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Sports complex with a football field

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Diploma project of a sports complex with a football field

Project's Content

icon 9 СтройГенПлан.dwg
icon 1,2,3 ВП+РК+АС.docx
icon 0 Содержание.docx
icon Титульник.doc
icon 3 Крестовый свод.dwg
icon 5 Фасад 2.dwg
icon 5 Фасад 3.dwg
icon 6 БЖД.docx
icon 6 План.dwg
icon 11 ТК.dwg
icon 7 Разрезы.dwg
icon 7 ООС.docx
icon 10 КП подогнал.dwg
icon 8 Список лит-ры.docx
icon 1 Сплошная арка.dwg
icon 5 Фасад 1.dwg
icon 4 ТЭС.dwg
icon 2 Сквозная арка.dwg
icon 8 ГенПлан.dwg
icon 01 Введение.docx

Additional information




1. Variant Design

1.1. Space planning solutions

1.2. Analysis of possible design options

1.3. Variant I. Three-ball solid-section magnetic-glued arches

1.4. Variant II. Through-section three-ball arches

1.5. Variant III. Crusade vault of three-ball arches

2. Design section

2.1. Design Input

2.2. Calculation of roofing enclosures and structural structures

2.3. Calculation of the through three-ball arch

2.4. Arch Node Calculation and Design

3. Architectural and construction section

3.1. Characteristics of the territory and construction area

3.2. Plot Plan-Justification, TEP

3.3. Space planning solutions

3.4. Design Solutions

3.5. Calculation of foundation depth

3.6. Engineering Communications

3.7. Special protection of structures

4. Construction production technology

4.1. Elections of CMR methods

4.2. Selection of installation cranes

4.3. Job Instruction for Coating Device

5. Organization of construction production

5.1. Nomenclature and scope of construction and installation works

5.2. Construction Plot Plan Calculation

5.3. Job Instruction for Coating Device

6. Health and Safety

7. Ecology and conservation activities



The development of physical education and sports is an indicator of the stability and sustainable development of modern society. A prerequisite for physical education of the younger generation and successful training of athletes of various levels is the creation of educational and training bases, on the level and quality of which, in turn, the results shown by athletes at competitions depend.

Today, many sports disciplines are actively developing, for which it is necessary to expand the functional base both in quantitative and qualitative respects. Such disciplines include football among other sports.

Weather conditions allow residents of the northwestern region of Russia to use stadiums only a limited number of days a year.

The solution is the construction of indoor structures that protect athletes from adverse atmospheric effects.

In this work, I will propose the concept of an indoor football arena over a full-size football field for city children's sports schools and football clubs, the construction area of ​ ​ which was chosen by Tomsk on the basis of the Tomsk Voskhod stadium at DSYUSH No. 17, due to the fact that it is planned to build an indoor stadium on the basis of this stadium by 2015. In addition, I found on the website of the company "PKF wooden structures" a preliminary design of an indoor arena made of a double circular-woven vault, made for the city of Tomsk, in connection with which I decided to develop this project and compare the values ​ ​ I received with the found project.

This project is designed in accordance with modern standards and meets all safety requirements. This project as a whole can serve as a preliminary project (prototype) for creating a real sports facility for development in the city of Tomsk.

Variant Design

1.1. Input for Variant Design

The indoor arena contains a football field for training and auxiliary rooms. Snow construction area - IV. The building by the degree of responsibility belongs to class II (αn = 1.0 [10]). Temperature and humidity conditions 1. All prefabricated structures. Covering enclosing structures - profiled flooring.

The span of the building is 66 m, the length of the frame part of the building is 120 m, the height in sports rooms is at least 8 m to the bottom of the supporting structures.

The designed building is unheated.

1.2. Wireframe Variants

As a comparison, consider 4 views of the building frame:

1) Three-globular magnetic-glued arches of continuous cross-section;

2) Three-ball bent-glued arches of through section;

3) The cross vault with dimensions in plan 66x30m;

4) Circular-woven vault with jambs from the LVL bar;

The fourth version of the frame in the form of a single-layer circular-woven arch made of glued jambs is not displayed in the explanatory note, since during its calculation the presence of large forces in the junction units of the jambs was revealed, due to which the wood did not pass crush strength checks from bolts and oncoming jambs. This task overly complicated the project, so the further development of this option had to be abandoned.

Architectural - Building Section

3.1 Characteristics of the construction area and area

The theme of the diploma project is a training sports complex located in the Leninsky district of Tomsk, Tomsk region.

