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Section of extension of the first line of the Minsk Metro from st. Petrovshchina to st. Malinovka (AR) for a diploma project


Diploma project on the topic: Metro Station 2010. The structure includes DBE, 3D model of the station, made in the program 3ds Max 2009, all necessary drawings of plans, sections and units, made in autocade 2010

Project's Content

icon ПЗ.docx
icon Состав дипломного проекта.docx
icon Мaлиновка.dwg
icon МАЛИНОВКА+.dwg
icon Узлы2.dwg
icon dp-stanciy-metropolitena1.jpg
icon 3D.max
icon opis.txt

Additional information


Composition of the diploma project

Explanatory Note

Section Name Page


I. Architectural and structural part

1. General provisions

2. Master Plan

2.1 Linking the space-planning solution of the station with the general plan

2.2 Vertical layout

2.3 Structure and Planning Division

2.4 Roads and driveways

2.5 Construction of roadway

2.6 Landscaping and landscaping

3. Architectural Solutions

3.1 Space-planning solution of the station

3.2 Interiors

3.3 Information design

3.4 Pavilions

4. Construction structures

4.1 Distillation tunnels and dam structures

4.2 Station

5. Line route and passenger flows

5.1 Alignment of the line

5.2 Passenger flows

5.3 Route variant using "Lovat" type penetrating board

5.4 Application of progressive solutions

II. Finishing Technology

III. Occupational health and safety

1. Occupational safety measures

2. Safety precautions for plaster works

IV. Environmental issues. Environmental protection activities

V. Sanitation facilities

1. General Information

2. Water supply and sewerage

2.1 Water supply

2.2 Tunnel water supply

2.3 Drainage. Industrial and domestic sewage

2.4 Fire protection measures

2.5 Advanced Technical Solutions

3. Ventilation and air conditioning

3.1 Tunnel ventilation

3.2 Ventilation of office rooms (local ventilation)

3.3 Conditioning

4. Heat supply

4.1 Independent heat supply at stations

4.2 Heating

4.3 Heat curtains

VI. Technical and economic indicators

VII. Determination of building cost

VIII. Literature

3. General provisions

Solutions on the general plan, architecture of station complexes and construction structures of subway structures meet the requirements of:

SNiP 2.07.0189 "Urban Planning"

TAP "Metropolitan"

SNB 3.03.0297 "Streets and roads of cities, towns and rural settlements"

SNiP 2.01.0785 "Loads and Impacts"

SNiP 2.02.0183 "Foundations of buildings and structures"

SNiP 2.03.0184 * "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures"

SNiP II2381 * "Steel Structures"

The master plan, architectural and planning solutions and interiors of the Yeseninskaya station (Raspberry) were developed on the basis of the requirements of the design task, the architectural and planning task and taking into account urban planning decisions for the development of the district.

Planning solutions provide for office, technical and sanitary facilities, the placement and areas of which are made in accordance with the technological task.

The design design is based on the following principles:

reduced material consumption, labour intensity and metal consumption due to reduced volume of station complexes, rational blocking of their structures

justified application of station lining types, dam structures and tunnels taking into account engineering and geological conditions, urban planning requirements, construction conditions

application of unified solutions of auxiliary structures (ventilation systems, bathrooms, chambers of additional ventilation devices, chambers of metal structures, etc.)

External and internal structures of station closures and allotment structures are adopted mainly from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements of factory manufacture, made in formwork forms.

Lobbies, combined traction-lowering and lowering substations, ventilation chambers, ventilation failures are also solved in prefabricated reinforced concrete.

Tunnel linings erected in a closed way are designed as closed circuits located in an elastic soil environment, exposed to design loads taking into account the elastic resistance of the ground in contact with the lining.

Enclosures of structures and tunnels of the open method of work are designed as rectangular one-, two- and three-span frames with rigid and hinged assemblies, which are under the influence of constant, temporary or special loads at their disadvantageous combination.

Reinforced concrete elements of factory manufacture for the station and tunnels are designed from concrete of class B30, elements of internal structures - platform slabs, floors, track walls - reinforced concrete structures from concrete of classes B25, B15. Reinforcement steel of classes AIII, AI, BI is used for reinforcement of prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

Metal designs are ladders, platforms, protections, suspended ways - are designed from carbon steels of classes C235, C245 in accordance with GOST 2777288.

For enclosures of structures erected in an open way, in accordance with the requirements of VSN 10479 "Instruction on the design and waterproofing of subway tunnels constructed in an open way," adhesive waterproofing from materials according to STB 110798 is provided, performed by the method of melting with air-propane burners. Waterproofing from high-pressure polyethylene film of "Romex" company with protection of geotextile layer is provided on the site of open method of works in complex engineering and hydrogeological conditions, as well as for single-water lining with walls performed by "wall in soil" method.

