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Sulphuric acid workshop. Construction district - Perm - AR, TOSP


Course draft explanatory note, drawings: general view with arrangement of equipment, construction plan, OSP...

Project's Content

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icon календарь v 8.cdw
icon записка (Восстановлен).doc
icon Калькуляция.doc
icon лист 1.cdw
icon лист 2-3.cdw
icon стр.констр.cdw
icon ТОСП.doc
icon Фундамент 2.doc
icon стройгенплан v8.cdw

Additional information

1. Architectural and structural part

1.1. Characteristics of the designed building

Sulphuric acid workshop. The construction area is the city of Perm. The nominal dimensions of the building are 18x72 m. The building is one-story, single-span, heated, frame material is reinforced concrete. The pitch of the columns of the extreme row is 6 m. The binding of the columns of the extreme row of the workshop is zero. The pitch of the columns of the extreme row of the adjacent building is 6 m. The binding of the columns of the adjacent building is central. The roof is rolled from glass isole. The drainage is internal organized. The ground of the base is sandy loam with a yield index of > 0, the ground water level is 4 m. Wall fences are three-layer wall panels.

1.2 Plot Plan

1.2.1 Description of the General Plan

The design of the General Plan is carried out on the basis of SNiPA II - 89-80 "General Plan of Industrial Enterprises. Design Standards. " All buildings on the general plan are located taking into account sanitary and fire safety standards. Sanitary gaps between buildings 12m.

Roads and sidewalks are decided in accordance with the accepted type of external and intra-factory transport, depending on the weight and dimensions of the transported goods, on the range of transportation.

Roads with paved asphalt concrete along the underlying layer of crushed stone with a width of 8m for double-sided traffic. The radius of rounding of roads is 15 m with the movement of single cars. The road network is solved by a ring system. The distance from the edge of the road to the wall of the building is 15 m.

Pedestrian paths - sidewalks 2 m wide, arranged along the roads.

Landscaping along roads, sidewalks, between workshops. The area of ​ ​ landscaping is 20% of the entire territory of the enterprise. The width of the strips of green spaces is 2 m with single-row planting of trees. The distance between the trees during ordinary planting is 5 m.

1.3 Characteristics of accepted structures

1.3.1 Foundations

The foundations for reinforced concrete columns are columnar with a cup-type sub-column. Cup for installation of column is arranged in upper part of sub-column. The cup is 150mm above, 100mm lower than the size of the column. This provides easy installation and better alignment of the column. The depth of the cup is taken 100mm more than the part of the column brought into the cup. Design position of column bottom is fixed with layer of sand, gaps between cup walls and column surface are filled with concrete on fine gravel. Under the foundations, preparation devices are provided in the form of a layer of concrete of class B5 with a thickness of 100mm.

Foundation slabs are reinforced along bottom of bottom with welded grids. Sub-columns are reinforced with two vertical nets located on short sides of its cross-section, and within the limits of the height of the cup also by horizontal welded nets.

The foundation is made of concrete of class B15. Hot rolled steel of class A- II is used for working reinforcement

1.3.2 Foundation beams

The nominal length of the beams is 6m. Beams are designed to receive loads from self-supporting walls. Reinforced concrete foundation beams have a T-section. Beams adjacent to the ends of the building are shortened by 500 mm.

There are no foundation beams in the gate installation places. Beams are installed on special concrete columns. The top of the beams is 30 mm lower than the mark of the clean floor.

Waterproofing of walls consisting of two layers of rolled waterproof material on mastic is arranged on foundation beams. In order to avoid deformation of beams due to bundling of soils from below and from sides of beams, slag filling is provided. Beams are made of concrete of class B15.

1.3.3 Columns

Columns of constant cross section (conless) with a height of 6 m. The adjacent multi-storey building uses extreme single-console columns and medium two-console columns with a height of 10.8 m.

Columns of extreme rows - rectangular constant in height section. Columns are made of concrete of class B15. The main working reinforcement is a rod made of hot-rolled steel of the periodic profile of class A-III. Embedded parts: M1 - for an opiraniye and fastening of a design of a covering; M2 - for attachment of self-supporting walls; M3 - support tables for curtain walls; M4 - through tubes for a column separation at production; M5 - for raising of columns at installation.

Reinforced concrete columns with a height of 6.6 m. Section 0.3 * 0, 3m

Columns of fachverks are installed in the elders of the building with zero reference.

1.3.4 Farms

Reinforced concrete rafter trusses with a span of 18 m. Between lower and upper belts of trusses there is a system of posts. Grating of trusses is provided so that floor slabs with width of 3 m rest on trusses in units of posts. Rolling trusses have a slope of 12%.

Trusses are made of concrete of B25 class. Lower belt is made prestressed and reinforced with bundles of high-strength wire. To strengthen the upper belt, braces and struts, steel frames made of hot-rolled steel of a periodic profile are used.

