RTK on the basis of machine 16K20F3, PR Universal-5 and TNS
- Added: 03.07.2014
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Кинематическая схема станка.cdw
Пояснительная записка.doc
Универсал 5_1.cdw
Эскиз детали.cdw
Additional information
1 Job
2 Lathe cartridge-center machine with numerical program control of model 16K20F3S
2.1 Purpose and Design Features
2.2 Description of kinematic diagram
2.3 Technical characteristics of the CNC lathe of model 16K20F3C
3 Selection of procurement method
4 Selection of machining methods
5 Selection of cutting tool
6 Calculation of cutting modes and development of process adjustment
7 Selection of industrial robot design and calculation of PR hand grasp
7.1 Analysis of initial data for selection of industrial robot model
7.2 Industrial robot of type "Universal-5"
7.3 Selection of gripper type and calculation of industrial robot grip
8 View of transport-accumulating system
8.1 Magazine-drive with zigzag tray
8.2 Calculation of storage parameters
9 List of literature
3. Select the procurement method.
As a method of obtaining a workpiece, we choose stamping on a horizontal forging machine. This method is designed to produce preforms weighing up to 30 kg, preferably the shape of the body of revolution, hollow, with through or blind holes, flanges and projections .
Allowances and tolerances for stamped blanks are regulated by GOST 750583. Using the methodological instructions [7], taking into account the mass and dimensions of the blank, we accept:
- value of allowance to the side 2.3 mm;
- external 5˚ stamping slopes, internal 7˚;
- outer round radii 2.5 mm, inner round radii 7.5 mm.
Sketches of the workpiece with machined and untreated outer surface are shown on sheets 1 and 2, respectively.
Billet weight is calculated by formula:
m = sound· V = 7850· 0, 33· 103 = 2.6 kg,
where ρ=7850 kg/m3 density stali40, V=0,33·103 m3 the preparation volume calculated as the sum of elementary volumes.
Selection of industrial robot design and calculation of PR hand grasping.
7.1. Analyses the source data for selecting an industrial robot model.
The main indicators for choosing an industrial robot model are:
1) Lifting capacity.
To determine the required lifting capacity of the PR, the weight of the handling object, i.e. the workpiece, must be calculated. In our case, the mass of the workpiece is 2.6 kg.
Therefore, you need to choose a light series PR with a maximum lifting capacity of 5 kg.
2) Number of degrees of mobility and coordinate system:
To perform loading and unloading operations of the machine, the robot must be able to:
1-turning the arm about a vertical axis to allow movement of the blank from the accumulator to the machine;
2-extending the hand about the horizontal axis to move the workpiece directly to the spindle of the machine;
3-lifting the arm along the vertical axis to compensate for the possible difference in the height of the workpieces in the accumulator and the spindle of the machine;
4-possibility of manipulator brush rotation around horizontal axis for billet turning.
Therefore, the desired PR must have at least four degrees of mobility of the hand, the ability to rotate the hand around the horizontal axis, and operate in a polar cylindrical coordinate system.
Кинематическая схема станка.cdw
Универсал 5_1.cdw
Эскиз детали.cdw
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