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Course design "Steel frame of industrial building" with drawings and calculations

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Course project. Calculation of the frame of an industrial building. Explanatory note + 2 of drawing A1.

Project's Content

icon май металл new111.docx
icon металлоконструкции а1.dwg

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Job for Course Project

General Data

1. Structural Framing Layout

1.1 Compounding of columns

1.2 Cross Frame Assembly

1.2.1 Vertical dimensions

1.2.2 Horizontal dimensions

1.3 Framing linkage

2. Thermal calculation

3. Calculation of the cross frame of the frame

3.1 Calculation of loads acting on the frame

3.2 Permanent loads

3.3 Snow load

3.4 Wind load

3.5 Vertical crane load

3.6 Horizontal crane load

4. Static Frame Calculation

4.1 Calculation for permanent loads

4.2 Snow Load Calculation

4.3 Calculation of vertical load from bridge cranes

4.4 Calculation of horizontal load from bridge cranes

4.5 Wind Load Calculation

5. Calculation of industrial building column

5.1 Determination of calculated rack lengths

5.2. Column Top Calculation

5.3 Column Bottom Calculation and Design

5.4 Calculation of crane branch

5.5 Calculation of external (tent) branch

5.6 Calculation of column grid braces

5.7. Calculation of Top-Bottom Column Blend

5.8. Column Base Calculation and Design

5.9 Calculation of anchor bolts

6. Calculation and Design of Rafter Truss

6.1 Design loads

6.2 Selection of cross-section of truss rods

6.3. Calculation of welds to attach braces and struts to truss belts

6.4. To Calculate a Truss Top Girdle Blend with a Column

6.5. To Calculate a Truss Lower Girdle Blend with a Column

7. Calculating and Designing a Tuning Truss

8. Calculation and Design of Fachwerk

List of literature

Drawings content

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