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Multi-storey framed building design with characteristics


Source Data

Material Characteristics:

For C30/37 class concrete (Table P1 [1]):

• standard concrete resistance - fck = 30MPa.

• design strength of concrete at???? s = 1.5 fd = QUOTE = QUOTE = 20 MPa.

Project's Content

icon zapiska.doc
icon chertyozh.dwg

Additional information


1. Calculation and design of reinforced concrete ribbed slab

1.1 Initial data

1.2 Plate Shelf Calculation

1.3 Calculation of the transverse edge

1.4 Calculation of longitudinal edge

1.5 Calculation of strength of inclined sections

1.6 Check of panel by deflections

1.7 Calculation of panel for crack opening

1.8 Checking the panel for mounting loads

2. Calculation of prefabricated multi-span girder

2.1 Determination of design span of girder

2.2 Determination of load on the girder

2.3 Construction of bending moment symbols

2.4 Calculation of strength of normal sections

2.5 Calculation of cross-bar reinforcement

2.6 Construction of an epure of materials and determination of points of breakage of girder reinforcement

3. First Floor Column Calculation

3.1 Determination of loads

3.2 Column Strength Calculation

3.3 Calculation of longitudinal reinforcement of the first floor column

3.4 Calculation of column console

3.5 Column console reinforcement

4. Calculation of extra-centered loaded foundation

4.1 Design Input

4.2 Sizing of foundation foot and selection of reinforcement

List of literature used

Drawings content

icon chertyozh.dwg