Drawings and DBE for the course work on "Gas supply of the residential area of Elista"

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Assignment for design of residential area gas supply system
1. Characteristics of the construction area
1.1. Name of the settlement where the construction is carried out
1.2. Population density of the residential part of the gasification area
1.3. Number of inhabitants in each quarter
1.4 Share of the population of each quarter of the population of the gasification area
1.5. Climate data for Elista
2. Characteristics of gaseous fuel
3. Determination of annual gas demand
3.1. Domestic gas consumption
3.1.1. Cooking in neighborhoods with hot water supply
from R.G.K. (blocks with 9-storey buildings)
3.1.2. Cooking and hot water in neighborhoods with gas water heaters and gas stoves (quarters with 5 ets. development)
3.1.3. Cooking and hot water in neighborhoods without hot water supply with gas stove (quarters with 1-storey buildings)
3.1.4. Domestic gas consumption
3.2. Gas consumption by large utilities
enterprises of the gasification area
3.2.1. Annual gas consumption by laundry
3.2.2. Annual gas consumption in baths
3.2.3. Annual gas consumption at the bakery
3.2.4. Gas consumption by large utilities
enterprises of the gasification area
3.3. Annual gas consumption by public enterprises and gasification district facilities
3.3.1. Annual gas consumption by hospitals
3.3.2. Annual gas consumption by clinics
3.3.3. Annual gas consumption by schools
3.3.4. Annual gas consumption by hotels
3.3.5. Annual gas consumption by canteens and restaurants
3.3.6. Annual gas consumption by unaccounted consumers
3.3.7. Annual gas consumption by public enterprises and gasification district facilities
3.4. Annual gas consumption for heating and hot water supply
from R.G.K. and individual heating plants
3.4.1. Annual gas consumption for heating and hot water supply from R.G.K Annual heating gas consumption from RGC
for blocks with 9-storey and with 5-storey buildings, according to the formula We calculate the total annual gas consumption for heating from RGC
3.4.2. We calculate the annual gas consumption for heating and hot
water supply from RGC
3.4.3. Annual gas consumption for heating and hot water supply from individual heating plants
3.4.4. We calculate the annual gas consumption for heating and hot
water supply from RGC and from individual heating plants
3.5. Annual gas consumption by industrial enterprises of the gasification area
3.5.1. Head gas flow at three-shift production
3.5.2. Annual gas consumption in two-shift production
3.5.3. Annual gas consumption in single-shift production
3.5.4. Annual gas consumption by industrial enterprises of the gasification area
3.6. Total annual gas consumption by individual quarters and gasification area
3.6.1. Total annual gas consumption by individual quarters
4. Determination of gas flow rates
4.1. Design-hour gas consumption in quarters with heating from individual heating plants (quarters with 1-storey buildings)
4.2.Define design-hour gas consumption in quarters with heating from individual heating plants
4.3. Estimated gas consumption in blocks with 9-storey buildings
4.4.Computed gas consumption in blocks with 5-storey buildings
4.5.Computed-hour gas costs at municipal enterprises of the gasification area
4.5.1. Design-hour gas flow rate in laundry
4.5.2. Design-hour gas flow rate in the bath
4.5.3. Calculation and hourly gas consumption at the bakery
4.5.4. Design-hour gas flow rate from RGC
4.6. Design-hour gas consumption at industrial enterprises
gasification area
4.6.1.Computed-hour gas flow rate for three-shift production
4.6.2.Computed-hour gas flow rate for two-shift production
4.6.3.Computed-hourly gas flow rate for single-shift production
5. Gas dynamic calculation of gas pipelines
5.1. Gas dynamic calculation of low pressure network
5.1.1.Define the total number of EMG
5.1.2.Define gas flow meeting points
5.1.3. Determination of specific gas travel expenses for all consumer supply circuits
5.1.4. Determination of specific gas flow rates for sections of low pressure network
5.1.5.Define Gas Flow Rates for Low Pressure Network Sections
5.1.6. Determination of transit gas flow rate in sections of low pressure network
5.1.7.Determination of design gas flow rate in sections of low pressure network
5.1.8. Determination of mean hydraulic slope
5.1.9. Gas dynamic calculation of low pressure network
5.2. Gas dynamic calculation of dead end gas network of high
(medium) pressure
5.2.1. Determination of mean quadratic pressure difference
5.2.2 Gas dynamic calculation of dead end gas network of high
(medium) pressure
5.2.3. Gas flow distribution in normal gas-dynamic mode
5.2.4. Check of branch diameters at design gas dynamic mode
5.3. Gas dynamic calculation of internal house gas pipeline
5.3.1. Determination of estimated gas consumption in the house network
5.3.2.Gazodynamic calculation of house gas pipelines
6. Selection of equipment for network G.R.P.
6.1. Selection of pressure regulator
6.2. Selection of gas filters
Literature used
A long time passed when man first encountered such a natural treasure as gas.
