Saratov AKB Plant (Power Supply)

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Diploma project Power supply of the main production of the Saratov Plant of Autonomous Current Sources Composition: Explanatory note doc; General Plan; Single-line circuit; Power supply diagram; Economics (DWG )
Project's Content
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Additional information
Diploma Design Assignment
1 Brief description of the design object
2 Calculation of electrical loads
2.1 Determination of design load of housing No.
2.2 Determination of average loads of workshops
3 Mapping and determination of electric load center
4 Selection of transformers at shop substations
5 Determination of design loads at all power supply levels
6 Selection of power supply system variant
6.1 Technical and economic calculations for selection of external voltage
power supply
6.2 Calculation of short-circuit currents
6.3 Selection of switching devices
6.4 Plant internal power supply system
6.5 Feasibility Study for Power Supply Selection
using integral performance indicators
6.6 Determination of design loads and selection of distribution lines
10 kV networks
6.7 Calculation of DC currents of the accepted scheme
6.8 Accepted plant power supply system
7 Reactive power compensation
8 Power supply of housing No.
8.1 Description of rooms for the environment of the building No.
8.2 Selection of housing power supply scheme No.
8.3 Calculation of electrical loads by power supply units
8.4 Selection of distribution points and busbars, network calculation in
building No.
8.5 Selection of distribution network and protection and control equipment for
electrical receivers of the workshop
8.6 Calculation of short circuit currents and selection of switching and protective equipment
8.7 Lighting of the production building No.
8.8 Calculation of grounding of housing No. 3 and bushing
9 Relay protection and automation
9.1 Relay protection and automation of power supply system
9.2 Relay protection and automation installed on synchronous
10 Development of electromagnet for lamellar plate processing press
(special. question)
10.1 Question setting
10.2 LMD Design Selection
10.3 Calculation of static characteristics of magnetic systems
10.4 Dynamics of LMD working stroke
10.5 Design of the LMD under consideration
10.6 LMD power supply unit
11 Organizational and Economic Section
11.1 Organization, Management and Planning of Energy
plant subdivisions
11.2 Development of Integrated Repair Scope Summary
GPP and Networking
11.3 Calculation of time reserves on critical and reserve tracks
network model
11.4 Development of energy saving and reduction measures
losses in electrical networks
12 Occupational and environmental protection
List of sources used
Appendix A. Calculation of LMD static characteristics
Appendix B. Calculation of dynamic characteristics of LAMD
Project Description
The explanatory note contains 186 sheets of typewritten text, 39 tables, 10 figures, 22 sources, 2 annexes.
The design object is the Saratov plant "Autonomous Current Sources."
The purpose of the diploma project is to implement the project on power supply of the main production of the Saratov plant "Autonomous Current Sources."
During the design process, three versions of the plant's power supply were planned, of which 35/6 kV with the best technical and economic indicators was chosen. Two three-winding transformers of the TMTN6300/35 brand were installed at the GPP, this activity was technically and economically justified. Modern K59 cells with much smaller dimensions than others were installed in the switchgear. Complete transformer substations with a capacity of 6301000 kVA were selected at transformer substations.
With the acceleration of the scientific and technical process, there is a need to improve industrial electricity: the creation of the most economical and reliable power supply systems for industrial enterprises, lighting, automated control systems for electric drives and technological processes, the introduction of microprocessor equipment, gas-insulated and vacuum electrical equipment, new complete converter devices; at the same time, the power supply system should ensure safety and convenience of operation, proper quality of electricity, voltage levels, frequency stability, etc. One of the main trends in the development of the electric power industry recently is energy conservation. The constant rise in energy prices is forcing us to turn more and more to the question of the correctness and rationality of their use.
All this defines a wide range of tasks that are faced by employees of scientific research, design, installation and commissioning organizations working in the field of electrification of industry.
The purpose of the diploma project is to design an economical and reliable power supply system of the enterprise. In this regard, it is necessary to solve a number of important tasks: the introduction of new and resource-saving technologies, the improvement of the energy consumption structure itself, which includes reducing the unproductive costs of electricity during its transmission, distribution and consumption, which can be most efficiently carried out with the help of ASKUE.
