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School for 11 classes (132 students), combined with a club with 300 seats


Course project-School for 11 grades (132 students), combined with a club with 300 places

Project's Content

icon Генплан.dwg
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icon Генплан.dwg
icon Записка.doc
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icon Перекрытия.dwg
icon РАЗРЕЗ.dwg
icon Узлы 2.dwg
icon Узлы.dwg
icon ФАСАД.dwg
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Additional information







4.1 Foundations and Basements

4.2 Walls

Heat Engineering Calculation

4.3 Internal walls and partitions

4.4 Overlaps

4.5 Floors

4.6 Roof, roof

4.7 Stairs

4.8 Windows and Doors








The intensive development of construction equipment is accompanied by the introduction of industrial construction methods, new construction and structural systems. Recently, in connection with the transition of the country to a market economy, a large number of fundamentally new building materials have appeared in terms of constructive and decorative indicators. Meanwhile, due to increased competition among manufacturers in the construction materials market, there is an inevitable reduction in their cost, improvement in quality and assortment.

The proposed design on the design features and type of materials used meets the requirements of most orders, counting on relatively inexpensive and high-quality construction, which has architectural expressiveness.

Construction area

The city of Zyryanovsk is part of the East Kazakhstan region. The climate is temperate continental. The average January temperature is about 22.6C. The average rainfall is about 500 mm per year. The average humidity of the coldest month is about 87%, and the warmest is 53%. Snow cover averages 100 kg/m2 from mid-November to mid-March.

Air temperature of the coldest days - security 0.92 - 40˚C; security 0.98- 42˚C.

The air temperature of the coldest five-day period with a security of 0.92 - 44˚C; security 0.98- 46˚C.

The maximum of the average wind speeds in rumbes in January is 5.3 m/s; for July - 3.5 m/s.

The depth of freezing of soils is 2.15 m.

Design Solutions

4.1 Foundations and Basements

Foundations - underground structures that transfer loads from the building to the ground.

A prefabricated ribbon foundation has been designed in this building due to the fact that a reinforced concrete factory is located near the construction site.

Prefabricated tape foundations consist of slabs laid in the foundation base and wall blocks, which are walls of the underground part of the building.

Foundation slabs-cushions are laid on a leveled base with a sand filling 10 cm thick. Bulk or loose soil cannot be left under the base of the foundation. It is removed and crushed stone or sand is poured instead. Recesses in the base more than 10 cm are filled with concrete mixture. Cushion plates for external walls have a width of 1000 mm, and for internal walls - 800 mm. During design, the dimensions of the foundation cushion slabs are accepted in accordance with GOST 1358085.

Pillow plates are laid with breaks. In places of conjugation of longitudinal and transverse walls of the cushion slab are laid in front and places of conjugation between them are sealed with concrete mixture. Horizontal waterproofing is arranged over laid pad slabs and 30 mm thick cement-sand brace is arranged on top of it, in which reinforcement mesh is laid, which leads to more uniform distribution of load from overlying blocks and structures. The diameter of the grid rods is 6 mm. Step - 30 cm. Upon completion of the cement bracing arrangement, the pit is filled to the top of the mounted reinforced concrete foundation cushions.

Then concrete foundation blocks are laid with dressing of seams in three rows, over which a horizontal waterproofing layer of two ruberoid layers on the mastic is arranged. The purpose of the waterproofing layer is to prevent migration of capillary soil and atmospheric moisture up the wall. The width of the foundation blocks for the external walls is 600 mm, for the internal - 400 mm.

During design the dimensions of foundation wall blocks are accepted according to GOST 1357978.

The depth of foundation laying is 2.450 m, which exceeds the depth of soil freezing, which is 1.95 m in this construction area.

The base of the building does not protrude and does not fall, forming a single plane with the wall of the building.

The basement of the building is plastered and expanded with an imitation of the type of masonry made of large stone, which gives the building artistic expressiveness.

The entire perimeter of the building is paved with a width of 900 mm with a slope of i = 0.030. It is designed to protect the foundation from rain and meltwater penetrating into the ground near the walls of the building.

4.2 Walls

The walls of the building are designed to protect and protect against environmental influences and transfer loads from the above structures - floors and coatings to the foundation.

When erecting the walls of the building, manual masonry with horizontal and vertical dressing of seams is used. Solid silicate bricks are used for masonry of external and internal walls.

The walls are laid on cement sand mortar. Thickness of external walls is determined on the basis of heat engineering calculation. Initially, the thickness of the outer wall is assumed to be 530 mm. Such thickness is necessary to ensure stability to wind and impact loads, as well as to increase the heat and sound insulation capacity of the walls.

From the outside and from the inside, the walls are plastered with cement sand mortar. The thickness of the outer (decorative) layer of plaster is 15 mm, the inner - 20 mm. Outside, a layer of plaster is colored whitewash. This is necessary to improve the appearance of the building.

Window openings in the walls are designed with quarters on the sides and on top, designed for the convenience of installation of window blocks. Reinforced concrete lintels are laid above window and door openings. They transfer the load from overlying structures to walls or spacers. There are three bridges in the window openings: one with a section of 380x140 mm and two with a section of 120x140 mm. In doorways, one bridge with a section of 380x140 mm.

4.3 Internal walls and partitions

Internal walls and partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings. Internal walls perform fencing and load-bearing functions in the building, partitions - only fencing.

Internal bearing walls and partitions in the form of brick masonry with 380 mm thick dressing are designed, partitions have a thickness of 120 mm. Internal structural walls are supported by slabs and divide spaces. Silicate bricks are used for masonry of walls and partitions. Partitions are installed on floor slabs along the thickness layer.

