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Secondary school No. 109 - fire fighting


AUPS equipment'strelts'

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General part

2. Appointment

3. Brief description of the object

4. Key Technical Solutions

5. Power supply and earthing

6. Installation of electrical wiring

7. Main indicators of fire alarm and warning of people about fire

8. Health and safety measures

9. Maintenance and maintenance of automatic fire alarm and fire warning system

1 common part

1.1. The project was developed on the basis of the State Contract No. 109 pr/ps, the technical specification for the design and architectural and construction drawings.

1.2. The project was developed in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

- GOST 2.11973. "Unified system of design documentation. Sketched Design "

- SNiP 210197. "Fire safety of buildings and structures, Building codes and rules of the Russian Federation."

- SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices";

- SP 5.13130.2009 "Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing units";

- SP 3.13130.2009 "Warning and control systems for evacuation of people in case of fire";

- SP 1.13130.2009 "Evacuation routes and exits";

- National standard of the Russian Federation "Cable products, fire safety requirements" GOST R 533152009. Approved by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated February 18, 2009. Date of introduction 01 January 2010

- National Standard of the Russian Federation for Safety in Emergency Situations, Structured System for Monitoring and Management of Engineering Systems of Buildings and Structures "General Requirements" GOST R 22.1.122005 Approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated March 28, 2005 No. 65-st

- National standard of the Russian Federation Fire control and acceptance devices "General technical requirements and test methods" GOST R 51089-97

- NPB 11003; NPB-88-2001.

- Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2008 N 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

1.3. The project provides for the equipment of the premises of the State General Education Institution Secondary School No. 109 of the Primorsky District of Sakt-Petersburg

at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Omsk, d.16, lit. A. Automatic installation of fire alarm and fire warning.

1.4 Selection of technical means, their number and places of installation are determined in accordance with the requirements of the existing regulatory documents, taking into account the size of the premises, the number of entrances to the premises, the technical characteristics of the equipment, etc.

2 assignment

The fire alarm system is designed to detect a fire at an early stage of development, to send alarm signals to the receiving device in a room with round-the-clock duty. The warning and evacuation control system (ESMS) is designed to switch on the warning system for people about fire and other emergency circumstances.

3 brief description of the object

Protected rooms are located in a 4-storey freestanding building. The area of ​ ​ protected premises is 6,200 square meters. m

- Total useful area - 6200 sq.m.;

-The building is framed, on the ceiling there are beams up to 30cm high

- Height of rooms - from 3 to 6 m;

- Heated rooms;

- No aggressive environments;

- In accordance with the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements," this building refers to - F4.1 - general education institutions by functional hazard;

- Number of students - 600

The ventilation is partially forced. The design provides for the shutdown of ventilation in case of fire using an intermediate relay installed next to the board or in the ventilation control board.

The project was carried out on the basis of category K05100710K.

4 main technical solutions

4.1 Automatic fire alarm installation is provided in all rooms except for bathrooms, l/c, ventilation chambers, cold tambours, refrigerating compartment and rooms with wet processes (rooms specified in SP 5.13130.2009 (Appendix A)), as well as rooms of category B4.

4.2 In accordance with Table A.3 of Appendix A SP5.13130.2009, the object is subject to AUPS protection (automatic fire alarm installation).

4.3 Installation of fire detectors is performed in accordance with Section 13, Annexes H, M and P SP5.13130.2009.

4.4 In accordance with item 14 of Table 2 of SP3.13130.2009, the 4th type of warning and management of people's evacuation in case of fire is used in this project, which provides for the following: voice warning method, "Exit" light alerts, fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room.

As a means of fire alarm and voice warning at the facility, install the internal radio system (VRS) of fire alarm "Sagittarius."

Fire detection means - fire radio-channel smoke detectors IP 212103 "Aurora-DR," fire radio-channel manual detectors IPR513101 "IPRR" - to provide notification in case of visual detection of fire and in the gym and the dining room fire smoke optic-electronic linear detectors "AmurR."

Smoke fire detectors are designed to detect fires accompanied by abundant smoke release.

Point smoke detectors shall be placed taking into account air flows in the protected room caused by plenum or exhaust ventilation, and the distance from the detector to the ventilation hole shall be at least 1 m.

Installation of fire detectors should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation for this detector. On the basis of SP 5.13130.2009, it is allowed to install one fire address-analog radio broadcaster in the protected room (area).

Manual fire detectors are installed on the walls inside the buildings and are attached with screws or screws at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. The detectors shall be freely accessible and the installation place shall be sufficiently illuminated.

All equipment installed in the gym shall be protected against mechanical damage in the form of metal grids.

The project provides for a fire warning system of type 4 according to SP 3.13130.2009 providing: with the installation of light indicators

"Lightning-12," permanently switched on, on stairs - evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement, and Orfeir voice alerts of the Sagittarius system.

Monitoring of the power line of light annunciators is carried out using the fire warning control unit of the PCU. Transmission of information on alert line serviceability using RIG IR.

The used equipment has the possibility of connecting the equipment for transmitting emergency signals.

Fire safety light indicators shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of fire safety regulatory documents approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Photoluminescent fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement are installed on evacuation stairs at a height of at least 2 m from the floor level.

Wall-mounted voice annunciators shall be located at a height of at least 2.3 m from the floor level, but the distance from the ceiling to the annunciator shall be at least 150 mm.

The fire alarm and voice warning system is controlled via the main ("zero") radio expander (RLP) using the radio-channel control panel of the FDR (control from a personal computer is possible).

The main extender is the coordinator of a network of ten subsidiary RROPs.

The internal object radio system of fire protection and address-analogue fire alarm "Sagittarius" (hereinafter referred to as the system) is designed to monitor security, fire detectors, control devices, as well as actuators.

The system can function both in the autonomous mode, with sound, light alarm, output of information to the computer, and as part of other automatic fire alarm systems. In this project, information on the status of detectors is displayed on the control panel of the PUR and on the RS238 communication lines from the RROP No. 0 radio expander to the centralized observation panel of the Local Monitoring System Node of St. Petersburg State Institution "City Monitoring Center," using the equipment of the "Arkan" system.

RLP and power supply units are located in the premises of the facility in accordance with the design, in places convenient for installation and maintenance. The recommended height of installation of radio expanders is not less than 22.5 m from the floor surface. SUR is installed at the 24-hour security post. Programming of the system is performed at the stage of commissioning from the RMP console or personal computer.

To indicate the status of sections, BVI64 is installed. It serves to generate alerts with 64 LEDs about the current state and alarm memory in 64 sections or SHS.

To control the ventilation system and smoke removal units, ISD devices are used.

For an emergency police call, the Astra 321 alarm button is installed at the security post. The button connects directly to the transmitter.

6 installation of wiring

Lay 220 V power cables for BRT using HBGngFRLS cable, IBRD actuating units, PCU fire warning control units and "Lightning" annunciators, perform 1 * 2 * 0.75 of existing switchboards with KPSEngFRLS cable:

• passages through walls - in corrugated pipe,

• on walls and ceilings of rooms - in boxes.

Drawings content

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