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Residential one-story brick house with basement on the street. Krasnogorsk

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Working drawings for a large one-storey cottage (built in 2007)

Project's Content

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icon 07 ВК.doc
icon 08 НВК.doc
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icon ЭС.dwg
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Additional information


1. Project Composition

2. General Information

3. General plan

4. Architectural and construction solutions

5. Elektprosnabzheniye

6. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

7. Internal water supply and sewerage

8. External water supply and sewerage networks

General plan

The general plan was developed on the corrected topography of the site behind the 25.10.2005 made by the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Arkhgrad"

The construction site is located in the eastern part of Orenburg in the conditions of existing development.

4. Architectural and construction solutions

Space planning solutions

The building is designed brick one-story with a basement and attic. The space-planning solution is based on a arceless structural scheme of the building with load-bearing longitudinal-transverse brick walls and slab discs from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, providing spatial rigidity and stability of the building.

For conditional elev. 0.000 the level of the top of the clean floor of the first floor is accepted. The average elevation of the ground surface level near the building is 1.200m.

On the ground floor there are living quarters: a hall, two bedrooms, an office, a hall, a kitchen room, a veranda. A garage adjoins the verandah room. The garage is divided into two parts: a warm and cold garage. The level of clean floor in the garage is 1.050 m.

In the basement there are: utility rooms, boiler room, technical underground

The height of the premises of the first floor in the light is 3.0m, the basement - 2.7m, the garage - 2.5m

Structural part

Exterior Wall Design:

1) finishing layer - ceramic brick face GOST 748478, b = 120 mm;

2) insulation - semi-rigid non-bellied mineral wool slabs "Techno Block," p = 60kg/m3, b = 2 sl. x 50 = 100mm

3) bearing layer - ceramic one-and-a-half brick GOST 53095 M100 on M75 solution

Partition structure - ceramic one-and-a-half brick GOST 53095 M100 per d.p. solution M75, thickness of partitions b = 120 mm

Floor at elev. 0.000 and coating at el. + 3.300 - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs. Series 1.1411, b.63

Windows - wooden euro, double-chamber with separate binding as per GOST 11214-86

Doors - wooden, GOST 24698-81

Roofs - wooden rafters made of pine of grade 1

Roofing - natural German tile "Beaver Tail" blue with gloss

Boiler room chimney designed from 120mm thick refractory brick

Foundations are made of prefabricated steel plates of strip foundations GOST 1358085 and prefabricated steel blocks of basement walls GOST 1357978 *.

5. Elektprosnabzheniye

Electric power supply project for a residential building in Orenburg on the street

Krasnogorsk 125 is made in accordance with specification No. 04/3664 from 23.11.05 and permission for the release of power No. 06141415 issued by CES 16.11.05.

According to the degree of ensuring the reliability of electric power supply of a residential building, it belongs to consumers of category III.

The project was developed for 220 V voltage

Pp = 4.9 kW


The main consumers of electricity in a residential building are electric lighting, household loads of a socket network, electric drives of a roller turn.

The power supply of the residential building is made from the existing support No. 13 of line VL0.4 kV (parking group) running from TP3032.

The air entry into the house is made with a 0.23 kV line with self-supporting insulated wires (PIS) from support No. 13 and to the introductory distribution panel of the residential building.

Fixation of the PIS to the supports and the house, as well as its connection to the existing VL0.4 kV is provided using fittings for the PIS manufactured by Taiko Electronics.

At the entrance to the residential building, in the tambour room, the inlet distribution board PR8804312854UKhL3.10V of the recessed version is installed. The board is completed with the VA5735s lead-in switch an independent rastsepitel with rated current of a rastsepitel 50 A, switches on the departing BA6129 lines UZO-DM-4sht. and BA6129 - 8 pieces, the differential relay of leak (DRL) on 100 ma on input and the single-phase electronic counter of the electric power ETs6807P included according to the direct scheme.

The grounding system of the residential electrical equipment is adopted by TNCS.

The project provides for household lighting of the designed premises of the house and outdoor lighting at the entrances to the house. Group lighting networks are powered by PA6129 single-pole switches (In = 63a, Ip = 10 (16) A) installed in the water distribution board of the house.