Protection of the adhesive waterproofing of the walls from mechanical damage is carried out by concrete slabs 500 × 500 × 70 mm, for coating - by a layer of cement sand mortar B7.5 with a thickness of 40 mm, reinforced by steel woven mesh No. 50 × 2.5 GOST 533680, and under the driveways, with a low backfill height - by a layer of concrete class B7.5 with a thickness of 100 mm, reinforced by two grids 100/100/3/3.

Sealing of joints between elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete linings, as well as linings from cast iron tubing, erected in a closed way, is provided by mechanized minting using the Hydroton installation with cement sand mortar based on a dry mixture of 1:1 (shrink-free cement: sand) in accordance with the requirements of VSN 13092.

For waterproofing of bolted holes of cast iron tubing and bolted holes of reinforced concrete lining with tension connections asbobitumen washers are used.

To increase water tightness, as well as to ensure contact between the lining and the surrounding soil, primary injection with cement sand mortar and control injection of cement mortar per lining is provided in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the execution of mortar injection per tunnel lining" (VSN 13281).

Depending on hydrogeological conditions and the degree of aggressive influence of the medium, concrete of W6, W8 grades was adopted for blocks of reinforced concrete tunnel linings in terms of waterproofness, in a highly aggressive medium - with additional coating with Autocrine mastic.

Internal metal structures are protected by anti-corrosion paints and varnishes. Tunnel structures are protected from corrosion by applying white cement mortar to the inner surface of cast iron tubing and reinforced concrete blocks.

Non-detonable metal embedded and connecting elements in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.1185 "Protection of building structures against corrosion" are protected by a layer of zinc with a thickness of 150 mcm or aluminum with a thickness of 200 mcm.

When corrosive media affect reinforced concrete structures (in accumulator, fecal tanks), corrosion protection is carried out by means of waterproofing and chemically resistant floor structure and finishing. Segment anchors are used to attach tunnel connections, and

drilled into the finished lining in drilled holes. In order to protect against electrochemical corrosion during installation, contact of anchors with reinforcement products is excluded.

4. Master Plan

4.1 Linkage of space-planning solution of the station

with General Plan

The master plan and organization of passenger traffic of the designed metro station were developed taking into account the urban planning decisions of the Moscow region, in connection with the existing and projected engineering and transport infrastructure of the district.

The Yeseninskaya station (Raspberry) is designed with lobbies that provide the estimated passenger turnover of the node. The lobbies are connected to the platform by stairs, and lobby No. 1 is additionally equipped with an elevator. There are 2 entrances to the station lobby. Stairwells of entrances are located along local passages in the direction of predominant pedestrian flows and ground transport stops.

The general plan of the station provides for: the placement of entrances and ventilation kiosks of the metro, sites for garbage containers, the improvement of pedestrian zones and public transport stops directly at the stairways of the entrances to the station.

Architectural solutions for the improvement of the territory adjacent to the station provide for: the general organization of the city territory in connection with the construction of the subway, the linking of pedestrian zones in the area of ​ ​ the projected subway entrances with the proposed intra-quarter pedestrian infrastructure, as well as outdoor lighting, paving, landscaping and small architectural forms on the approaches to the station.

4.2 Vertical layout

The vertical layout has been solved taking into account the existing and promising development of the district, transport links, engineering networks and the hydrogeological situation in the construction area.

The vertical layout system is adopted in the sections of tunnel penetration selective, in the sections of the station construction continuous within the work boundary.

On the construction site of the Yeseninskaya station (Raspberry), mainly restoration planning is provided in previously existing elevations.

Surface water removal is designed by a closed system and water discharge along the roadway trays and driveways to rainfall wells of storm sewage.

4.3 Structure and Planning Division

According to the structural and planning division, the projected territory can be attributed to a residential district of the microdistrict type with the quarterly organization of groups of houses.

The analysis of the perception of future development depending on the nature of transport highways and main pedestrian directions predetermined the panoramic viewing zones for building a spatial composition and silhouette of development.

The main silhouette zones of this section are the Minsk Ring Road, Railway, Dzerzhinsky Avenue.

From the Moscow Ring Road, entry into the city is formed by the creation of a dominant ensemble that closes all the main panoramas of the city. They are spatially connected with the existing development of the Malinovka9 and raspbery1 microdistricts, solved in the form of a developed 1225-story architectural complex, including high-rise buildings and plastic extended volumes of round shape with service elements on the first floors.

The clear construction of neighborhoods easily reveals the architectural and planning composition "Druzhby1" from the residential district "Kurasovschina" and the railway district. The visual overlapping of blocks formed from 9- and 19-story buildings, when perceiving the development, creates an interesting closed perspective.

The territory of the entire district is represented as a single urban planning complex, the residential areas of which are connected by convenient wide pedestrian alleys with service centers and public transport stops.

