of process bases and justification of process selection
2.2 Calculation and assignment of machining allowances
2.3. Calculation of cutting modes
2.4 Technical rationing of process operations
3. Instrumentation Design
3.1 Instrumentation Design
3.2 Design and operating principle of instrumentation
4. Machine Tool Design
4.1 Selection of drive type and calculation of its parameters
4.2 Check calculation of accessory elements
4.4 Calculation of the accessory for accuracy
4.3 Economic justification for the use of a special device
List of literature
Part Constructability Analysis
The main problems solved in the analysis of the processability of the part design are reduced by the possible reduction of labor intensity and metal consumption, the possibility of processing the part with high-performance methods. Thus, improving the processability of the part design allows to reduce the cost of its production without compromising the service purpose.
A fairly low technological element is a toothed rim, which takes more time to process. The toothed rim can be machined on a toothshield, with the required degree of accuracy being achieved, and gearing or gearing is required to achieve roughness of the dividing Ø Ra 1.25.
Processing of Ø80H7 requires double turning and grinding.
For the treatment of holes Ø6, a large drill run and at the same time it is possible to remove it.
In general, having studied the design of the part, it can be considered non-technological.
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