Characteristics of the construction area:

construction district: Tomsk, Tomsk region;

average temperature and duration of the period with average daily air temperature less than + 8 wasps - tht = 8.4 wasps; Zht = 236 days;

outside air temperature:

the coldest five-day period - minus 46 ° С;

coldest days - minus 26 ° С;

design snow load: S = 240 kg/m2;

high-speed standard wind head for the III district - 0.38 kPa;

direction of prevailing winds:

in the summer - southern;

in winter - southern;

predominant soils: loam;

groundwater level: 2.5 m;

the terrain is calm with a slight slope;

3.4 Structural solution

The constructive solution is based on a complex linkage with its volumetric-planning and architectural-artistic solution.

Structural structures

The load-bearing structures of the building are designed from wood of grades 1, 2. The design scheme of the building is a frame scheme in the form of an arch. Structurally, the strength and stability of the building is ensured by the joint work of the arches and the connections between them. Frame arch spacing: 10 m.


The foundation is designed in accordance with the data on geotechnical surveys at the site. Groundwater is at a depth of 2.5 m. As a result of the analysis for the developed building, a monolithic reinforced concrete slab was adopted as the foundation. Foundation laying depth is 2.0 m.


Through-section wooden arches are made of grade 1 wood. They consist of elements of upper and lower belts and braces connecting them. Sections of arch elements: belts made of paired gnutopelated arches 140 x 650 mm, braces made of LVL bars - 72x450mm long 2.5m.

Enclosing structures

The building coating is made of metal shaped sheet with anti-condensate coating made of synthetic felt.


The design of the floor depends on the purpose of the room: ceramic tiles, planks made of piece parquet, linoleum, artificial lawn.


The project provides for the installation of spectator stands in 560 seats. We accept typical stationary stands with plastic seats and load-bearing structures from a metal tubular frame

3.6. Engineering Communications

3.6.1. Water supply

The project provides a centralized water supply to the facility to meet the following water needs:



Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing is 10.4 l/s.

The minimum free head at the water supply is: for economic and production needs - 25 m; in case of fire - 34 m.

3.6.2. Drainage and sewage

Drained wastewater - rain.

Rainwater flow rate accepted - 8.2 m3/day.

Waste water removal is provided in existing outdoor networks.

Internal sewage and drainage networks are not provided.

3.6.3. Ventilation

The ventilation system of the hall and auxiliary rooms is plenum with mechanical and natural motivation.

Supply air is supplied to the lower zone of the rooms, air is removed from the upper zone.

3.6.4. Power supply

Power supply of the building is provided by cable entries from the existing external networks with a voltage of 380/220 V.

The installed power of all electric receivers is 331 kW, calculated at 247.6 kW.

3.6.5. Communication and Signaling

The project provides for fire and security alarms.

3.7. Special protection of structures

In order to meet the requirements imposed by fire standards and preserve the natural texture of wood, the project provides for subjecting all structures made of glued wood to surface treatment with fire-retardant and biologically resistant compositions developed by the laboratory of durability of wooden structures TsNIISK named after V. A. Kucherenko and the Center for Certification and Testing "Fire Resistance - TsNIISK." The preparations are compatible with resorcinol and phenol resorcinol adhesives. All other lumber is intended to be impregnated with a solution of phenol alcohol in accordance with the technology proposed by the Belarusian Institute of Technology named after S. M. Kirov.

To prevent decay of wooden structures, ventilation and condensate removal measures are used, and waterproofing and structural protection measures are arranged in places of contact with concrete.

The side surfaces of the foundation, touching the ground, are painted with hot bitumen in 2 times over cold bitumen cutting.

Under all foundations, gravel preparation with a thickness of 100 mm was designed with watering with bitumen to form a crust.

All internal and external steel structures are painted with AL177 paint for 2 times by cutting with varnish for 1 time.

Ecology and Environmental Protection

7.1 Description of basic parameters of the designed object

The indoor football stadium being developed in the diploma project is located in Tomsk, Tomsk Region.

All types of engineering equipment are provided in the complex.

The designed complex is a new construction on this plot of land and represents a single-volume one-story building.

The complex is designed for training in football; the main structures are through-section wooden arches.

There are no major highways at a distance of the nearest 2 km, existing roads are in good condition.

During construction, materials are used: wood, concrete, steel, glass; All of these materials have certificates of compliance, including environmental.

The volume of seized resources: absent (before the construction, there was a wasteland on the indicated site, the soil of which will remain after backfilling, will go to the layout of the territory).

The complex design is represented by the following elements:

External end walls are made in the form of glazed stained glass windows.

Partitions - groove-shaped gypsum boards.

Coating - LVL bars, profiled steel flooring.

Bearing structures above the full-size football field are represented by through arches with curvilinear gnutolecked belts and 66m span connecting them with braces, with a pitch of 10m.

Foundation - reinforced concrete prestressed slab.

The location and orientation of the designed complex are determined taking into account the location of the adjacent buildings and the established transport links. The main facade of the designed complex is oriented north.

7.2 Assessment of the existing state of the territory and the geological environment.

Geotechnical characterization:

The investigated site is geologolithologically characterized by the spread of cover clay soils here, represented by an overloading thickness of mainly loam from light to heavy, with a total capacity of up to 1015 m.