During the diploma design, policy documents were used, such as: PUE, SNiP, state standards (GOST) for equipment, terms and definitions, conventions, etc.
Selection of power supply system variant
To select a rational power supply system, we consider various versions of the external and internal power supply system. The choice of one or another power supply scheme is determined by technical and economic calculations. The purpose of technical and economic calculations is to determine the optimal version of the scheme, the parameters of the electric network and its elements. Each option under consideration must meet the requirements for industrial power supply systems, ensuring the necessary reliability and quality of power supply.
Accepted plant power supply system
The main conditions for designing a rational external power supply system are reliability, economy and quality of electricity in the network.
Power supply of the plant is carried out from tires ORU35 kV CHPP - 1 via two 35 kV air lines of the NPP brand with a section of 70 mm2 on typical reinforced concrete and anchor metal double-chain supports. The GPP is attached to the housing No. 3 with some offset from the calculated center of electrical loads of the plant towards the power source. Two three-winding transformers of TMTN-6300/35U1 type are openly installed on the GPP.
On the 35 kV side, a bridge diagram is adopted with switches in the transformers circuits and an automatic jumper on the line side. The WBKE35 type circuit breakers are received on the MCPL. RP equipment - 35 kV: switches, disconnectors, surge limiters are installed openly on unified prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. The busbar is made flexible, with AS grade wire. Power and control cables shall be laid on the territory from RMS - 35 kV in trays made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. Power transformers 35/6 kV are installed openly, to protect their neutrals, an OPN installation is provided.
RP equipment - 6 kV GPP installed closed. On the 6 kV and 10 kV side, a single bus system is adopted, sectioned by a vacuum switch with an ALT device. RU6kV is equipped with K59 series switchgear cabinets with switches installed on rolled-out trolleys with two-way service. LV switchgear building is made in precast reinforced concrete. Power and control cables are laid in cable channels located on the rear side of the cabinet in the switchgear. Control, protection and signalling equipment of 6 kV lines and voltage transformers is located in switchgear cabinets.
Shop TPs are double-transformer with secondary voltage U = 0.40.23kV and separate operation mode of transformers. Shop TPs are located in all production buildings. RP1 receives power from the GPP according to the radial scheme, TP - 2, TP - 10 are supplied according to the main scheme with redundancy on the side of 0.40.23kV, and the remaining TPs receive power according to the radial scheme.
This diagram (bridge) (see graphic sheet No. 2) is two units of a transformer line connected on the high voltage side of transformers by a jumper (bridge), with a jumper on the line side, is used for short lines. The bridge in the bridge diagram plays a significant role both in switching on lines and transformers during their withdrawal for repair, and in automatic equipment disconnections and the creation of post-accident operation modes of the substation equipment.
Advantages of the circuit: economy (3 switches for 4 connections); reliability, simplicity.
Disadvantages of the circuit: when the line is taken out for repair or damaged, two switches are turned off and the transformer remains without power for some time; complexity of switching during transformer output and commissioning.
Operation of the diagram:
- in normal mode the switches Q1, Q2 and Q3 are ON. Repair jumper is open by disconnectors QS9 and QS10. Disconnectors QS1, QS2, QS3, QS4, QS5, QS6, QS7 and QS8 are closed. The consumers are powered by two high-voltage lines W1 and W2 through switches and disconnectors, and then through transformers;
- at a conclusion in repair of the W1 (W2) line or its damage two Q1, Q2 switches (Q1, Q3) and the T1 (T2) transformer for some time are switched-off remains without food, at the same time on the party of the lowest tension section QB1 and QB2 switches will be switched on by operation of devices of automatic switch-on of reserve food (AVR) and power supply of consumers will not be broken;
- in case of T1 (T2) transformer damage, gas protection, differential protection or maximum current protection disconnects the switches on the lower side of the transformer and on the upper side of Q2 (Q3). After that, section switches QB1 and QB2 will be switched on on the lower voltage side by ALT action and power supply of consumers will not be disturbed.
