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Road construction


Thesis project. Explanatory note and drawings

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Additional information




1.1 Introduction

1.2 General Information

1.3 Characteristics of the existing road

1.4 Brief description of the route area

1.4.1 Climate

1.4.2 Relief

1.4.3 Vegetation and soils

1.4.4 Engineering and geological conditions

1.5 Promising traffic intensity and composition

1.6 Cost-effectiveness of capital investments

1.6.1 Freight transportation

1.7 Technical standards

1.8 Route of the road


2.1 Preparation of construction area

2.2 Artificial structures

2.2.1 Small artificial structures

2.3 Earthwork

2.4 Roadwear

2.4.1 General provisions

2.4.2 Analysis of basic options for road construction


3.1 Route Plan

3.1.1 Breakdown of circular curves

3.1.2 Calculation of horizontal curve elements

3.1.3 Calculation of the station values of the main points of circular curves

3.1.4 Spiral Design

3.1.5 Calculation of spirals

3.1.6 Superelevation Design

3.2 Route Plan Design

3.3 Longitudinal Profile Design

3.3.1 General Requirements for Longitudinal Profile in Automated Design

3.3.2 Design of longitudinal profile

3.4 Cross Profile Design

3.5 Ensuring visibility in plan and profile. Vertical curves

3.5.1 Road visibility requirement

3.5.2 Ensuring visibility on curves in the plan

3.5.3 Calculation of minimum plan and longitudinal profile parameters for visibility

3.5.4 Vertical curves

3.6 Construction Organization Project

3.7 Traffic Safety Assessment

3.7.1 Assessment of traffic safety by safety factor

3.7.2 Assessment of traffic safety by the total accident rate


4.1 Calculation of estimated cost of road section construction as per design variant

4.2 Calculation of estimated cost of road section construction according to variant 2

4.3 Local Material Resource List

4.4 Local resource estimate for civil works


6.1 Impact of road traffic on the environment

6.2 General provisions

6.3 Traffic Safety Assessment

6.4 Assessment of the impact of road conditions on traffic safety

6.5 Assessment of the impact of local road elements on traffic safety in flat and rough terrain

6.6 Assessment of the influence of the state of coverage on traffic safety in flat, rough mountainous terrain

6.7 Assessment of the economic impact of improving traffic safety on



7.1 General safety requirements and main regulatory documents

7.2 Measures taken at the construction site to prevent exposure of workers to hazardous production factors


8.1 Impact of road traffic on the environment

8.2 Assessment of the impact of surface runoff from the road on the water environment

8.3 Assessment of pollution of atmospheric air and roadside areas by dust, products of pollution and wear of coating

8.4 Estimation of noise and vibration impact level of transport. Special protection methods

8.5 Effects on the animal and plant world




Highways are capital-intensive structures, so the design of roads should be aimed at achieving their high operational qualities, with a minimum of construction costs.

When choosing solutions, preference should be given to those where the safety of cars with design speeds, with a long service life of the roadway, road clothing and artificial structures is ensured.

The optimal combination of road plan and profile elements, the choice of the type of pavements and their proper content ensures favorable conditions for the operation of road transport, while minimizing road accidents related to road conditions.

Main Design Solutions

1.1 Introduction

The working project for the construction of the Kochkoma-TikshaLedmozero-KostomukshaGosstranitsa highway, km 64-km 70, was developed by Pilot Engineering Center LLC in 2001. The working project was adjusted by the Pilot Engineering Center LLC on the basis of task No. 205 of May 19, 2005, approved by the Head of the State Institution of the Republic of Karelia "Highway Administration of the Republic of Karelia." Working documentation for drilling and blasting works was developed by Mosgiprotrans OJSC. Laboratory analysis of soils was carried out in the laboratory of GP Karelavtodor. The working project has been adjusted taking into account the requirements of Rosavtodor of the Ministry of Transport of Russia for the composition of the project and the latest regulatory documents, while the following sections of the project have been additionally developed:

- EIA and environmental protection measures during road construction and operation;

- Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations during construction.

