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Security House - Architecture


Architectural and construction drawings of the security house on the territory of the sports and recreation camp

Project's Content

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icon 03_фасады_АС.cdw
icon опз__домик_охраны.doc

Additional information



Confirmation of compliance of design documentation with public regulations

General Explanatory Note

1 General part

2 Architectural and planning solution

3 Design solution

4 Finishing works

5 Protection of structures against corrosion, rotting and fire

6 Control over construction works

7 Winterization Instructions

8 Ventilation

9 Power supply

10 Power electrical equipment

11 Grounding and lightning protection

12 Artificial lighting

13 Communication

14 Fire-fighting measures

15 Protection of the environment

16 Calculation of construction duration

Drawings of NPP grade

EO.EM grade drawings

Confirmation of compliance of design documentation with state norms

The technical solutions adopted in the project meet the requirements in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, environmental protection, environmental safety, fire safety, construction labor protection, as well as the requirements of state standards, norms and rules in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people in compliance with the measures stipulated in the working drawings.

Architectural and planning solution

The designed building is 1-story with an attic, without a basement.

The height of the building above ground level is 5.4 m. The roof of the building is gable. The attic is unexploited.

The building in plan has a rectangular shape with dimensions in axes of 3.22 m x 4.17 m with a projecting part of the porch.

In the designed building there is a corridor and a security room.

The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the work of foundations, external and internal walls, beam floors.

The lighting of all rooms is natural through window openings in walls.

Favorable temperature and humidity conditions of the environment inside the building are provided by an electric heater and natural ventilation, as well as heat and technical properties of the enclosing structures.

The roof drainage system - external, unorganized is carried out on the from-bridge and adjacent territory.

3 constructive solution

Structural solutions in the architectural and construction part are developed in the set of NPP drawings.

The foundation of the building is a monolithic reinforced concrete pedestal along bored piles. Piles shall be made in Ø300 mm metal casing pipes from B12.5 concrete with Ø12 AIII reinforcement.

External and internal walls in axes 12/AB shall be made of lumber Ø180 mm with indoor lining with GVL sheets (GOST R 518292001).

External walls in axes 12/B shall be made with frame bars with insulation of mat-mi URSA M15 (TU 5763002714516572004), sheathed from the facade side with boards, inside the rooms with GVL sheets (GOST R 518292001).

All floors shall be made on wooden beams of 150x150 mm bar (spacing 1000... 1200 mm) with laying between them as sounds and heat insulation of mineral wool plates URSA (s = 100... 150 mm).

Rafter roof structures shall be made of sawn softwood.

Roof coating - galvanized roofing steel.

Floors - plank on lags.

Windows - as per GOST 1121486.

Doors: external - metal, internal - wooden.

4 finishing works

All walls of the building on the outside are treated with wood antiseptic under the color of light nut.

Paint window and wooden door blocks with enamels of light tones.

Internal finishing of ceilings shall be made with water-emulsion compositions.

When performing finishing works on the escape route, it is necessary to pay attention to the fire characteristics of the materials and ensure their compliance with the requirements of paragraph 6.25 of SNiP 210197 *.

5 protection of structures against corrosion, rotting and fire

All wooden elements in contact with concrete are laid on two layers of ruberoid.

According to SNiP 3.04.0385, the surfaces of wooden elements are antisepted with an aqueous solution of the preparation BBX3 (composition: technical borax - 61%, boric acid - 39%) of 10% concentration .

Treatment with antiseptics is carried out after mechanical treatment at wood moisture content of not more than 25 %.

The surfaces should be treated by spraying in 2 times, the interval between the 1st and 2nd treatment should be at least two hours at an air temperature of 180-200 C. In winter, the solution should be heated to 400-500 C, and the wood should be treated at a temperature of at least 100 C. In case of violation of the protective coating, the layer should be restored.

6 Construction Supervision

During construction and installation works it is necessary to strictly observe the requirements of the following regulatory documents: SNiP 3.01.0185 *; SNiP 3.02.0187; SNiP 3.03.0187; SNiP 3.04.0187; SNiP 3.05.1085; SNiP 3.05.0385; SNiP 3.05.0485 * and other requirements of state norms, standards and working documentation.

