High School General Plan

- Added: 07.06.2012
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The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize the outer space of the street and the city.
In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. The power of architectural images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place in their surroundings. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture, along with functional expediency, convenience and beauty, include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, according to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, the placement of equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation).
Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.
A characteristic feature of the development of our society is the consistent implementation of a line for the education and training of conscious, highly educated people who are capable of both physical and mental work, active activities in sectors of the national economy, various fields of public and state life, and the field of science and culture.
In practice, this line is carried out primarily within the framework of the system of continuing education, which is a process of constant formation and development of the conscious need and ability of a person to socially useful work, the growth of his cultural, educational and intellectual potential.
The most important components of the continuing education of its middle level are schools, which solve the problems of forming a harmonious, diversified personality and ensure the creative development of each student.
Performance of this task will be carried out in the developed system of establishment (complex) including both the mass views of buildings of comprehensive schools and specialized, covering everything areas of education, training, labor preparation, physical and esthetic development.
In accordance with these tasks, the field of education, general and pre-vocational education, including pre-school and extracurricular education, general education, basic training, the purpose of which should be intensively developed. - formation in the younger generation of physical and spiritual foundations, general knowledge and general labor skills, moral and aesthetic qualities, individual abilities, skills of creative amateur activity, which really provide a conscious, combining social needs with personal interests, socio-professional orientation and choice of future profession. This training also includes school labour training institutions and out-of-school institutions designed to ensure the creative development of the individual in an out-of-school environment in a socially open environment, in accordance with the student's inclinations and individual abilities.
The social and scientific and technical development of society, the constant improvement of all forms of life activities of people stimulate the development of the public service sector. The variety of types and forms of the service system, which contributes to the comfortable implementation by the population of all multifaceted functions, largely determines the level of civilization of society. There is a need for new types of public and residential buildings that meet the requirements of today.
By purpose, public buildings of everyday, periodic and episodic use are distinguished. Public buildings of everyday use serve mainly the population of a microdistrict or residential quarter and are objects of mass construction: preschool institutions, general education schools, shops, medical institutions. Objects of periodic and episodic use serve residents of the entire city or planning district: large department stores, theaters, concert halls.
The urban planning of public services is due to the need to create maximum amenities and minimum time costs for visiting service institutions and enterprises. This involves the placement of public buildings and complexes in urban development. One of the principles is the placement of public objects in accordance with the hierarchy of elements of the planning structure of the city - in public centers of the city.
As a result of the justified placement of public facilities in a specific urban planning situation, it is possible to create a flexible and effective public service system in the city.
The spatial solution of any of the types of public buildings, its planning structure, the composition of the premises are determined by the requirements of the functional and technological process taking place in this building.
Master Plan and Improvement
The total area allocated for construction is 3.5 hectares.
The complex of buildings and structures of the school includes:
sports fields,
training and experimental site,
platforms for mobile games for students of the 1st - 7th grades,
quiet recreation area,
fire water reservoir based on 2 tanks with a capacity of 150 m3 each,
discharge for household effluents with capacity of 150 m3,
elements of landscaping and landscaping of the territory.
The project provides for the following types of improvement:
Drainage ditch arrangement;
Paving of the main entrance on the school territory from Sovetskaya St., economic and fire entrance from Gorky St., the road around the schoolhouse and the inside patio from zh.b. plates tipaPDZ1 according to industry standard 137985;
Coating of platforms and sidewalks from paving slabs of K7 grade as per GOST 1760891;
Laying along the boundaries of the platforms, along sidewalks and driveways with a continuous coating of curb stone BRZO.30.15 and BR100.20.8 according to GOST 666591;
Installation of railway pipes for water passage under driveways, sidewalks and platforms;
Fencing the school territory with a decorative metal fence 0.8 m high on the side of the street. Sovetskaya and a metal fence 1.6 m high from mesh panels in the series 3.0171 along the rest of the perimeter of the territory.
The project provides for the landscaping of the school by planting shrubs and trees of local species and the installation of lawns.
Vertical layout
The construction site relief plan is made in a continuous system, taking into account the existing planning marks of the adjacent territories and village streets.
Given the natural decrease in the terrain on the school site, the project provides for the preparation of the territory by filling with imported soil to a height of 1.0 1.3 m.
The project provides for peat removal with subsequent replacement with imported soil on the site occupied by the school building, and peat loading with imported soil on areas occupied by sports grounds. The volume of peat removal is within 10,000 mZ, the volume of imported soil for peat loading in the sports zone area is within 6500 mZ.