- Organization of road maintenance works.

Documentation for the tender for construction works has been developed. The estimated cost of construction is determined by the basis index method on the basis of TER2001 of the Republic of Karelia with conversion to current prices for the period of delivery of the working project. The design of the boundaries of the land plot provided for construction was carried out in accordance with the new requirements of the Land Code of the Russian Federation on planned material with reference to the local coordinate system .

1.2 General Information

The section of the highway under consideration is located on the territory of the Muezersky district of the Republic of Karelia. On the way, correspondent relations of a large industrial district of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the city of Kostomukshi are provided. Being part of the Northern Transport Road Corridor, the road provides the shortest way to deliver goods and cargo from the northwestern regions of Russia, through the territory of the Republic of Karelia and the northern regions of Finland to the EU countries. On the state border with Finland is the current international automobile checkpoint "Luttya." By road, connections are also made between the administrative centers of districts and settlements, and access from them to the federal highway St. Petersburg - Murmansk and access to railway stations on the October Railway is provided.

The existing road within the section under consideration may be classified in the IV technical category, however, the technical parameters of the longitudinal profile, the transverse profile of the roadway are accepted with deviations from SNiP and do not comply with the normative ones.

1.3 Characteristics of the existing road

The existing road crosses the beds: rock, boulder, gravel-pebble, as well as swamps of various depths and lengths. In plan, the road has 8 turning angles, rounding radii of 100-400 m. In the longitudinal profile at the intersection of the ridge, the normative visibility of the oncoming car is not provided. The roadbed within the swamps is filled along the bed and passes in embankments from 0.0 m to 0.5 m, the laying of the slopes of the roadbed throughout does not meet the requirements of SNiP 2.05.0285. The width of the roadway is up to 10 m. Lightweight roadwear with a single-layer black coating from 5 cm to 7 cm thick on a base of sand and gravel material, has a width of 6.5 m - 7 m and is in an unsatisfactory state: a network of longitudinal and transverse cracks, subsidence, potholes, gauge, bare and broken edges of the coating, there is a sunbed on the surface of the coating. The shoulders are underestimated and not strengthened, their transverse slope is violated. Drainage is provided due to natural runoff, there are no cuvettes.

Artificial structures are represented by reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 0.75 m, 0.9 m, 1.0 m in the amount of 8 pieces. All artificial structures are in unsatisfactory condition: heads are broken, concrete is destroyed on links with reinforcement bare, the tightness of joints of pipe links is violated, pipe trays are clogged with soil, underwater and branch channels are overgrown with shrubs.

Along the existing road, 10 wires run along the right along the kilometer. During the survey work, the communication line was on conservation. To the left of the highway in the immediate vicinity (up to 30 m) is the Kochkoma-Ledmozero railway line.

The width of the diversion lane of the existing road according to the technical passport is 19 m and is insufficient for construction work.

1.6 Cost-effectiveness of capital investments

1.6.1 Freight transportation

76% of the volume of cargo transportation in the republic falls on the territory subordinate to the administration of Kostomuksha (ore transportation of Karelian Okatysh OJSC). The average ore transport range is 2.9 km, but they do not affect the condition of the road in question. The share of Segezhsky and Muezersky districts in freight transportation is 0.9% and 1.4%, respectively .

The volume of cargo transportation is determined by the totality of those transport links that are currently carried out on the projected section of the road, and amounted to 224 thousand tons in the reporting year 2005. The structure of cargo traffic by type of cargo is characterized by the following data:

- industrial - 16 thousand tons (7%);

- agricultural - 7 thousand tons (3%);

- forest - 101 thousand tons (45%);

- construction - 33 thousand tons (15%);

- commercial and supply - 45 thousand tons (20%);

- other - 22 thousand tons (10% )/

A significant share of transported goods by road are forest (forest, lumber), which are transported to processing places, as well as for export, to the border with Finland.