As a rule, in this thickness of loam in the range of 810 m and 9.512.0 m there are layers of sandy loam.

The thickness of the cover loam is underlain by clays of the Fedosov retinue of inferior Quaternary age.

The main types of soils within the site and base of the structure: solid loam; yellowtail loam, refractory, rarely semi-solid; yellowtail coric soup, hard, plastic, rarely flowing; yellowtail loam, brown, dark-brown, black at the bottom of the layer with layers of dark-brown, hard, with a lens of fluid sandy loam.

Depth of ground freezing as per SP 22.13330.2011. "Foundations of buildings and structures. Updated edition "in Tomsk is 220 cm.

According to the results of radiation and environmental studies and in accordance with MGSN 2.0297, radioactive contamination was not detected within the construction site.

7.3 Characteristics of vegetation and fauna.

The presence and species of woody, shrub, herbaceous vegetation: pine, cedar, birch, aspen, willow, poplar, cherry, rosehips, sedge, etc.

Part of the green spaces within the construction site shall be transplanted and cut down.

There is no animal world on the site.

7.6 Landscaping and landscaping of the territory.

Projects of vertical planning of sites are developed simultaneously with the master plan of horizontal planning of the city; they form an integral part of the project at all stages of its development .

In case of vertical site layout it is necessary to:

- ensure the removal of surface water from the city;

- it is most economical to place soil obtained during excavation from pits, trenches, foundations and underground engineering structures;

- determine the conditions for the design of streets and railways in the intended directions, depending on the features of the natural terrain;

- establish the high-altitude position of the road network and ensure the removal of surface water from the streets to natural talvegs or to a closed network of drains;

- link the topography with the technological scheme of the enterprise associated with it above-ground and underground structures.

During landscaping and landscaping, it is necessary to take into account the current minimum distances from construction facilities to green spaces (Table 7.8 of MGSE 1.0198) and the high density of engineering communications in the territory.

All the above factors allow, after the completion of construction and installation work, to create a system of green spaces with a large number of tree individuals on the territory of the training complex. The main attention in landscaping and landscaping should be paid to vertical landscaping and the creation of lawns as sinks of harmful atmospheric impurities. Surface napping will also prevent secondary dusting and erosion processes.

Upon completion of construction, it is necessary to restore the footpaths, frame them with a decorative fence and plant shrubs along it in a hedge, as well as reconstruct and trace the current planting of trees and shrubs in the suburban areas in accordance with MGSN 1.0198.

The species composition of planted trees and shrubs can be determined only after clarifying the hydrological regime of soils, mechanical composition, the degree of humusiness of the surface layer and other influencing indicators. At the same time, all tree and bush species should be characterized by a high intensity of absorption of nitrogen-containing gaseous toxicants and a higher absorption capacity of nitrogen oxides.

In places where lawn surfaces are formed and trees and shrubs are planted, a fertile layer of soils with an increased content of humus should be created. To ensure the most favorable conditions for soil formation after reclamation, it is necessary that the substrate has a medium-carbon granulometric composition and at least 3% humus.

The capacity of the fertile layer should not be less than 15 cm in the areas discharged to the lawns. Mechanical haymaking should also be provided, followed by removal of the green mass. In order to create first-class parterre lawns, it is necessary to insect soils with a capacity of at least 40 cm. When planting trees, organic fertilizers (peat, compost, sapropel) must be added to pits 0.81.2 m deep. The formation of soil and soil strata of the upper 50 cm should correspond to the normative characteristics of the fertility of urban soils.

The construction site of the Training Complex was chosen in the conditions of existing development, and located on the leeward side. Existing wide highways are blown by wind, which ensures the exchange of air and the absence of stagnant air.

Parking places of cars are taken to the main highways, which will ensure a decrease in gas content in the area of ​ ​ people. When analyzing the emissions of harmful substances by cars into the atmosphere, it turned out that additional dispersion of harmful substances into the atmosphere is not required.

Planting trees and shrubs between the highway and the complex under construction, designed in the improvement of the territory, as well as on the territory of the complex, lead to the protection of buildings from the noise of vehicles. Green spaces lead to an improvement in the gas composition of air.

If there is construction work, a 40 cm thick vegetation layer is collected and exported at a distance of 1 km. Soil during the development of the pit for construction is exported for the vertical layout of the complex under construction, as well as to the storage site for backfilling the sinuses.

The water supply of the complex is provided from the city network of artesian water supply with a full cycle of purification and decontamination.

Household and faecal waters are discharged through citywide sewage networks to treatment facilities, where they undergo a full treatment cycle.

The main structures of the complex are designed from natural environmentally friendly materials (reinforced concrete structures, wooden structures, glazed tiles, glass, steel structures).

Drawings content

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