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Shadrinsk Store - Course Project on Architecture

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Course project on the architecture of public buildings. Shop - Shadrinsk, Kurgan Oblast 6 drawings: floor plans, sections, facades, excavation from the general plan, foundation plan and floor slabs

Project's Content

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The purpose of this course project is to master the practical basis for designing civilian buildings from small-piece elements.

To carry out the course project, a task was issued, which includes: the purpose of the building, the composition of the premises and the scheme of plans, the place of construction, the height of the floor, the planning elevation of the ground, soils.

2. Space Planning Solution

The store has a rectangular space-planning solution in plan. The height of the floor is 3.3 m. The designed building is 2-story, has three separate entrances (main, spare and service for receiving goods), providing free evacuation of people in the event of a fire. Three stairs to the second floor and an elevator are designed. Overall dimensions: 28.96x17.32m, total building area - 501.6m ².

On the ground floor are located - a lobby, a trading room, a reception room and storerooms for goods, an office, a dishes wash, a refrigerator and a kiosk; on the second - the lobby, trading room, storerooms, office, staff room, household room, kiosk and pantry containers.

All rooms of the building except toilets have natural lighting.

The total number of windows on the first floor is 18, on the second - 21.

The total number of doors on the first floor is 24, on the second - 16.

7. Calculation of the flight of stairs

Stair flight height: h = Nat/2 = 3.300/2 = 1.650 m.

Number of risers: n = 1.65/0.15 = 11 pcs, where 0.15 is the height of the riser.

Number of treads: m = n - 1 = 10 pcs.

Span length: d = 0.3m = 3.0 m, where 0.3 is tread length.

The width of the flight of stairs: a = 0.5 (b0.1) = 0.5 (2.60.1) = 1.25 m.

Height of the basement march: hcm = 0.9 - 0.3 = 0.6 m.

Number of base march risers: n = 0.6/0.15 = 4 pcs.

Number of treads of basement march: m = n-1 = 3 pcs.

The length of the span of the basement march: d = 0.3m = 0.9 m.

8. Determination of foundation depth

The foundation depth is calculated according to SNiP 2.02.01 83. "Foundations of buildings and structures."

The normative depth of seasonal freezing for Shadrinsk, based on data on long-term observations, is dfn = 2 m.

Estimated depth of seasonal freezing is determined by formula


kh = 0.7 is a coefficient taking into account the influence of the thermal mode of the building.

Ground layout elevation -0.900 m. According to design requirements, taking into account the basement, the depth of foundation laying is assumed to be -3.15 m.

9. Site Plot Plan Description

The designed building is located on the street. Parkova. There are no objects to be demolished in the allotted area. The terrain is calm, without sharp height differences. Absolute elevations within the area to be withdrawn vary between 160.23 and 160.38.

Low-rise residential buildings are located near the building under construction. Designed also: playground, car park, garbage area, recreation area, dog walking area. All objects are separated by green spaces, which is noise absorption and improves the ecological equilibrium of the air environment.

The main facades are designed in the west-east direction. Wide sidewalks are designed along the facades, which in the event of a fire are used as access roads for fire engines. Lights are designed along the sidewalk. Roads are illuminated by masts, with lamps fixed on them. Between the buildings there are passages for people and transport.

Absolute elevation of the clean floor level of the designed building

, which corresponds to the elevation ± 0.000.

Drawings content

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