Trusses are attached to columns by bolts and welding of embedded parts. Embedded parts are provided in trusses: sheet M15, to which sheets M16 are welded, which serve to attach molds to columns and substructures; M21 - for fastening of plates of a covering; M22 - for fastening of wall panels.

1.3.5 Wall fences

Three-layer wall panels with a thickness of 400 mm are adopted as walls, according to the thermal engineering calculation.

Three-layer reinforced concrete panels consist of external and internal layers of reinforced concrete with thickness of 50, 100 mm and insulation layer between them from mineral wool slab with density of 200 kg/m3. The connection of reinforced concrete layers is provided by steel bonds protected by a zinc layer.

By static operation, walls are self-supporting and hinged.

Panels located above window openings are installed on supporting steel columns. Thickness of horizontal seams between panels is taken - 15 mm, vertical - 20 mm. Horizontal seams and vertical seams between panels are filled with elastic materials.

1.3.6 Coating plates

The building is covered with reinforced concrete ribbed slabs measuring 6 * 3m. The extreme row of slabs located along the perimeter of the building is attached to rafters at four corners, the rest at three.

The plate has two longitudinal ribs with a height of 300 mm. Transverse stiffeners with a height of 150 mm are located along the length after 1 m with a width of 3 m. All edges on the surface are united by a solid flooring with a thickness of 30 mm. Slabs are made of concrete of B30 class, reinforced with rod stressed reinforcement in the form of frames and grids, which are located in ribs and in slab flooring.

1.3.7 Windows

Steel window panels 6 * 1, 8m. Steel panels consist of a frame with opening flaps. The glazing of the panels is double. They are bolted to carcass columns at four points. Panels of lower row are installed on layer of cement sand mortar .

Glass in bindings is edged with rubber profile and fixed with staple from corners. Leaflets are glued with elastic gaskets.

Installed window panels are fixed to columns of frame, and gaps between walls are filled with gaskets made of hermetic material.

1.3.8 Gates and doors

The gate is designed for the entry into the building of vehicles, technological equipment and evacuations of workers. To pass people in the gate arrange wickets. Outside the building in front of the gate there are ramps with a slope of 1:10. To avoid large heat losses of heated buildings, the gates are equipped with thermal curtains, which are automatically switched on when opened.

Swing gates measuring 3.6 * 3.6 - for passing road transport.

The gate frame (struts and girder) is made of steel rectangular pipes with a section of 200 * 140 * 4 mm, struts - from single pipes, girders - from double pipes. Crossbar with height of 480mm is filled with fibrolite, and on the outside it is sheathed with protective steel sheet.

Support sheets are soldered to the frame posts from below, with the help of which the frame is installed on its own concrete foundation and fixed to the bottom with anchors.

The portal webs consist of a frame, insulation and double-sided skin. The frame is a grid of steel pipes, the grid cells are filled with plated glass fillets, steel with insulation. Plating of chopped boards with thickness of 25mm in one layer. To increase stiffness of web, metal linings are installed in corners and places of abutment of means, and diagonal rods made of round steel are installed against sagging. The gate canvas is hung on the frame using two pairs of hinges.

To avoid blowing along the contour of the second frame, a slit made of strip steel is welded to the frame, and the slots between the webs and under them are closed with flexible aprons made of rubber.

Steel doors: box from corner 75 * 5mm, steel cloth 2mm thick; 2350mm high; shirinoy710mm.

When installing gates and doors in panel walls, the space between the gate frame posts and adjacent panels is filled with brickwork. At the same time, the gate frame protrudes beyond the face surface of the masonry by 25mm.

Reinforced concrete banding beam is installed in the top above the gate frame, along the top of which a brickwork belt fills the space between the beam and the turn-over wall panel.

1.3.13 Construction materials

Reinforced concrete is a building material in which solidified concrete and steel reinforcement are connected in a single whole, together with those working in the structure.

Concrete is an artificial stone material obtained as a result of hardening of a rationally selected, thoroughly mixed and compacted mixture of mineral binder, water, aggregates and special additives. Cement sand mortar is an artificial stone material obtained as a result of solidification of cement, water and sand and various additives.

Glass is called a hard, brittle, isotropic, transparent material obtained from supercooled liquid silicate melts.

Gravel - a loose cluster of rolled fragments of initial rocks measuring from 70 to 5 mm.

Cast iron is an iron-carbon alloy with a carbon content of 2-4.3%.

Steel is a forged iron-carbon alloy with a carbon content of up to 2%.

Sand is a loose granular rock formed as a result of natural destruction of rocks, grain size - 0.145 mm.

Ruberoid is a roll material made of cardboard that is impregnated with oil roofing bitumen.

Bitumen mastic is a uniform mass consisting of oil bitumen, fillers and additives.

Mineral wool is a fibrous heat-insulating material obtained from silicate melts.

Asphalt concrete is an artificial material obtained as a result of compaction of a mixture consisting of bitumen, mineral powder, sand and coarse aggregate - crushed stone or gravel.

Drawings content

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