For outdoor lighting there are light fixtures with filament lamps of type NPB6160, NPB1301 (1302) with degree of environmental protection IP54.

Lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps of type NBB03100 with degree of environmental protection IP64 are provided in the garage and boiler room.

In the auxiliary and technical rooms of the basement there are light fixtures with incandescent lamps of the type NPB6160, NPB1101 (1302) with the degree of environmental protection IP54.

Lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps of type NBO 0760 and NPO 221x60, with degree of protection against the environment IP23, are provided in the rooms of the bathrooms.

In other rooms of the house, household lamps with the degree of environmental protection IP20 are accepted.

The project provides for the following protective measures:

1. Grounding of all non-conductive parts of electrical equipment, which may be energized due to insulation breakdown, by metal connection with a zeroing protective conductor.

2. The project provides for the construction of an artificial grounding device for the electrical installation of the house, consisting of a horizontal grounding conductor along the perimeter of the house, made of strip, galvanized steel 40x4 mm laid at a depth of 0.6 m from the ground surface .

3. The main potential equalization system is introduced into the house by combining the following conducting parts:

- Distribution board RESHINE;

- metal parts of building structures;

- earthing device;

4. Performing an additional potential equalization system by connecting the following conductive parts:

- metal duct of lead-in cable;

- bath and boiler housing.

- Distribution board RESHINE.

Connections shall be made with 6 mm2 copper wire PV1.

5. Re-grounding at house entry.

6. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

The design takes into account the requirements of SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning."


Heating of the residential building is provided from the domestic gas heating boiler "Protherm" 40 PLO, installed in combination with the boiler B100MS in the boiler room in the basement of the building. The boiler is equipped with two pumps (for the heating circuit and for the GVA), safety valves with us and a 10-liter expansion tank. In addition, a universal connecting kit "boiler" is required to connect the boiler.

Technical characteristics of boiler 40 PLO: - heating capacity 24.5/35kW (I/II stage); - fuel is natural gas according to GOST554287; - boiler efficiency 90%%. Combustion products are removed from the boiler into the smoke channel in the building wall. Heat insulate the smoke discharge pipe with mineral wool mats with coating layer made of aluminium sheet GOST 2163176 *. A cleaning pocket is provided in the smoke channel in the wall. The coolant for the heating system is hot water with parameters T = 9065 C. The heating system is dead end, heating devices in the warm garage are registers from pipe 89x4.5 according to GOST 1070491, in other rooms bimetallic radiators "GLOBAL" model "STYLE" (Italy). metal-plastic CALC from WirsboevalPEX pipe company Wirsbo (Sweden), Air is discharged from the heating system through air discharge valves installed on radiators and through bleed valves on registers, water is lowered through the bleed valve at the lowest point of the system. The main pipelines of the heating system shall be heat-lined with mineral wool mats as per GOST 1014080 with a cover layer of aluminum foil.


The design provides for ventilation with natural motivation. Exhaust of air from the boiler room, basement rooms, kitchen and sanitary units is carried out through plastic grids of RV type through ventilation channels. For air inflow to the boiler house in the lower part of the boiler house door provide clearance or grate with Fg = 0.04m2. Install internal systems in accordance with SNiP3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems."

7. Internal water supply and sewerage

The project takes into account the requirements of SNiP2.04.0185 *.

Water supply system

Domestic drinking water supply B1 is designed for drinking and household needs. Water supply is provided from the external domestic and drinking water supply with one inlet with installation of a water metering unit in the basement of the building. Hot water pipeline T3 is designed to provide domestic needs with hot water. The T3 system is powered by a B100MS boiler in combination with a "Protherm" 40 PLO boiler. The boiler provides a water consumption for GVS of 19.5 l/min at the range of the Pipe of B1 systems, T3 from pressure head polypropylene on TU22480320028458198. Pipelines of B1, T3, T4 systems laid along the basement shall be heat insulated: heat insulation cord (for B1 s = 30 mm, for T3 s = 40 mm) as per TU 36169579, cover layer - aluminum foil (RS1/ALU).


Domestic sewage system K1 is designed to drain effluents from plumbing appliances to the external sewage system. Pipes of K1 system are plastic as per GOST 22689.289. Install water supply and sewerage systems in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185 *, SNiP 3.05.0485.

Drawings content

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