1.7 Technical standards

According to the promising traffic intensity and design assignment, the project for the construction of a section of the highway was developed according to the standards of the III technical category. Basic design parameters:

- Design speed - 100 km/h

- Maximum longitudinal slope - 50 ‰

- Minimum visibility distance: for stop - 200 m

oncoming car - 350 m

- Smallest radius of vertical curve: convex - 12700 m

concave - 3000 m

- Minimum radius of curve in plan - 600 m

- Roadway width - 12 m

- Carriageway width - 7 m

- The width of the shoulders is 2.5 m, including reinforced with asphalt concrete - 0.5 m.

- Type of roadway - capital with modulus of elasticity 200 MPa

- Artificial structures - capital type under loads A11 and NK-80

1.8 Route of the road

The general direction of the road route is southwest. The starting point is adopted km 64 + 195 the existing road and is located in the plan and longitudinal profile on the straight section, taking into account the further development of the road. In agreement with the customer, the end of the route is accepted for km 70 + 530 - the junction with the previously built section of the road.

At the pre-design stage, route options were worked out on cartographic materials and on the survey of the existing road of this section. Two route options were considered. Option No. 2 (not accepted) entails an extension of the projected route by 300 m, with the maximum use of the existing road partially passing through the marshes. The existing earthen canvas was erected without peeling along a wooden flooring (sunbed) with a length of 4 km. The use of the existing road in these sections will require a complete disassembly of the roadway with the device of detours to allow transit transport during construction. The adopted version No. 1 of the route of the road section is agreed with the customer (the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the construction, operation and maintenance of roads), as well as with all land users.

The route of the road section during survey work is laid on the ground in accordance with the approved act of route selection.

The length of the designed section is 6.24 km. The route has 2 rotation angles in plan with radii of 1000 m. The length of the curves is 1198.34 m, straight 5041.66 m. The main principle of routing when laying the route is the combination with the terrain of the plan and the longitudinal profile. The left edge of the designed road is taken as the route.

Turn angle No. 1 with a rounding radius of 1000 m is adopted to maintain the general direction of the road and provides a calculated vehicle speed of 100 km/h, corresponding to the III technical category of the road, according to SNiP 2.05.0285. It eliminates the work on the transfer of the overhead communication line and the need for a bypass during the construction of the road.

The accepted rounding of angle No. 2 with a radius of 1000 m is due to the departure from Vl 10 kv.

The track in the plan is fixed by wooden typical pillars and bridges on trees, in high altitude with wooden typical pillars.

The longitudinal profile is composed in conditional elevations assigned to the axis of the designed road. For the initial rep, rep No. 3 * was adopted with a conditional mark 60.830 of the project of the previous section (a/d Kochkoma - Rugozero km 62 - km 64) carried out by the Karelavtodor Design Office in 1988.

2 construction solutions

2.1 Preparation of construction area

In the preparatory period, work is carried out on the restoration of the route, logging and shrubs, stumps, rebuilding the communication line, dismantling existing reinforced concrete pipes and arranging temporary detours on sections of the route combined with the existing road. The stumps collected in heaps are transported by car dump trucks to the spent part of the quarry "71 quarter," where they are then buried. Reinforced concrete and metal obtained as a result of pipe disassembly are exported to the solid waste landfill.

Existing reinforced concrete pipes are in unsatisfactory condition and are subject to replacement. Return of reinforced concrete rings from disassembly of existing pipes is provided in the amount of 22%. The width of temporary bypass roads is adopted 10 m with a sickle-shaped profile of sand-crushed stone mixture with a thickness of 18 cm. After the need for detours is eliminated, they are reclaimed.

To accommodate detours and transfer the overhead communication line, an additional withdrawal of land from the GLF is provided .

2.2 Artificial structures

The route does not cross large and medium-sized watercourses.