Sections of preschool institutions and schools will be mainly located on pedestrian links outside residential groups. The whole complex of institutions and enterprises of socially guaranteed services is provided.

The territory of residential development in red lines is 66 hectares. The estimated area of ​ ​ the housing stock is 500 thousand m2. The population is 2223 thousand people. The population density is 350 people/ha of the territory.

4.4 Roads and driveways

The street and road network of the Druzhba1 transport scheme was developed by the Minskproekt Unitary Enterprise, taking into account the transport network provided for by the General Plan of Minsk. Public transport stops will be placed on streets laid between zones and public centers, and will provide convenient access to residential and public buildings.

In accordance with the planning frame of Minsk, the projected section is located on the planning axis of the first order. This is an area of ​ ​ intensive urban planning use to accommodate mainly high-density residential buildings and mixed buildings with a development depth of 4001000 m from the red line.

The transverse profile of the driveways is adopted of the urban type with the installation of concrete sides BR 300.30.18 according to STB 109798.

Radii of curves along the edge of the carriageway 815 m. Longitudinal slopes are accepted within the limits of norms.

Paving of driveways is accepted asphalt concrete.

4.5 Construction of roadway

Road clothing on this passage is adopted as follows:

Hot dense crushed stone fine-grained asphalt concrete ShMBg 1/120 according to STB 103396 - 0.05 m

Hot porous crushed stone coarse asphalt concrete ShKP1 according to STB 103396 - 0.06 m

Hot porous crushed stone coarse asphalt concrete ShKPg1 according to STB 103396 - 0.07 m

Crushed stone compacted with sand cement mixture 9% as per GOST 2355894 - 0.28 m

Sand as per GOST 873693 - 0.20 m

4.6 Landscaping and landscaping

After the construction of the metro line, the project provides for landscaping and landscaping.

Depending on the functions performed and in accordance with the location of underground communications in open free areas, planting of trees, shrubs, sowing of lawn grasses is provided.

5.1 Space-planning solutions of the station

The layout of the Yeseninskaya station (Raspberry) is a complex of the following structures:

Unit of combined traction-lowering station (STP) with vent failure length 57.0 m

Lobby No. 1 with office and living quarters - 48.0 m

Lobby No. 2 with office and living quarters - 57.0 m

Platform section

Entrances No. 1 No. 6 with a staircase descent and an underground pedestrian crossing under Dzerzhinsky Avenue

The vestibules are connected to the apron hall by a staircase 6.5 m wide and 3.36 m high.

Part of the lobby premises at the box office level at a length of 9.0 m is located above the apron hall. It houses technical and office premises.

The platform section was solved using 2 rows of columns with the pitch of round columns 6.0 m and the height to the bottom of the coating plates 3.7 m. The length of the platform section 105.0 m, the width of the platform 10.0 m (total area 105.0 × 18.0 = 1890.0 m2, the platform itself 10.0 × 105.0 = 1050.0 m2)

Depth of laying:

from rail head level - 11.0 m

from platform - 9.9 m

The unit of office premises (BSP) with emergency exit has a length of 39.0 m. There are: ventilation chambers, ventilation failure, service, technical and sanitary rooms. The interior of passenger rooms (passage, lobby, apron hall) is made in a single architectural style. Materials facing walls, ceilings, floors pass from one space to another with saturation with architectural and artistic elements when descending to the platform.

Entrances No. 1 No. 4 are additionally equipped with elevators, which are located on both sides of the avenue. Elevators connect the level of the lobby and pedestrian crossings with the level of ground public transport stops. Pavilions are provided above the stairways and elevator shafts.

The width of the passage and stairwells was adopted according to NSS 3.03.0297 "Streets and roads of cities, towns and rural settlements" and is 6.0 m for the passage and 6.0 m for stairwells. Wheelchair exits, as well as passenger service facilities are provided in passages and distribution rooms.

5.2 Interiors

The interior of the passenger rooms of the Yeseninskaya station (passage, cash desk, apron hall) is made in a single architectural style. The decoration of walls, suspended ceilings flows from one space to another with maximum artistic saturation.

In the finish of the station, the following are used: polished granite for the basement of the track wall and ground for the floor of the platform and lobby (Roso Parino), marble for the track walls and lobby walls (Volokas, Rosalia), metallic granite with increased roughness of the working surface (Yantsevskoye deposit) on the steps of stairs and on the safety strip, for facing the columns.

Elements for the design of columns, handrails, fences - polished stainless steel.

In the lobby, a glossy rack ceiling of yellow-ocher color is designed.

Lighting of the lobby - fluorescent and point lamps, apron hall -?

Drawings content

icon Мaлиновка.dwg

icon МАЛИНОВКА+.dwg

icon Узлы2.dwg