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Tape Feeder Drive

  • Added: 10.06.2015
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In this course design, the tape feeder drive was calculated to supply ground to the supports. Drive consists of electric motor, V-belt transmission, cylindrical single-stage reduction gear, coupling transmitting torque to shaft of feeder drive drum. Reduction gear box and engine are attached to frame secured to building foundation. The graphic part is two sheets of A1 format with an image of a drive and a cylindrical reduction gear box on them; two sheets of A3 format with the image of the parts of the gear wheel and low-speed shaft installed in the reduction gear box; millimetre of A3 format with image of sketched design of gearbox shafts and design diagrams on it. According to calculations, a drive with specified technical characteristics was designed. Technical requirements are given for operation of the drive.

Project's Content

icon ДМ ПЗ.doc
icon спец.doc
icon Вал №2.cdw
icon Колесо.cdw
icon Привод ленточного питателя готов.cdw
icon Спец Привода.spw
icon Привод ленточного питателя готов.jpg
icon Спец Привода(1).jpg
icon Спец Привода(2).jpg
icon Редуктор готовый.cdw

Additional information




In this course design, the tape feeder drive was calculated to supply ground to the supports.

Drive consists of electric motor, V-belt transmission, cylindrical single-stage reduction gear, coupling transmitting torque to shaft of feeder drive drum. Reduction gear box and engine are attached to frame secured to building foundation.

The graphic part is two sheets of A1 format with an image of a drive and a cylindrical reduction gear box on them; two sheets of A3 format with the image of the parts of the gear wheel and low-speed shaft installed in the reduction gear box on them; millimetre of A3 format with image of sketched design of gearbox shafts and design diagrams on it.

According to calculations, a drive with specified technical characteristics was designed. Technical requirements are given for operation of the drive.

Literature used

1. Anuryev V.I. Handbook of Structural Builders, M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1978-1980, T.1-723s., T.2-559s., T.3-557s.

2. Dunaev P.F. Design of machine units and parts, M.: Ed. Center "Academy," 2004 - 496s.

3. Dunaev P.F., Lelikov O.P. Machine details. Course design, M.: Vysh. shk., 1984-336s.

4. Ivanov M.N. Machine details, M.: Vysh. sq., 2001-383s.

5. L.V. Kurmaz, A.T. Skoibeda Machine Details. Mn.: UP "Technoprint," 2001 290s.

6. Methodological guidelines for practical exercises in the discipline "Machine Details and Design Basics," Calculation of cylindrical gears, compilers: d.t.n., prof. A.A. Tarasenko, Ph.D., associate professor A.P. Shkolenko, Ph.D., associate professor K.V. Syzrantseva, assistant N.R. Karipova, Tyumen, 2004-31s.

7. Sheinblit A.E. Course design of machine parts, M.: KolosS, 2004 - 351s.

Drawings content

icon Вал №2.cdw

Вал №2.cdw

icon Колесо.cdw


icon Привод ленточного питателя готов.cdw

Привод ленточного питателя готов.cdw

icon Спец Привода.spw

Спец Привода.spw

icon Редуктор готовый.cdw

Редуктор готовый.cdw