On the lower voltage side, a circuit with one bus system partitioned by a switch with non-active outgoing lines.
This circuit is selected for the purpose of: limiting short-circuit currents; separate operation of parallel transformers and supply lines; improving reliability of power supply to consumers.
Advantages of the scheme: simplicity, visibility, economy, fairly high reliability.
Disadvantages of the scheme:
- during repairs on the section, responsible consumers normally fed from both sections remain without a power reserve;
Power supplies and lines are connected to the busbars using switches. When using the switchgear in repair modes, the visible break is created by rolling out the trolley to the appropriate position. For each circuit, one switch is required, which serves to turn it off and on in normal and emergency modes.
Development of electromagnet for lamellar plate processing press (special. question)
10.1 Question setting
Currently, electromechanical presses are used in the factory to perform processing operations, remove defects, and adopt the appropriate type of electrode plates. Press brand KD 2124 - single-brush open press of simple action. Its main advantage is high productivity, but it has a number of significant drawbacks: long kinematic chains with a large number of intermediate links for converting the rotational motion of the engine into the reciprocating motion of the press slider, the need for frequent and abundant lubrication, rapid wear of rotating units, unfavorable mode of operation of the engine with variable load, which causes their low energy performance.
It is of interest to create presses using linear electromagnetic motors of LAMD [19], in which the electric energy of the network is directly converted into kinetic energy of rectilinear motion of the punch when the magnetic field of the winding interacts with the ferromagnetic anchor.
The absence of mechanical transmissions and precisely manufactured parts, prostate structures, great possibilities for improving reliability and durability of operation, simplicity and cost-effectiveness of controlling the amount of working stroke and force within wide limits, the possibility of automation advantageously distinguish linear electromagnetic motors from other types of engines. At the same time, its reliability and efficiency are increased. Such motors fit harmonically into various devices, are technological and have a low cost.
LEMDs have high technical and economic indicators, but have a significant drawback - their traction characteristic has a hyperbolic appearance, characterizing small traction forces with relatively large working gaps. Therefore, in order to expand the functionality of the LAMD used, it is necessary to have motors with other forms of traction characteristics that have increased initial traction characteristics.
In the design of the magnetic system, several electromagnetic transducers can be combined with various types of magnetic flows (longitudinal, transverse, scattering and bulging) acting simultaneously or alternately within a certain part of the stroke.
According to pre-diploma practice, the press type CD 2124 has the following parameters: current type 380 V, frequency 50 Hz, control circuit voltage 110 V, alarm circuits voltage 5.5 V, local lighting circuits 24 V; AOS2316 electric motor type with power of 2 kW, 900 rpm, IR = 25%, M101 design form, vibration class - С, electrical equipment design - normal. The force required to cut the plate is 7.5 kN. Plate thickness is 3 mm. The main purpose of the calculation is to determine such a mechanical force that at the end of the stroke the stored kinetic energy is enough to cut this plate.
10.2 LMD Design Selection
The formation of the traction characteristics of the LAMD can be carried out in various ways: mechanical, electrical and structural.
Mechanical methods are carried out using various kinds of transfer devices, for example, using kinematic levers.
Electrical methods are used in forced modes using appropriate electromagnet control devices.
Design methods are implemented by selection of shape of interacting surfaces of ferromagnetic poles in zone of working gap, implementation of magnetic system with changing geometry (different type of recess on armature core), movable parts of magnetic system (feet, disks), selection of shape of interacting surfaces of armature and enclosing surface of flange hole, application of various shunts.
The first two methods for pulsed LMDs are of limited interest due to the complexity of external kinematic links and additional gears, heavy temperature loads and the complexity of engine control schemes.
Thus, the main method of generating the traction characteristics of the LAMD remains structural. This method is essentially directed to the rational use of magnetomotor force (MDS).
In the course of development and research, more design options for LAMD were created, having their advantages and disadvantages. Each type of LAMD has its own design features, with the help of which one or another traction characteristic is achieved.
