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Residential Building Design - Architecture, DBE

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Diploma project on the topic: International University of Business and Management. Building heating, ventilation and air conditioning project. This thesis is a project of heating, ventilation and air conditioning of the building of the International University of Business and Management, being built in the city of Moscow at the address: SVAO, 5th passage Maryina Roshchi, house 15A. This building consists of 3 floors and a basement. On the ground floor there are office and administrative rooms, lecture classrooms, wardrobe, bathrooms - in the basement-dining room, dining room, pantries, washing shop, on the second floor there is an assembly hall and administrative rooms. External walls are made of brick with effective insulation. Filling of light openings - three-chamber double-glazed window

Project's Content

icon 1.Теплотехника.титул.doc
icon 2Теплотехнич. расчет проработано.doc
icon 3. Расчет теплопотерь проработано.doc
icon МОИ ТЕПЛОПОТЕРИ 6.03.06.xls
icon Введение.титул.doc
icon Теплофизика 1.doc
icon список литературы.doc
icon TSP.dwg
icon Автоматизация.dwg
icon план 1 этажа.dwg
icon план 2 этажа.dwg
icon план 3 этажа.dwg
icon план подвал.dwg
icon Разрезы венткамер.dwg
icon схема отопления 1.dwg
icon схема отопления 2.dwg
icon схемы вентиляции.dwg
icon Теплоснабжение.dwg
icon Экономика.dwg
icon Эпюра давления.dwg
icon Разрезы венткамер.dwl
icon схема отопления 1.dwl
icon схема отопления 2.dwl
icon схемы вентиляции.dwl
icon opis.txt

Additional information

1. Introduction

1.1. Object Description

This thesis is a project of heating, ventilation and air conditioning of the building of the International University of Business and Management, being built in the city of Moscow at the address: SVAO, 5th passage Maryina Roshchi, house 15A.

This building consists of 3 floors and a basement. On the ground floor there are office and administrative rooms, lecture classrooms, wardrobe, bathrooms; in the basement, dining room, pantries, washing shop, on the second floor there is an assembly hall and administrative premises.

External walls are made of brick with effective insulation. Filling of light openings is a three-chamber double-glazed glass pack made of ordinary glass.

1.2. Terms of Reference

- Heating.

In the building it is necessary to design the system of water heating with parameters of the heat carrier of 9565 wasps and to make hydraulic calculation. For heating devices select steel panel radiators PCV.

Control the heat transfer of instruments using temperature controllers.

Air is discharged from the system using air cranes.

Connection of heating system to heat networks shall be provided according to independent scheme through water-water plate heat exchanger.

- Ventilation and air conditioning.

In the building, it is necessary to design mechanical plenum ventilation and air conditioning systems for all rooms of the building, and make an aerodynamic calculation. It is also necessary to provide smoke removal ventilation from the basement corridor of the building and 2 floors.

All plenum and exhaust units shall be located on each floor. Air supply through rooms shall be provided by means of plafons and grids, drawing - by grids. All air ducts shall be used mainly of round section made of galvanized steel sheet.

- Heat supply.

In this section it is necessary to consider the individual thermal point of the building with selection of the main equipment for heating system operation. For hot water supply system the diagram of heat exchangers connection (single or two-stage) is determined.

- Occupational safety.

In this section, it is necessary to consider measures to ensure the safety of installation of special structures, calculate the grounding device of welding equipment and smoke removal issues.

- Automation.

For this building, it is necessary to design an automation and control system for air treatment in plenum exhaust chambers equipped with a heat recovery system.

- Economy.

In this section, it is necessary to consider energy conservation measures and make a technical and economic comparison of options.

- Technology of construction production.

In this section it is necessary to consider the organization of installation works.

Drawings content

icon TSP.dwg


icon Автоматизация.dwg


icon план 1 этажа.dwg

план 1 этажа.dwg

icon план 2 этажа.dwg

план 2 этажа.dwg

icon план 3 этажа.dwg

план 3 этажа.dwg

icon план подвал.dwg

план подвал.dwg

icon Разрезы венткамер.dwg

icon схема отопления 1.dwg

схема отопления 1.dwg

icon схема отопления 2.dwg

схема отопления 2.dwg

icon схемы вентиляции.dwg

схемы вентиляции.dwg

icon Теплоснабжение.dwg

icon Экономика.dwg
