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Solid fuel boiler room. Sections EXPERTS, OB, BK, TM, HBK, CU, KM, POS, GP,

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Removal of the electric boiler house from the building of the rural house of culture with the installation of a block-modular boiler house on local fuels.


 Fuel. According to the design assignment, we take firewood with a calorific value of 2440 kcal/kg as design fuel (at humidity of 40%).

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Project Content

Volume 1: Explanatory Note Vol. 2: Part of TM, VK, NVK, OG, NPP, KM, GP

Volume 3: Power Supply

Volume 4: ATM

Volume 5: Estimates

Volume 6: PIC

Explanatory Note

General part

The project "Removal of the electric boiler house from the building of the rural house of culture with the installation of a block-modular boiler house on local types of fuel in the village of Zyabrovka." Was developed on the basis of the design task and measurement drawings. The approved architectural part of the construction project is developed on the basis of:

a. decisions of the Gomel district executive committee No. 326 of 17.03.2008;

b. Design tasks;

c. Architecturally planning task No. 888 of 26.04.2008

d. Sanitary assignment of the Gomel District Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology No. 0305/380 of 17.04.2008;

e. Environmental conditions for design No. 145 of 16.05.2008;

f. Specification No. 08/7014 dated 08.04.2008 issued by the Gomel district electric networks;

g. Conclusions of the state fire supervision No. 50

The boiler room is designed for heat supply of the KFOR heating system. Design minimum ambient air temperature is 24С, average temperature for heating period is 1.6 С.

The building class is 2.

Degree of fire resistance - IV.

Explosion and fire safety category - B1.

Design winter air temperature 24 С.

Firewood is used as design fuel.

Air for fuel combustion is taken from the boiler room.

The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other applicable norms and rules and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.

Source Data

Fuel. According to the design assignment, we take firewood with a calorific value of 2440 kcal/kg as design fuel (at humidity of 40%).

Boilers. Steel hot water boilers KV80, manufactured by OJSC Gomelagroenergoservice, were accepted for installation. According to the manufacturer's data, the calorific value of the boiler during operation on firewood is 0.068 Gcal/h.

Source water. Used water shall meet the requirements of GOST 287482 "Drinking water" and additional requirements:

a) iron content is not more than 0.08 mg/l.

b) carbonate stiffness is not more than 2 MHEC/l.

Heat carrier. The boiler house generates hot water with parameters of 9570 С for heating needs.

The main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler room is located at elev. + 0.000 of the boiler room.

Heat supply system. Closed 2 pipe.

Design thermal loads. Heat loads are calculated in Part 11 of this Explanatory Note

• Maximum hourly heat consumption - 0.125Gcal/h.

• Annual consumption - 304.57 MW.

Key Technical Solutions

In the boiler room at el. 0.000 main and auxiliary equipment is installed.

• For elev. + 0.000, the mark of the clean floor of the boiler house with a size of 4.5x7.5m and a height of 3.0m is accepted. Exit doors open outside.

KV80 boiler is equipped with a furnace with manual maintenance and manual unloading of slag.

The following table gives the main heat characteristics of the boiler house.

Thermal diagram

The boiler room is provided with water discharge with temperature of 95С for the needs of KFOR heating systems.

The thermal scheme provides for constant water flow through the boiler and maintaining the temperature in the return pipeline at least given (70C).

The specified temperature is maintained by the overflow of the network water from the direct (T11) to the return (T21) pipeline via the recirculation line.

IPL32110 pump is provided in the heating system for circulation of mains water.

Water reserve tank V = 1.5m3 and make-up pump of TOPS 30/10 grade are installed for system makeup

To remove air from the system, on common pipeline T11 (Dn = 50mm),

air outlet valve is installed.

The expansion tank is V = 200 l., Installed in the boiler room.

Thermal mechanical solutions

The thermal and mechanical part of the project is made in accordance with the "Rules for the design and safe operation of water heating boilers with a water heating temperature of not more than 115C and steam boilers with a steam pressure of not more than 0.7kgf/cm2."

Installation and testing of boilers is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's "Installation and Operation Manual."

For emergency water drain from the boiler, and in case of actuation of safety valves, drain and drain pipelines are brought to the sewage system.