In the course of research [20], various LAMD designs having characteristic traction characteristics have been proposed and developed in various scientific papers. Mathematical and physical models of the most promising magnetic circuit of LAMD were investigated. Influence of geometric parameters of magnetic circuit elements on formation of traction characteristic in range of armature working stroke is investigated. According to the static characteristics [20] and [21], it can be seen that in our case, it is most effective to use an electromagnet with one working air gap operating in a longitudinal magnetic field (armored electromagnet) or an electromagnet with two working air gaps operating in a longitudinal magnetic field (Lwitsin electromagnet).
10.6 LMD power supply unit
The LMD power supply unit is designed to provide various process modes of the LMD operation by changing the traction force, stroke frequency and duty cycle of the supply voltage pulse. The schematic diagram shown in the figure provides the above capabilities.
The circuit is powered by a 220 V. single-phase AC network. It consists of a power unit containing diodes VD2, VD3 and thyristors VS1 and VS2, as well as two control units - force and frequency.
The force control unit operates on the principle of changing the response angle of thyristors VS1 and VS2 with a frequency of 100 Hz. The unit providing changes in the opening angle of the thyristors is made on the single-transition transistor VT1. as soon as the voltage on the plates of the capacitor C3 reaches the opening voltage VT1, a short current pulse passes through the winding I of the pulse transformer T2. Pulses from winding II or III of transformer will open T1 or T2 - depending on the phase of mains voltage. By varying the resistor resistance R5, the charging rate C3 and therefore the opening angle T1 and T2 can be adjusted. The force control unit is powered by a half-period rectifier VD1. Voltage at V1 is limited by stabilizers VD 4, VD 5.
Power pulse frequency and duty cycle control unit controls operation of thyristor VS3 connected in series with LMD winding. It is made on the basis of a direct-angle pulse generator containing three logic elements NOT and a time-charging circuit R10, R11, C4. A circuit consisting of diodes VD16, VD17 and resistors R12, R13, R14 provides a duty cycle control. The unit allows adjusting the duty cycle from 1 to several thousand. In this case, the frequency of the output pulses varies slightly. The key mode transistor VT3 amplifies the power pulses.
Organizational and Economic Division
11.1 Organization, management and planning of the plant power division
The technology of producing nickel-cadmium batteries requires significant consumption of many types of resources: steam supply, water supply, as well as electricity. A break in the power supply of the plant leads to significant damage, damage to technological equipment and a long-term disorder of a complex technological process. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly manage the energy economy of the plant, the reliability of the operation of electrical equipment.
According to the primary registration of the designed object, the planned labor intensity of the annual schedule of the PPR of energy equipment is 2500 thousand people. h. Therefore, the energy service belongs to the 9th category of the energy economy.
Energy management is carried out along three lines:
- administrative and economic,
- production and technical,
- operational and technical.
The management of the administrative and economic line is carried out by the main energy engineer of the enterprise, the main task is the selection and training of personnel, labor protection, planning, accounting and control of the activities of the electric farm.
The main power engineer has three substituents:
- Deputy for Heat Engineering
- Deputy for reconstruction and overhaul of electrical equipment.
- Deputy for Electrical Engineering.
Directly subordinate to the main energy sector are:
- Bureau of Planning and Economy.
Organizes, conducts and improves planning and economic work, identifies reserves and mobilizes them to increase labor productivity.
- Mode and Monitoring Group.
Development on the basis of fuel and electricity balances of schemes for the organization of accounting for their consumption by divisions of the enterprise. Monitoring of the status of metering devices, taking readings, calculation of electricity generation and consumption. Analysis of reasons for overexpenditure, issuance of orders for their compensation.
Technological management of power economy is performed of deputy chief power engineers.
The main task is to organize and ensure uninterrupted power supply of all types of energy resources, control over the commissioning of equipment and transfer devices.
The Deputy Chief Power Engineer for Technological Engineering manages the power services of steam, water treatment, plumbing and gas compressor plants. Also directly subordinate are:
- Heat and power bureau.
Preparation and correction of as-built heat management drawings. Supervision of their execution.
