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Searchlight mast H = 25m


Searchlight masts - special metal structures designed for high-altitude (up to 50 m) placement of searchlights - dimensional and heavy lighting devices. In addition, lighting masts often perform the function of lightning protection due to the lightning diverting spire installed on their top. Lighting masts are indispensable when lighting large open areas and facilities: sports facilities (stadiums, football fields, venues, ski slopes, arenas), areas in front of shopping, entertainment and exhibition centers, open parking lots, railway tracks and stations, airports, ports, open warehouses, major road junctions, etc.

The main advantage of lighting masts is that they allow maximum use of the potential of lighting fixtures from a high height, while avoiding the effects of blinding, shading and the need to place a plurality of supporting structures around the perimeter of the object. In terms of maintenance of lighting devices, the most convenient option is the version of lighting masts with a mobile crown (frame), which allows access to searchlights almost from the ground.

Project's Content

icon мачта 25м.spw
icon мачта общий лист1.cdw
icon мачта общий лист2.cdw
icon Монтажный чертеж СП.spw
icon монтажный чертеж.cdw
icon Площадка СП.spw
icon Площадка.cdw
icon Усиление мачты ф530.cdw
icon Фундамент.cdw

Additional information

Drawings content

icon мачта 25м.spw

мачта 25м.spw

icon мачта общий лист1.cdw

мачта общий лист1.cdw

icon мачта общий лист2.cdw

мачта общий лист2.cdw

icon Монтажный чертеж СП.spw

Монтажный чертеж СП.spw

icon монтажный чертеж.cdw

монтажный чертеж.cdw

icon Площадка СП.spw

Площадка СП.spw

icon Площадка.cdw


icon Усиление мачты ф530.cdw

Усиление мачты ф530.cdw

icon Фундамент.cdw


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