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Technology and mechanization of works on the construction of the roadbed


Road construction works can be mechanized, complex-mechanized and automated.

Mechanized work includes work in the production of which one of the main, most labor-intensive processes is mechanized (carried out by machines).

Complex-mechanized works include works in the production of which all the processes included in their composition are performed by progressive methods with the help of rationally selected machines, with their mutual linking in productivity and other important technical, economic and operational indicators.

With complex mechanization, manual labor can be allowed only on certain small auxiliary processes, where its use does not reduce the productivity of a set of machines and does not violate the overall pace of the production process, for example, pick-up work during loading and unloading and earthworks, stripping the bodies of vehicles during their unloading, elimination of flaws in the operation of asphalt paving and concrete paving machines and other auxiliary works.


Project's Content

icon Контрольная работа №1.docx
icon Skhema_RGR_2_Vlad.cdw
icon введение.docx
icon Skhema_dvizhenia_RGR_1_Vlad.cdw
icon KMDS_RGR1_Vlad_1.docx

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icon Контрольная работа №1.docx

icon Skhema_RGR_2_Vlad.cdw


icon введение.docx

icon Skhema_dvizhenia_RGR_1_Vlad.cdw


icon KMDS_RGR1_Vlad_1.docx

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