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Single-storey two-span industrial building with full frame

  • Added: 04.03.2015
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Course project in the discipline "Reinforced concrete structures"
Components: Structural Layout, Transverse Frame Calculation, Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Column Calculation and Design, Column Foundation Calculation and Design, Rafter Design, Building Design Feasibility Study.

Project's Content

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Additional information

1.3 Breakdown of the building into temperature blocks

Since the length of the designed building is more than 60 m, it becomes necessary to divide the building into temperature blocks. The value of the temperature block can be assigned without calculation for the 3rd category of crack resistance, in this case, in a single-story industrial building, the distance between the temperature shrinkage seam should not exceed 60 m., Therefore, the designed framework consists of two temperature blocks. We assign a temperature shrinkage seam in the middle of the building along axis 6. Columns at the end of each temperature block are displaced by 500 mm into the interior of the building in order to use the same type of coating plates and wall panels.

Temperature-shrinkage seam in the longitudinal direction is not required because the building is heated, and the sum of the two spans does not exceed 72 m.

Selection of communication system providing spatial stiffness of the frame

The spatial rigidity of the framework (its ability to resist horizontal loads) is ensured by the rigid pinching of the columns into the foundations, the rigid disk of the coating plate coating and the system of vertical and horizontal connections.

In the transverse direction, installation of vertical links is not required, since columns and a coating disk provide this function. In the longitudinal direction, the overall stability of the frame is provided by vertical portal steel links along the columns. These connections in the presence of a bridge crane are installed in the middle of each temperature unit in one step to the height from the edge of the foundation to the bottom of the crane beams. These connections perceive longitudinal braking loads from bridge cranes and wind loads on the ends of the building.

When the height of the support parts of the girders is less than 800 mm, vertical connections on the coating are not installed. With higher height, the installation of vertical connections between the supports of rafter structures is mandatory. The coating links transmit horizontal longitudinal forces from the coating disk to vertical links through the columns.

The role of horizontal links is performed by coating plates welded to embedded parts of adjusting trusses.

Calculation of transverse frame

The selection of the calculation scheme is related to the fulfillment of two mutually exclusive conditions: the minimum consumption of materials and the processability of the main solution. In mass construction, priority is given to the second condition. The coupling of the frame girders with the columns is usually hinged, although a rigid assembly would reduce the consumption of reinforced concrete. In the presence of upper hinges to ensure geometric immutability of the column frame shall be rigidly embedded in the foundations.

Calculation of the transverse frame includes 3 stages:

Load collection on the frame;

Determination of rigid characteristics of frame rods;

Define rack forces from individual loads.


Foundations perceive loads from columns and transfer them to the soils of the base. They are usually designed columnar in prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete.

Drawings content

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