A 20 mm thick layer of plaster is applied to the surface of the internal walls and partitions of the building.

The structures of these walls and partitions meet the regulatory requirements for strength, stability, fire resistance, sound insulation.

4.4 Overlaps

Slabs - horizontal bearing and enclosing structures dividing buildings into floors and accepting loads from their own weight, the weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as from the weight of interior items, equipment and people on them. These loads are transferred from floors to the structural walls of the building.

In this building, a floor is designed, consisting of multi-pillar reinforced concrete slabs. Slabs are laid on the outer walls from the inner edge of the wall by 200 mm, and on the inner bearing walls by 190 mm.

For attic and basement floors separating heated rooms from non-heated rooms, heat protection requirements are imposed. Therefore, the attic floor has a 7 cm thick layer of thermosite insulation.

Slabs provide sound and thermal insulation, they also meet high requirements for rigidity and flexural strength.

4.6 Roof, roof

The roof is a structure that protects the building from precipitation and is the upper fence of the building. The roof is designed gable, attic, rafter.

Designed inclined rafters are supported by external load-bearing walls, on which a tuning bar (mauerlat) is fixed. Rafter legs are designed in the form of a wooden bar, having in section dimensions of 220x50. To reduce the amount of deflection of rafters under the influence of the weight of the roof structure, struts and vertical struts are provided in the axes, which, in turn, rest against the bed. The bed is located on the protruding part of the inner wall on the coordination axes. In the upper part of the roof structure, the rafters are connected to each other by means of a double-sided wooden patch. Between the axes, tightening from boards is used to increase the rigidity of the rafters, and there are no struts and braces. To the end of the rafters' legs, paws with dimensions of 100x40 mm are attached.

Since the wooden roof elements work in a moist and flammable (wiring passes in the attic) environment, they must be treated with antiseptics and flame retardants.

The roof is designed from metal tiles. The junction between the pipe and the roof is framed by galvanized steel sheets. In the top part of a roof there passes the ridge bar with a section of 50х150 mm and it is closed by two asbestos-cement ridge details of KPO1 and KPO2 which are beaten to a roof by nails with anticorrosive hats.

The watershed is external organized.

4.7 Stairs

Stairs are designed to communicate between spaces located on different floors.

The staircase is located in the hall and is designed with a wooden single-floor corner with running steps. The staircase has a railing 900 mm high. The width of the steps (except for cross-country steps) is 290 mm, the height of all steps is 165 mm. The width of the march is 1200 mm, which is sufficient for its operation.

The staircase structure has cosors, to which the treads join the slot. Between the treads, perpendicular to them, risers also join the slot.

The staircase to the attic room is designed as a retractable from the ceiling.

4.8 Windows and Doors

Windows - building elements designed for lighting and ventilation of rooms. Doors are used to connect isolated spaces and to enter the building.

The windows in the building are designed with double glazing. The thickness of the window blocks is 140 mm, which gives the right to judge their sufficient heat and sound insulation. One, two and three-leaf windows are provided. The frames in the windows are wooden. Window sizes: 2100x1800 mm - three-leaf, 1800x1800 mm and 1500x1800 mm - double-leaf and 900x1800 mm - single-leaf in window openings wooden window sills and plums made of galvanized steel are also installed. Since there are quarters in the window openings, the window blocks during installation rest against them, slopes are made from cement sand mortar.

Doors in the building are designed single-floor and double-floor, glazed and blind (non-glazed). Glazing of some doors is necessary, mainly in order to achieve more uniform lighting of the premises, but the interior is also improved along the way. All doors of the building are custom-made and decorated with decorative carvings. Door dimensions: height - 2100 mm, width: D3 - 700, D4 - 860, D5 - 900, D1, D2 - 1200 mm.

In the manufacture of windows and doors, extremely high-quality sheet glass with a thickness of 6 mm and high-quality wood are used to avoid cracks and slots during operation.

5 external and internal finishes

The exterior of the building is mainly determined by the style of its exterior decoration. The design provides for the finishing of external walls in the form of decorative plaster with a thickness of 15 mm from cement sand mortar prepared on the basis of hydrophobic cement of grade 500 in proportions of 1:2, this allows you to resort less to re-plastering the facade of the building during operation and allows you to protect the masonry from atmospheric effects and freezing capillary moisture in it. Decorative plaster is covered with a layer of salad whitewash.

The basement of the building is also plastered and expanded with an imitation of the type of masonry made of large stone. The seams may be colored white (or any other) if desired. The basement is green and gives the building some elegance, expressiveness .

The windows and external doors of the building are painted with water repellent enamel in white, which is perfectly combined with the salad color of the school walls, does not violate the harmony of the colors of the facade.

Finishing the surface of the inner walls and partitions consists in their plastering with cement sand mortar with a layer 20 mm thick. The surface of the plaster can be white, glued with paper wallpaper or liquid wallpaper can be applied, decorative plastering (with various shapes) and colored whitening of the surfaces of walls and partitions are also possible. In the bathroom, the surface of the walls, like the floors, is finished with ceramic tiles. It serves as a waterproofing of the walls required due to the high humidity in this room, and is easily washed, which allows you to observe the hygiene of the bathroom.

Exceptions are the hall, corridors, offices, tambour and boiler room, where ceilings whiten.

Interior decoration determines the interior of the building and can be made in various styles, depending on the customer's desire. Moreover, it is possible to change it during the operation of the building.

Drawings content

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