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Tablets – a base for localization and elimination of accidents of external gas pipelines with ground structures

  • Added: 29.04.2022
  • Size: 341 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Tablets are the basis for the localization and elimination of accidents of external gas pipelines with ground structures. M1:2000 and M1:500.

Contents of the application for the smell of gas in the apartment

Gas is used as a cheap and practical fuel. Leakage is dangerous because the gas is not only a toxic substance, it can burn and cause an explosion in a closed room. Pure propane does not have a smell, so in order to recognize the danger in time, add a special fragrance to it.  

Four important "no's" when operating or leaking gas in an apartment

1. Do not repair gas appliances and pipes by yourself, the tools may cause a spark

2. Do not tie clotheslines to gas pipes or use them as grounding

3. Do not leave unattended working gas appliances

Project's Content

icon Запах газа в квартире.docx
icon Планшет местности.docx
icon Планшет местности.dwg

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Drawings content

icon Запах газа в квартире.docx

icon Планшет местности.docx

icon Планшет местности.dwg

Планшет местности.dwg

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