Before filling the school territory, the project provides for the removal of the vegetable layer with the laying of it and part of the peat seized during peeling into the reserve for subsequent use for the needs of landscaping the territory.
Removal of water from atmospheric precipitation is provided due to creation of longitudinal and transverse slopes of the surface of the road surface and platforms with its passing along the curbs and subsequent discharge to the relief of adjacent territories or to the village network of drainage ditches.
The design floor elevation of the 1st floor of the school is accepted as 39.20 m.
Design Solutions
The following design solutions take place in the project under development:
Basement walls - from concrete foundation blocks of FBS as per GOST 1357978.
Ceramic brick walls (GOST 53080)
a) external bearing = 540 mm
b) internal carriers = 380 mm
floor panels and covering - from reinforced concrete slabs with round voids according to the series 1.1411, issue 60.63. 220 mm high.
The 65 mm thick partitions are reinforced with reinforcement nets with 50x50mm cells made of BP1 steel with a diameter of 5 mm through two rows of masonry in height.
Stairways prefabricated, reinforced concrete:
for series 1.251.1-4 and 1.252.1-4 GOST 9818-85 - width 1150 mm, length 3050 mm i = 3
- rolled, cold, ventilated with a coating of profiled flooring by metal runs.
- designed pile structures from reinforced concrete piles C830 according to the series 1.011.110 with monolithic reinforced concrete pedestals.
a) external - wooden (GOST 2469881 )
b) internal - wooden (GOST 662988)
Windows - wooden (GOST 1628986) with triple glazing in the series 1.236.512, ex.2.
Volumetric planning solutions
Architectural planning solutions of the building are executed according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 2.08.89, Construction Norms and Regulations 2.01.0285 and Construction Norms and Regulations 111177.
The school building is 2-storey with an inner courtyard, with bearing pro-longitudinal and transverse walls.
The dimensions of the main body in the plan are 61.2 x 74.1 m, (excluding the protruding part of the gym ).
The dimensions of the patio are 30.6 x 40.5 m.
The pitch of the construction grid is 2.7; 3,3;4,0; 6,0; 6,3; 9,0; 12,0.
The height of the floor is 3.3 m.
The building class is 2.
The degree of durability is II.
Liability class -P.
Degree of fire resistance - II.
Interior decoration: plaster; adhesive, oil and lime colour; facing with ceramic tiles.
Floors - covered with linoleum, ceramic tiles, mosaic, plank, parquet (depending on the purpose of the premises and the temperature and humidity mode of their operation).
External finish: basement - terrazite plaster with a large spray with the addition of broken glass and granite crumb of small fraction; walls are finished with facing brick laid with stitching.
Along the perimeter of the building, a concrete pavement of concrete class B 15 shire is provided. 100 cm by crushed stone base t = 150 mm.
Fire protection requirements
The school building, according to SNiP, has a III degree of fire resistance. Bearing structures of coating (plates) are made of non-combustible materials. Walls in rooms and escape routes are made of non-combustible and hard-burning materials.
Escape routes
The staircases are designed with natural lighting, isolated, with a march width of 1.2 and 1.3 m, have exits directly located and through the lobby.
Escape route width:
- in the hall - 1.35 m;
- corridors - 2.0 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m, 1.4 m.
Coverage of school facilities
Children's rooms should be light: the ratio of window area to floor area (in group and playing) is 1:4 - 1:5 (to. fr. = 1.5%), with through or angular ventilation, for II and I climatic areas, ventilation through bedrooms, reception or undress is allowed. The interior decoration of children's rooms - simple, without excessive architectural details at the same time should create a sense of comfort, joy.
Lighting with the second light is allowed in toilets and washing utensils, in reception and undress in climatic subareas IA, IB and IG. Buffet rooms, reception rooms and personnel rooms can be designed without natural light.
Heating and hot water supply are designed from main heating networks. Heating devices are radiators and convectors.
Cold water supply is designed from the intra-quarter water supply header with two inlets.
Around the building, the main firefighter is a domestic drinking water supply with wells in which fire guides are installed.
Sewerage is carried out inside the courtyard with a tie-in to the wells of the intra-quarter sewerage system.
Power supply is provided from the city substation - main and spare. The building is powered separately from the electrical panel. All electrical panels are located in the basement.
A telephone cable is supplied to the building from the intra-quarter telephone network and, depending on the ability of the city telephone exchange, subscribers are connected to the city telephone network.

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