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Rudder Electric Booster Project


The project contains: patent research, analysis of existing structures and technical solutions, a description of the proposed design of an elektromechanical amplifier, strength calculations of parts, the technological process of mounting a steering column with an ESD, instructions on the safety equipment of the driver of the car, calculation of the cost of manufacturing an electric power body, calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of production. The first section of the project provides an overview of the design of steering and torque sensors. Based on this review, the modernization of the ESD intended for the Chevrolet-Niva car was proposed. In the second section of the project, the principle of operation of the upgraded electric steering amplifier is described, the necessary engineering and technical calculations of the elements of the proposed structure are carried out. In the third section of the project, the technological process of mounting a steering column with an electric amplifier on a car is being developed, the installation diagram of the ESD connection to the on-board network of the car is being worked out. In the fourth section, labor protection and environmental safety measures were developed to make the operational process safer for human health. The necessary calculations of engineering systems were made, as well as the emission standards for harmful substances by the car were limited. The fifth section calculates the cost-effectiveness of implementing the developed ESD and calculates the overall cost-effectiveness of the project.

Project's Content

icon Спецификация 4-5 лист.spw
icon 9 лист-экономика.cdw
icon 6 лист-сборочный_.cdw
icon Спецификация 6 лист гот.spw
icon 4 лист - ВО.cdw
icon 2 лист-обзор.cdw
icon 8 лист-технология.cdw
icon 1 лист-общий вид.cdw
icon 5 лист-во продолжение.cdw
icon 3 лист-вид общий.cdw
icon 6 лист-сборочный.cdw

Additional information

Drawings content

icon Спецификация 4-5 лист.spw

Спецификация 4-5 лист.spw

icon 9 лист-экономика.cdw

9 лист-экономика.cdw

icon 6 лист-сборочный_.cdw

6 лист-сборочный_.cdw

icon Спецификация 6 лист гот.spw

Спецификация 6 лист гот.spw

icon 4 лист - ВО.cdw

4 лист - ВО.cdw

icon 2 лист-обзор.cdw

2 лист-обзор.cdw

icon 8 лист-технология.cdw

8 лист-технология.cdw

icon 1 лист-общий вид.cdw

1 лист-общий вид.cdw

icon 5 лист-во продолжение.cdw

5 лист-во продолжение.cdw

icon 3 лист-вид общий.cdw

3 лист-вид общий.cdw

icon 6 лист-сборочный.cdw

6 лист-сборочный.cdw