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Sports stadium

  • Added: 13.04.2021
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Sports stadium



concept and planning of various activities

provision of events in various areas of the market, including:


entertainment activities of the show

concerts (rock, pop, classical music, concerts of local importance, charts)

of the body and radio events

fairs congresses

general meetings

Business Event (Presentations)

political events (party congress)


ensuring cooperation in the organization of events

Concept of developing own activities (including periodic activities)

calculation of the cost of measures

negotiation of draft contracts for concluding contracts

project management and monitoring

ticketing, marketing and sales activities

management of activities and implementation

risk management insurance measures

control of organization of control measures

follow-up control

concept, planning and implementation of the grand opening

Ticket sales and payment

Defining System Related Queries

approval of ticket sales and organization of payment system

layout of spectator seats

equipment systems

start-up sales


monitoring planning and construction under

supervision of the operator's company

organization of layouts according to

with requirements of activities, operations

and organizational structures (e.g.

location of rooms)

Control Management:

fire safety standards

monitoring of visitors "events


room layout equipment furniture,

instruments and equipment

consulting systems:

equipment for events

media equipment

communications information technology

stands stage seat floor flooring

transportation and hydraulic lifts

other equipment

requirements for equipment of special zones,

for example:

space behind the scene

Action Sites Directly

Human Flow Control Indicator System (Crowd Control)

ticket sales at the box office


arena control concept (locations)

participation in and documentation of meetings on construction and organization

integration and control of special

consultants (experts) and regulators

Stadium FC Krasnodar


Develop and implement a marketing integration concept

concept for successful implementation of strategic orientation and image positioning

Development and implementation:

service package concept (including tax definition)

club concept (VIP)

registration of a legal entity

principles of partnership and sponsorship

advertising multimedia signage

Internet and media

events and events

of a periodic nature

Market research

Continuous monitoring and analysis of all related markets, including:

at the regional level

market events leisure market

other areas



concept, planning and control of marketing and implementation activities

development of marketing documents (branding, service package)

organization of marketing and trading enterprises (media, urban marketing, tourism, hotels, local governments, etc.)

design of market-relevant products (e.g. packaging)


concept of all services

"make or buy" - analysis (analysis of the need for outsourcing)

Harmonization and preparation of treaties

organization of a full service profile


catering suppliers

merchandising (concession contract)

organization of amenities, service enterprises

service agreement

energy supply

waste disposal

Media and Marketing

event services (team)


other services (including cleaning, snow clearing)

first aid doctors


fire brigade

negotiations with authorized entities

integration and control of special consultants (experts) and regulators

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