Technologists of assembly and welding of PSV-300-14-23 network water heater
- Added: 03.06.2021
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In the diploma project, we are developing the technology for assembling and welding the housing of the PSV-300-14-23 network water heater. The body is a responsible and sufficiently metal-intensive part with a relatively high volume and labor input for procurement and welding. The improvement of the welding process based on design welding modes and the development of mechanized technological equipment should save energy, material and financial resources, especially in conditions of high demand for this type of product.
Project's Content
1_Сборочный чертеж ПСВ.cdw
МК Форма 2а 4.frw
4_схема сборки и сварки_511.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 11.frw
МК Форма 2а 2.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 7.frw
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КЭ Форма 7а 13.frw
9_трактор 5.cdw
МК Форма 2а 3.frw
10 _план участка.cdw
МК Форма 2а 1.frw
МК Форма 2а 6.frw
МК Форма 2а 5.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 10.frw
7_Контроль качества.cdw
Additional information
1. Process Section
1.1. To Assign a Design
1.2. Operating conditions
1.3. Construction Description
1.4. Welded Structure Material
1.5. Vessel strength check calculation
1.5.1. Strength calculation of chamber walls
1.6. Calculation of welding modes
1.6.1. Justification and calculation of automatic modes
welding under flux
1.6.2 Calculation of manual arc welding modes
1.7.Technical rationing
1.8.Quality control
2. Design Section
2.1. Engineering of process equipment
2.2. Description of welding equipment
2.3. Development of assembly and welding shop plan
3. Organizational and Economic Division
3.1. Calculation of techno-economic efficiency
3.2. Analysis of weldable methods
3.3. Economic evaluation of compared welding methods
4. Process Safety
4.1.Safety of pressure vessel welding process
automatic welding under flux layer
4.2. Analysis of possible hazardous and harmful factors
4.3. Engineering Solution Development
List of literature
Appendix A
Appendix B
Welding is one of the leading technological processes in mechanical engineering. Metals of any thickness can be welded. The strength of welded joints in most cases is not inferior to the strength of the base metal. According to the type of energy introduced into the product, all welding processes can be divided into three groups (GOST 1952174): thermal, thermomechanical and mechanical. Thermal processes combine all methods of melting welding.
Electric arc welding of metals was created by the outstanding Russian inventor Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos (18421905) in 1882. In his invention, N.N. Benardos used the idea laid down in the works of the Russian physicist Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov (17611834), who in 1802 discovered the phenomenon of an electric arc and pointed to the possibility of its use for metal melting. N.N. Benardos focused on the development of a method of welding with a non-consumable electrode. Such welding is called welding according to the Benardos method. The essence of the method was that current was passed between the welded article and the carbon rod (electrode) from the accumulator battery and an electric arc arose. The arc melted the edges to be welded, and additional metal in the form of a rod was introduced into the arc and, melting in it, filled the gap .
Further development of arc welding is associated with its mechanization . Already in
In the early 20s. in various countries, special mechanisms of automatic welding and surfacing were created. A new stage in the development of automatic arc welding began in the late 30s, when, under the leadership of E.O. Paton, automatic welding under a flux layer was developed in its modern form. The initial idea of welding under flux was proposed by N.G. Slavyanov, but as any idea that overtakes its time, it did not receive recognition and development during the life of the inventor.
In the late 40s. received industrial use of the method of arc welding in protective gases. The idea of using gases to protect the welding zone was put forward by N.N. Benardos, and was first carried out by the American scientist Alexander in 1928. However, in those years this welding method did not receive industrial use due to the difficulty of producing protective gas.
An outstanding achievement of welding technology was the development at the IES named after E.O. Paton in collaboration with a number of industrial enterprises in 1949 of a fundamentally new type of welding, called electric slag welding. The use of electric slag welding has introduced fundamental changes in the technology of producing drums, boilers, heavy presses, shafts of large hydraulic turbines and other large-sized products.
A great contribution to the development of the scientific foundations of melting welding technology was made by Soviet and Russian scientists of the Baton Institute of Electric Welding, Moscow State Technical University (MVTU) named after N.N. Bauman, IMET named after A.A. Baykova, USTU (UPI), Leningrad School of Welders and other technical countries. [1].
Currently, a large number of shell and tube apparatuses are used in power and heat supply, which are a sealed body (pressure vessel), inside which various devices are located (pipe systems for heat exchangers, filter screen units, moisture separators, etc.).
Project objective: To develop the technology of assembly and welding of mains water heater housing PSV3001423 using modern welding equipment and technological equipment. Improvement of process properties of welded joints is assumed on the basis of reasonable (calculated) selection of welding modes and process equipment.
Process Section
1.1. To Assign a Design
The Heaters of Network Water (HNW) are established in the scheme of heat supply and are intended for heating of network water on thermal power plants by steam from selections of turbines, and in heating and production and heating boiler houses - the ferry of coppers of low pressure the Case of the heater consists of the cylindrical feedwell, the elliptic bottom and the flange for connection with a pipe system. In the upper part of the shell of the housing there is a steam supply branch pipe, and below there are: a condensate supply branch pipe, an air suction branch pipe, couplings for connecting a level indicator, as well as a branch pipe for connecting a level regulator sensor. Steam condensate outlet branch pipe and level regulator branch pipe are installed in bottom.
1.2. Operating conditions
Mains water heaters are installed at thermal power plants, in heating and heating boiler houses on special supports and are bolted to them. The arrangement of control valves, piping connections and electronic condensate level control devices shall be in accordance with the company drawings. The preheater shall be operated at parameters not exceeding the specification specified in the data sheet of the preheater certificate. Operating conditions are regulated by the "Rules for technical operation of electric stations and networks," the Rules of Gosgortekhnadzor and the operating manual of the manufacturer.
1_Сборочный чертеж ПСВ.cdw
МК Форма 2а 4.frw
4_схема сборки и сварки_511.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 11.frw
МК Форма 2а 2.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 7.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 8.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 13.frw
9_трактор 5.cdw
МК Форма 2а 3.frw
10 _план участка.cdw
МК Форма 2а 1.frw
МК Форма 2а 6.frw
МК Форма 2а 5.frw
КЭ Форма 7а 10.frw
7_Контроль качества.cdw
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