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Shopping and community center

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Shopping and community center - Diploma project

Project's Content

icon ГЧ1.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon ТСП1.doc
icon Монтаж.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Экономический раздел королюк.docx
icon ПЗ арх.docx
icon Лок смета.docx
icon ДП плита с оф.docx
icon на печать.dwg
icon Организация.docx
icon ДП плиты.dwg
icon Архитектура.dwg

Additional information

3.1 Calculation and Design of Rafter Truss

3.1.1 Initial data

It is required to design a rafter farm of the trade and public center flight of 18 m. The length of the building is 42m. The spacing of the transverse frames is 6m. Construction area - Rechitsa. Two-span building with articulated coupling of crossbar with column. The girder is designed in the form of a rafter triangular truss. The used steel grade for the upper, lower belt and support brace of the truss is C3453, for intermediate bars of the grid - C255 as per GOST 2777288.

3.1.2 Development of communication system

The links are intended to create the framework stiffness, ensure the stability of the structural elements, perceive wind forces, create conditions for the spatial operation of the framework, provide the necessary installation conditions for the structural elements.

3.1.3 Tent Communications (Coverage)

Rafter trusses have great rigidity in the vertical plane and very small in the horizontal plane. For the trusses to operate properly in the carcass system, care must be taken to ensure that they are properly secured. This is achieved by setting horizontal and vertical links forming a rigid spatial structure together with rafters.

Links on upper truss belts. In the plane of upper belts of trusses, only transverse ties are used.

The link truss panel is typically received equal to two rafter panels, thus unleashing the upper belts of the rafters through the assembly. Rafter trusses located in the spaces between transverse connected trusses are braced with runs.

Links along lower belts of rafter trusses are designed as systems of transverse and longitudinal connecting trusses located along the outline of workshop or temperature compartment .

Scope of Application

This section of the diploma project presents the routing for the following processes:

1) vertical layout of the site - cutting of the vegetable layer, will be carried out by a bulldozer;

2) the development of trenches for the foundation - digging trenches with loading of soil into dump trucks, will be carried out by an excavator equipped with a reverse shovel and dump trucks;

3) foundation arrangement - installation of glass-type prefabricated foundations, installation of prefabricated foundation beams, backfilling of trenches, compaction of backfilling soil will be carried out accordingly: by a self-propelled boom crane, bulldozer, self-propelled roller and electric trammeling .

The site on which the vertical planning work is carried out has dimensions of 100x160 m. It is divided into squares with a side length of 20 m.

The foundation under which the trenches are being developed is glass-type prefabricated. Group I soil - loam.

The building for which the foundation arrangement is carried out has dimensions in axes - 42x54 m.

The developed soil of group I is light loam. Soil removal range is 1.3 km.

All works are performed in summer time.

Operation mode - in two shifts.

Economic section

The economic part of the project includes local estimates, object estimates and consolidated estimates. The calculation is carried out at current prices.

The estimated documentation is based on the drawings of the construction project.

The cost of materials, products and structures is accepted in accordance with the Republican regulatory framework of current prices for materials, products and structures to determine the estimated cost and compile estimated documentation in the current price level as of May 1, 2014. The cost of operation of machines and mechanisms is accepted in accordance with the Republican regulatory framework of current prices for the operation of construction machines and mechanisms for determining the estimated cost and compiling estimated documentation in the current price level on May 1, 2014.

Current prices for resources that are not in the republican current price base are developed in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations on the Procedure for Calculating Current Prices for Resources Used to Determine the Estimated Cost of Construction and Compile Estimated Documentation on the Basis of Resource Consumption Standards in Kind, approved by Order No. 457 of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated December 29, 2011.

General running and general production costs and target profit are defined in addition according to the order established by regulations and in a size approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Architecture of Republic of Belarus 23.12.2011 No. 59. Funds for the construction of temporary buildings and structures and additional expenses during construction and installation works in winter are determined in accordance with the Collection of standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (NRR 8.01.1022012) and with the Collection of standards for additional expenses during construction and installation works in winter (NRR 8.01.1032012). Other means are determined by Chapters 811 of the summary estimate according to the Instruction about procedure for determining estimated cost of construction and drawing up the budget documentation on the basis of standards of an expense of resources in kind approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Architecture of Republic of Belarus 18.11.2011 No. 51.

6.1 Local estimate

When compiling local estimates, collections of resource-specific norms are used. The scope of work during the preparation of local estimates is determined on the basis of the data given in the previous sections.

The estimated cost, determined according to local estimates, includes the main salary of workers, the cost of operating construction machines and mechanisms, which includes the salary of drivers, the cost of materials, products and structures, transportation costs for their delivery, overhead costs and planned savings. The local estimate is presented in Appendix G.

Drawings content

icon ГЧ1.dwg


icon Монтаж.dwg


icon на печать.dwg

на печать.dwg

icon Архитектура.dwg


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