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Settlement in the Vologda Oblast - designing and calculating the drainage network

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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The archive contains several versions of drawings and explanatory notes to them

Project's Content

icon Пушкарева 10в.doc
icon Репина 10в.doc
icon Репина 10в.dwg
icon Янгель 3в.doc
icon Янгель 3в.dwg
icon Абдулова 2в.doc
icon Абдулова 2в.dwg
icon Абдулова 2в_recover.dwg
icon Пушкарева 6в.dwg

Additional information



1 Initial data

2 Substantiation of selection of drainage scheme, locations of pump stations, dukers, treatment facilities, rain network outlets

3 Production and household network

3.1 Determination of estimated costs

3.2 Hydraulic Network Calculation

3.3 Duker calculation

4 Rain network

4.1 Determination of estimated costs

4.2 Hydraulic Network Calculation

5 Description of used materials of pipes, butt joints, wells and other structures on the network and justification of their application


List of sources used


Water disposal is one of the main measures of engineering training and improvement of the city territory. A competent solution to the issues of organizing the disposal of sewage from the city will: facilitate the operation and extend the service life of the city's engineering communications; increase the comfort of living in this territory; exclude the possibility of its flooding and flooding.

The purpose of this course project is to consolidate theoretical knowledge of integrated engineering improvement of the city territory.

A competent solution to the issues of organizing the disposal of wastewater from the city will allow:

facilitate operation and extend the service life of the city's engineering communications;

increase the comfort of living in this territory;

exclude the possibility of its flooding and flooding.

2 Substantiation of selection of drainage scheme, locations of pump stations, dukers, treatment facilities, rain network outlets

Sewerage or wastewater treatment system is a complex of engineering facilities and devices that serve for the reception, disposal of wastewater outside the settlement and industrial enterprise, as well as for their treatment and decontamination.

In this project, a complete separate water disposal system is used: two independent networks of pipes and channels (industrial and rain) are laid. Production effluents are sent to treatment facilities, and atmospheric effluents are sent to the reservoir by the shortest distance.

Sewage networks are built mainly by gravity, therefore, for this plan we accept a rough scheme of the sewage network, which is used when the terrain falls smoothly to the reservoir and the need for wastewater treatment. Street networks are located on the lowered side of the block.

On the given plan of the settlement, a place for the site of the treatment plant is selected. This is the place where industrial waste water should be allocated the shortest way.

The site for the treatment plant is selected on the plan, subject to the following standards:

the distance from the development is at least 300 meters - sanitary protection zone;

should be located downstream of the river;

should be located on the leeward side of the prevailing winds of the warm season in relation to residential development.


As a result of the work done, the most economical and convenient systems of industrial and household and rain sewage for the city in the Vologda Oblast were designed and calculated, and the studied theoretical material in the discipline "Comprehensive engineering improvement of urban areas" was also fixed.

Drawings content

icon Репина 10в.dwg

Репина 10в.dwg

icon Янгель 3в.dwg

Янгель 3в.dwg

icon Абдулова 2в.dwg

Абдулова 2в.dwg

icon Абдулова 2в_recover.dwg

Абдулова 2в_recover.dwg

icon Пушкарева 6в.dwg

Пушкарева 6в.dwg

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