Before the start of excavation, call on the site representatives of organizations operating engineering networks and communications in the construction area.

During performance of works it is necessary to ensure strict control (with preparation of certificates of inspection of hidden works) of compliance to the project of all construction and installation works performed.

All equipment, products and materials must be certified and have Gosstandart permission for use in the Russian Federation.

7 Winter Instructions

The works shall be performed in accordance with the work execution project and SNiP 3.02.0187, SNiP 3.03.0187, SNiP 3.04.0187, SNiP 3.04.0385, SNiP 2.03.1185, SNI2281, SN 29074.

Concrete and mortar grade shall be one step higher than the design grade for summer work conditions.

The amount of additives, depending on their type and average daily temperature, should be taken according to MN 29074.

When using mortars and concretes with additives, embedded and connecting parts with zinc anticorrosion coatings must be protected with protectorium lubricants before grouting joints.

8 ventilation

Ventilation of the designed building is carried out through windows and leaks of window and door blocks.

Heating from electric oil radiator. Water supply and sewerage are not provided.

9 power supply

This project provides for internal power supply to the facility. According to the degree of reliability of power supply, electrical receivers of the facility belong to category III .

10 power electrical equipment

In accordance with the specifications, power supply of the facility is provided by the cable ABBbShv 3x16.

For the reception and distribution of electricity on the wall of the building, the installation of the BRU distribution board is provided. The board consists of circuit breakers, RCD and differential circuit breakers.

To account for electricity, the Mercury 201.1 550A meter is provided. Installation organizations shall ensure compliance with item 2.11.22 "Rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers" in terms of the possibility of sealing current circuits of meters and transformers .

The following power is supplied from the switchboard:

- lighting network (Feeders: 1);

- socket network (Feeders: 2);

- reserve.

Socket sockets in rooms shall be installed at the height convenient for connection of electrical appliances, but not higher than 1 m from the floor level. It is recommended to install the switches on the wall on the side of the door handle at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor level.

Subsequent inclusion of grounding contacts of plug sockets and lamps in the protective conductor is not allowed, the branch of the protective conductor to each socket or lamp should be carried out as a rule in the branch box.

To protect personnel from electric shock and increase fire safety, a differential switch with an actuation current of 300 mA is provided in the BRU, on the group power lines of the sockets there is a dephirencial circuit breaker with an actuation current of 30 mA

The power distribution network is made of IWGng cable.

Cable laying is performed in PVC pipes and cable channels open on walls. All installation shall be in accordance with SNiP3050685 and PUE2000, rev.7.

11 earthing and lightning protection

All metal current-carrying parts of electrical equipment are subject to protective grounding by connection of a core supply cable to the PE bus bar of the BRU panel.

The socket contacts are grounded in the same way.

Lightning protection device is made in accordance with RD 34.21.12287. The lightning protection building belongs to category III.

Depth of grounding element tops is 0.5 m from ground level.

The grounding circuit is located at a distance of 1 m from the foundations of the building.

12 artificial lighting

Lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps are accepted for installation in all rooms.

Lighting network is made by IWGng cable. Cable laying in rooms is performed open in cable-channels.

Grounding of lighting fixtures grounding socket sleeves is provided by the 3rd core cable taken directly from PE bus of BRU board.

13 link

The telephony of the object will be solved by cellular communications.

14 fire-fighting measures

The security house meets the requirements of the V degree of fire resistance.

The space planning decisions adopted in the project meet the requirements of SNiP 210197 * "Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures," SNiP 2.01.0285 * "Fire Safety Standards."

Designed rooms for explosion and fire hazard belong to category D.

In accordance with the regulatory requirements, the following fire prevention measures are provided in the building:

- space-planning and technical solutions ensuring timely evacuation of people;

- fire passage is provided to the building;

- on the territory of the health camp there is a fire-fighting water supply system with the installation of fire cranes at a distance of not more than 50 m from each building to accommodate vacationers.

The designed building should be equipped with powder fire extinguishers (OP) with a capacity of 10/9 l/mass of fire extinguishing composition - 1 pc per floor

As an evacuation exit from the office premises, it is provided to use the exit from the room to the porch.

Drawings content

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