- Ventilation bureau.
Necessity of strict compliance of ventilation systems with requirements of plumbing and fire safety standards.
Plumbing Bureau.
The main task is to choose an effective scheme for neutralizing, treating and reusing waste water, supervising the state of the relevant plants.
The Deputy Chief Power Engineer for Reconstruction and Overhaul of Electrical Equipment manages the power units during the reconstruction and overhaul of these units.
The Deputy Chief Power Engineer for Electrical Engineering manages all divisions during operation. In his submission:
- Design and planning bureau.
Technical support of operation, repair and installation works, preparation and correction of as-built drawings and diagrams. Implementation and development of unified system of numbering of technical documentation networks.
- Electrical laboratory.
Supervisory control of power economy is exercised through service of the duty power engineering specialist.
On-duty power engineer performs:
- Coordination and control of all energy supply elements.
- Ensuring uninterrupted power supply in all plant divisions.
- Optimal load distribution among consumers.
- Prompt troubleshooting of malfunctions and accidents during operation.
The OGE service includes a power supply workshop. This workshop is engaged in maintenance and repair of electrical networks, 10 kV and 6 kV distribution points, workshop transformer substations.
The head of the electric shop organizes the work of the workshop staff to fulfill the planned indicators, manages the funds of the workshop, has the right to encourage and impose disciplinary sanctions on the workers of the workshop.
The head of the electric shop has two deputies:
- Deputy for operation of electrical equipment.
- Deputy for electrical equipment repair.
The direct subordination of the Deputy Operations Manager includes all operational personnel who perform operational maintenance of the electrical equipment of the workshop and the plant. Operational maintenance provides for: maintenance of equipment and networks, inspections, systematic monitoring of the state of equipment and networks, control of operating modes, verification of the operational reliability of equipment and networks, compliance with operating rules, manufacturer's instructions and local operating instructions. elimination of malfunctions that do not require disconnection of equipment and networks, adjustment, cleaning, lubrication, refilling of oil.
Operational maintenance is carried out during the operation of equipment and networks, as well as during breaks and holidays.
The operating personnel of the electric shop includes several groups that perform maintenance of electrical equipment:
- Group of electrical measuring instruments.
- Group of substations and power grids.
This group includes a separate team for servicing the electrical equipment of the GRP plant, working in three shifts.
- Relay protection and automation group.
Groups are managed by wizards. They are leaders in their teams, responsible for the implementation of the plan, for the placement and correct use of people, for the consumption of materials, for labor protection, etc.
Under the command of the Deputy Head of the Electrical Equipment Repair Shop, the repair personnel of the electrical shop, who performs the repair maintenance of the electrical equipment, are included. Repair service is a complex for the replacement or restoration of worn or destroyed elements, units, parts, equipment, adjustment and adjustment of the repaired equipment with bringing all parameters to the nominal ones established by the manufacturer.
The repair personnel includes the following groups:
- Plant-wide equipment repair team.
Repairs the electric drive in non-production rooms: canteens, passageways, boiler houses.
- Plant Shop Engine Repair Team.
- Winding group.
The task force is headed by shift chiefs, and all personnel for the maintenance of high-voltage equipment report to them.
Based on the technical and economic calculations carried out for the power supply of the enterprise, a 35 kV power supply system was adopted, which has higher integral indicators (HDC, ID), as well as higher profitability of products and production compared to other options. Internal power supply system is performed at 10 and 6 kV voltage.
During the design at the GPP, two three-winding transformers were accepted for installation, the most promising switchgears with vacuum switches. The GPP is located not far from the CEN and is attached to the housing No. 3. Ten transformer substations are powered from the GPP, with transformers with a capacity of 630 and 1000 kVA and one RP installed on them.
In the considered workshop (building No. 3), SHRA-grade busbars and nine power stations were installed. The lighting is made by DRL lamps, since the ceiling height is 10 m. Emergency lighting is made by filament lamps connected to another TC bus. For protection of synchronous motors it is carried out on the UZA10A.2E relay.

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