Artificial structures are represented by new metal corrugated pipes. Artificial constructions of constant type are designed under loading of A11 and HK80.

2.3 Earthwork

Geotechnical surveys were carried out in accordance with SNiP 1.02.0787 "Engineering surveys for construction" in the amount sufficient to make the correct decisions.

During the design process, several versions of the design line of the longitudinal profile were developed. In agreement with the customer, the most economical and technological option has been adopted. The design line is designed taking into account geological, hydrological conditions and terrain, RN recommendations, SNiP 2.05.0285. Working elevations of longitudinal profile are assigned to axis of roadway. The leading working mark of the embankment is assigned on the basis of snowmaking conditions and is 1.35 m.

Elements of the route plan and longitudinal profile are designed for the design speed of 100 km/h. The maximum longitudinal slope used in designing the longitudinal profile is 30 ‰, the minimum radii of vertical curves: convex - 12800 m, concave - 4700 m. The minimum radius of the curve in the plan is 1000 m, the visibility of the oncoming car is provided at a distance of at least 350 m.

The width of the roadbed is adopted 12 m. The project has developed 6 types of roadbed design with reference to local conditions, according to the requirements of SNiP 2.05.0285 and in accordance with TP 503048.87. Slope of slopes at fill height is accepted:

- up to 3 m - 1:4

- from 3 to 6 m - 1: 1.5

When passing the road route along the agricultural land of PC 43 + 85 - PC 47 + 80, the steepness of the slope of the embankment is accepted 1: 1.5.

The soil compaction factor in the embankment is accepted for roads with a capital type of road clothing of 0.98 with a coefficient of relative compaction of 1.08.

When erecting an earthwork on the swamps, there is a complete peeling of the swamps with filling of the embankment from the draining soil. Peat is exported and stored in cavaliers (abandoned quarries) located on the PC 19 + 18 to the left 0.5 km, on the PC 29 + 78 to the left 0.4 km and on the km 72 + 34 of the existing highway to the left 0.5 km. In the future, peat is used for cladding when strengthening the slopes of an earthen bed and reclamation. The removed vegetal soil is taken to the cavaliers (spent quarries) located on the PC 19 + 18 to the left 0.5 km, on the PC 29 + 78 to the left 0.4 km.

Drainage is provided by natural slope of terrain, arrangement of cuvettes, side and drainage ditches with water overflow under earthen road bed through pipes to reduced places.

The volumes of earthworks are calculated taking into account the amendments for the construction of road clothing, the replacement of heaving soil at excavations and in small embankments, the filling of berms for road signs, the removal of the vegetation layer, backfilling of pits after burrowing, soil losses at the truck truck in the amount of 1%.

For the construction of an earthen bed, soil is used from excavations (for the lower layers of the embankment) and the 71 Quarter deposit, located on the Koch Tiksha LedmozeroKostomukshaGosstranitsa highway, km 87 + 200, to the right 0.5 km, in the forests of group III. The quarry is represented by fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, volume weight of soil 1.8 t/m3, excavator development group II, with filtration coefficient from 0.7 to 32 m/day. Replacement of peat in swamps is carried out by draining soil - sand .

To protect against destruction of embankment slopes from erosion by atmospheric sediments, the project provides for strengthening of slopes by sowing grasses with a single norm of sowing seeds with cladding. In cuvettes with slopes of 1030 ‰, it is provided for strengthening the slopes of cuvettes by sowing grasses with cladding and crushed bottom.

The distribution by types of soil development and transportation is given in the kilometer-long list of excavation volumes.

The total amount of paid earthworks is 656587 m3. The volume of excavation amounted to 261944 m3, including 61785 m3 used in the embankment, cutting of plant soil 13718 m3, peeling - 194233 m3. Of the quarry "71 quarter," 363793 m3 is used.

At the fill height of more than 4 m and in sections with longitudinal slopes of more than 30 ‰, the device of edge trays with transverse discharges for water along the slopes of the fill to the sole is provided.

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