The mains pump takes back mains water from the heating network (pipeline T21) and is supplied for heating to the lower zone of the boiler. Heated water is supplied to consumers via T11 supply pipeline.

Heat scheme of boiler house provides for preparation of coolant with parameters 95700С. Safety valve is installed at boiler outlet. The pressure pipeline from the safety valve is output by a separate line.

Check valves are provided on recirculation line, make-up pipeline and downstream of network pumps to prevent counter-flow of coolant.

Drain pipeline is provided for draining water from boilers.

Pressure and pressure-free drain pipelines are laid above the floor and are removed to the drain pit by separate lines.

The gas duct from the installed boilers crashes into a chimney, with a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 12 m.

Boiler room pipelines are accepted from steel electric welded straight-joint pipes as per GOST 10705 (group B, heat treated). Grade as per GOST 10704 with 100% inspection of welded factory joints. The pipes are made of St3sp3 steel and are designed to work with a temperature of up to 115 С and a working pressure of up to 1MPa.

All piping after welding and welding of instrument nozzles shall be hydraulically tested with a test pressure of 1.25 Prab.

Tie-in of designed pipelines to existing ones - in place.

Organization of labor. The number of maintenance personnel (stokers) in the heating period is 4 people. One stoker per shift. The change of stokers occurs once a day. Filling and makeup of the system takes place manually, from the central water supply.

Heating and ventilation

To ensure three-fold air exchange per hour, the boiler room is provided with a deflector (Dn = 350mm) and a louver screen with an insulated valve.

Heating of the boiler room is provided due to heat emissions of the external surface of the boilers. For heating of the room of meal pig-iron radiators of type 2KP10090h500 are established.

Internal water supply and sewerage

There is no central water supply in the village of Zyabrovka. The boiler room and fire-fighting tank are supplied from the small-tube pit. The well project is being developed by Gomelpromburvod.

The design envisages installation of water reserve tank V = 1.5m3.

Water treatment

There is no water treatment in the furnace room.

Fuel storage and supply

For the storage of firewood, an existing fuel depot with dimensions of 8x4 m is provided.

Firewood is delivered to the warehouse by road.

Fuel is delivered to the boiler house manually.

The slag is manually removed into ash containers, then these containers are taken to the fields as fertilizers.

Nature protection

Air pool. Protection of the pool from harmful emissions contained in flue gases is carried out by selecting the height of the chimney from the condition of dispersion of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

Sewerage. Water is drained from the system and from safety valves to the sewage system.

Repair works

Due to the simple layout and lack of heavy equipment, special lifting devices are not provided in the boiler room.

Occupational safety

To ensure the safety of equipment maintenance in the boiler room, the following measures should be provided:

Isolate fuel equipment and pipelines (insulation surface temperature + 45 С);

Boiler room lighting shall comply with PUE requirements for this room category.

On pipelines, flange connections, shut-off valves shall be marked in accordance with the standards (water pipelines shall be painted green).

The direction of medium movement and direction of flywheels rotation shall be applied on pipelines and fittings.

Boiler room shall be equipped with visual safety posters.

When operating the boiler room and installing the boiler and pipelines, it is necessary to follow the requirements [1], [2], [3] from the list of the attached literature.


To monitor pressure and temperature, the design provides for the installation of technical alcohol thermometers and MTP 110 pressure gauges. Places of embedded parts installation are indicated on heat diagram of boiler room and on pipeline plans of TM part.

Heat networks

The boiler house is designed by an electric boiler house attached to the building.

Heat supply pipelines cut directly into the existing heat supply system

Power supply

Power supply project of the boiler house of the rural house of culture in n. Zabrovka was developed on the basis of specification No. 08/7014 from 08.04.08 issued by Gomel RES.

Technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with environmental requirements. sanitary, fire-fighting and other applicable norms and regulations and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures stipulated by the working drawings.

Power supply of the boiler house is carried out from sushch. I LIE on two cable lines executed by cables of the AVVG1 (5h4) brand, laid on building constructions by fastening by brackets.

Keep the dimensions of intersections and approaches in accordance with PUE86. The section of the supply cables is checked by the permissible current load and loss of voltage in the line, currents of the protective devices

The power consumption is taken into account by a counter of TsE6822, 550, 220/380V type installed in the RCSCH cabinet of 938N type.

