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Coursework in the discipline 'hydro and pneumatic drive' on the theme 'Semi-trailer fastener' Contains calculations of the hydraulic system of the fastener, as well as 2 drawings: general view of the fastener and drawing of the hydraulic system

Project's Content

icon Гидросистема СПП.cdw
icon Скрепер полуприцепной.doc
icon Скрепер СПП чертеж(КОМПАС 6).cdw

Additional information


1. Paper

2. Description of gyrosystem operation

3. Calculation of hydraulic system

4. Literature

Description of gyrosystem operation

Operating fluid in tank (1) under action of pump (2) through hoses gets to hydraulic distributor (4.2), after actuation of electric magnetic control the distributor is shifted to extreme right position and oil enters rod chambers of hydraulic cylinders of flap (6). The shutter opens. After opening the damper, the distributor (4.2) sets to the middle position (the pump is switched off if necessary). Safety valve (7) is installed on the main line to prevent overpressure.

After opening the damper, distributor (4.3) moves to the extreme left position, oil enters the blank cavities of ladle hydraulic cylinder (8). Bucket is lowered, distributor (4.3) is in middle position .

After the ladle tank is filled with soil, the distributor (4.3) is switched by electric magnets to the extreme right position. Blank cavities become non-pressurized (oil flows into the tank), and oil under pump pressure enters the rod cavities of ladle hydraulic cylinders. Bucket rises distributor (4.3) switches to middle position.

After bucket lifting, valve distributor (4.2) moves to extreme left position, oil under action of pump enters blank spaces of valve hydraulic cylinders (6). Rod pressure-free cavities are released from the oil. The shutter closed. Distributor (4.2) goes into middle position. Steps 1 and 2 are performed sequentially to unload the ladle. After the ladle is installed in the desired position, the hydraulic cylinders of the rear wall are turned on.

Distributor (4.1) changes to extreme left position, oil is supplied to blank cavities of hydraulic cylinder (5) of rear wall drive. The bucket is unloading.

After unloading the ladle, the distributor (4.1) goes to the extreme right position. Oil from pressure-free blank cavities of hydraulic cylinder (5) flows into tank, and pressure rod cavities are filled with oil and shift the rear wall to initial position. Distributor (4.1) goes into middle position. Next, operations 2 and 3 and...

Drawings content

icon Гидросистема СПП.cdw

Гидросистема СПП.cdw

icon Скрепер СПП чертеж(КОМПАС 6).cdw

Скрепер СПП чертеж(КОМПАС 6).cdw

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