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Single-storey 2-span production building - AR

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project. Two drawings, explanatory note

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Introduction

2.General Plan

3. Space-planning solution of the building

4. Structural solution of the building

5. Calculations for the architectural and construction part

6. Utilities and Equipment

7. Exterior and interior finishes

8. List of used literature

9. Comment Sheet

1. Introduction

The mechanical workshop has production facilities, modern equipment and a staff of qualified personnel, which allows you to solve various production tasks as soon as possible, such as:

- maintenance of operating equipment,

- manufacturing of parts and articles,

- maintenance and overhaul of various equipment

- design and manufacture of production equipment.

- Production of products of limited nomenclature and certain types,

- provision of services on separate types of works (turning, milling, drilling, boring, welding, painting and testing).

- provide different tools and equipment for enterprises of different industries and industries

Utilities and Equipment

Water supply and sewerage

The sewerage system is separate in the form of two networks: storm and household. The storm system accepts atmospheric and conditionally clean production waters that do not require treatment before discharging into the reservoir. The household system accepts not only household water, but also contaminated production water.

Exterior and interior finishes

Ventilation and air conditioning

Plenum ventilation is provided in the rooms for dilution and removal of harmful gas emissions. Normally open fire retardant valves shall be installed in exhaust ducts at the intersection of fire barriers.


Air heating is provided in production rooms. Water heating is provided in domestic premises. Thermal air curtains are provided in the vestibules.

Facade Finishes

Since the wall panels from the factory already have a good external finish of ocher-green color, the external facade of the industrial building does not need additional decoration. Only termination of panel joints is required.

Interior decoration of rooms

Inside the production premises, additional decoration is needed. The wall panels inside are cleaned, then cement sand is applied to align the surface and seal the butt joints of the wall panels, after which whitening of all production rooms is carried out. The internal partitions are first plastered, then masted, after which whitening is carried out.

In domestic premises it is provided from 9 to 21 walls to face with ceramic tiles the ceiling of chalky whitewash from 22 to 26 water-pulse painting of walls and ceiling

Drawings content

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