The main consumers of electricity are:

- network pumps;

-electric lighting.

The project provides for pump control, which is carried out using the control cabinet of SHU type SHCHUK01 (OJSC "Gomelagroenergoservice")

To protect people from electric shock, the project provides for the implementation of a potential equalization system. All metal parts of building structures, pipelines are electrically connected to the PE bus (GWB) in the RBW cabinet.

Connections to pipelines are made by compresses. Connection locations must be visible.

The design provides for the following types of electrical lighting:

- working lighting;

-security education;

- repair lighting (12V).

Electrical lighting network is provided by IWG1 cable (3x1.5) laid open in electrical cable channel, in PVC pipe of light type.

To the fuel warehouse, the cable supplying electric lighting is laid in the ground at a depth of 0.7 m, in the fuel warehouse it is open with braces.

When crossing with underground communications, the cable should be laid in asbestos cement pipes with a diameter of 100mm. Input - cable exit from the ground is made in metal pipe.

The power network is made by VBG1 cables (3x1.5) laid open - in the electrical cable of the channel, in a light PVC pipe.

Metal structures used to lay the cable to ground.

All third-party, normally non-energized parts of the electrical equipment shall be occupied by means of a zero protective core of the supply cable.

The grounding system adopted according to GOST 30331 is TNCS.

The project provides for lightning protection of the chimney. The grounding circuit of the boiler house is used as the grounding device of lightning protection.

Electrical devices, panels and other electrical equipment shall be installed at a distance of not less than 0.5 m from pipelines of process and plumbing equipment.

Boiler rooms belong to a room with an increased danger of electric shock.

All construction and installation works shall be performed in accordance with PUE86, SNiP 3.05.0685.


The design provides for light and sound alarm at emergency deviation of pressure at the outlet of each boiler and in the return pipeline, temperature in the supply pipeline, as well as emergency shutdown of the network pump and lack of water in the reserve tank.

The design provides for manual control of network pumps with the help of buttons installed on SGC of SHCC 01 type. Manual and automatic control of make-up pumps is provided.

The design provides for recording of pressure in the return pipeline of the network.

Heat output is recorded by TEM meter 01M-1

Automation networks are made by KVVG cables, KMM laid metal braces with braces for construction structures and for floor and process structures in a metal pipe.

Boiler room building maintenance and operation

On the site for the boiler room are designed: modular boiler room, chimney, fuel warehouse, waste container platform, for storing building materials, for fertile soil.

Boiler room.

The level of responsibility of the boiler building is II according to GOST 2775188.

Building area:

-Specter. – 33.75 sq.m;

Construction volume:

- projector. 11.375 cbm.

The designed boiler building is metal, without a basement, rectangular in plan, with dimensions of 7.5 x 4.5 m.

Boiler house building - heated.

All rooms with a constant stay of people have natural and artificial lighting.

Fuel storage warehouse.

Level of responsibility - III according to GOST 2775188.

The building area is 32 m square meters.;

The construction volume is 112 m cubic meters.

Canopy - frame structure. Posts and beams

16. States.

The number of maintenance personnel (stokers) in the heating period is 4 people. One stoker per shift. The change of stokers occurs twice a day. Filling and makeup of the system is performed manually from the water reserve tank.

List of literature

Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines.

Operating and Safety Rules for Heat Installations, NTRUP "Diecos," 2003;

Rules for Arrangement and Safe Operation of Steam Boilers with Steam Pressure not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2) and Hot Water Boilers with Water Heating Temperature not more than 388 K (115 ° С), NTLP "Diecos," 2003;

P1-03 to SNiP II3576. Design of independent and roof boiler houses;

Guidelines of the Committee on Energy Efficiency under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on the rationalization of the consumption of thermal and electrical energy in institutions at social enterprises;

Rules for the use of electrical and thermal energy. Mn.: "Tydzen,"

1996 SNiP SNiP II3576. Boiler units.

SNI3576. Amendments and Supplements No. 1, No. 2 to;

Heat Engineering Handbook ed. V.N. Yurenev and P.D. Lebedev, M 1970

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