More than two thousand years ago, in the temple of fire worshippers, built in one of the villages of the Absheron Peninsula, without extinguishing, bright fire was burning in the lamp. Neither the rain nor the hurricane could extinguish it, and people began to worship it as a miracle.
But man developed, his knowledge grew, and so little by little people began to use the "sacred fire" for things far from supernatural cooking, heating the dwelling.
The gas industry is an industry that covers all types of production, natural and artificial production, storage, transfer and distribution of its resources for use as a source of energy and chemical raw materials.
In ours, as one of the leading industries, the gas industry arose in the 20s of this century, but it received widespread use only during the Great Patriotic War, when it was supposed to develop long-range gas transportation - in 1942 the first main gas pipeline Buguruslan-Kuibyshev was built.
Subsequently, mass development of gas fields in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, Transcaucasia, Tyumen Regions began. The Central, East Ukrainian and Volga region gas trunkline systems, and such largest gas pipelines as the Orenburg-western border, UrengoyPomaryUzhgorod, Stavropol-Moscow, YamburgElets (1,2,3), etc. were constructed.
Currently, the gas industry has a direct impact on technological progress and the development of various sectors of the national economy. Due to the efficient properties and economy of gas fuel, it is used in many industries: metallurgical, ceramic, glass, chemical, widely used in agriculture. Also, the use of gas by utility and household consumers is of great importance.
The gas supply of residential and public buildings has a significant impact on the living conditions of the population. Centralized gas supply completely frees the population from fuel supply, significantly reduces cooking time, increases the culture of life, there are material benefits, that is, favorable conditions are created for the life of people.
Assignment for design of residential area gas supply system
1. Plot Plan Number: 8
2. G.R.S. number: 2
3. Gasification City: Elista
4. Residential area numbers:
A (with hot water supply from the district gas boiler house and central heating (9 storeys): 7, 8, 9, 10
B (without hot water supply with heating from individual boiler houses (1-storey building): 11, 12, 13
In (with hot water supply from flowing water heaters and central heating (5 storeys): 5, 6
5. District gas boiler house; quarter No. 5.
6. Bakery; quarter No. 4.
7. Bath and laundry plant; quarter No. 4.
8. Gasification coverage of public buildings and structures: 38%.
9. Specific cubic structure of residential buildings: Vud. = 38m3.
10. Industrial enterprises:
A: three-shift production (bronze melting)
Quarter No. 2 P production = 147 mn ton;
B: two-shift production (brick firing)
Quarter No. 1 P production = 10.1 million sq/year;
C: single-shift production (brick firing)
Quarter No. 3 P production = 8.1 million sq/year;
11. The population density of the residential part of the district is 238chel ./ha.
12. Gas composition variant: No. 9
5.1. Gas dynamic calculation of low pressure network
The purpose of the hydraulic calculation of the low pressure gas pipeline is to determine the diameter of the gas pipeline depending on the calculated gas flow rate and the permissible pressure loss. Allowable pressure loss is set by SNiP 2.04.0887 * and must not exceed 120 daPa.
Hydraulic calculation of the ring networks is carried out with the connection of pressure in the nodal points of the rings with the maximum possible use of the allowable pressure difference. Misalignment of pressure losses is allowed up to 10% of half the amount of losses in both directions of the ring. Performing hydraulic calculation, the direction of gas movement in the ring is taken clockwise with positive (+), counterclockwise - negative - minus (-).
Pressure losses in local resistances are taken into account by increasing the actual length by 10%.
5.2. Gas dynamic calculation of single-ring gas network of high (medium) pressure
When calculating high (medium) pressure ring networks, it is necessary to leave a pressure reserve to increase the system capacity in emergency gas-dynamic modes. The accepted reserve is checked by calculation in case of most adverse emergency situations. Such modes usually occur when the network heads are turned off.
There are two emergency modes for a single-ring gas pipeline to be calculated: when the head sections are turned off to the left and right of the power supply point. Since when the head sections are switched off, the single-ring gas pipeline turns into a dead end, therefore, the diameter of the ring is determined based on the calculation of the emergency gas dynamic mode with limited gas supply for the dead end line.
5.3. Gas dynamic calculation of internal house gas pipeline
Gas pipelines in buildings are laid openly. If they intersect foundations, floors, staircases, walls, and partitions, they are enclosed in steel cases. Within the case, the gas pipeline shall not have butt joints, and the space between them and the case shall be filled with bitumen. The end of the case is brought over the floor to a height of 3 cm. Gas pipelines intersecting with the electric wire are enclosed in a rubber or ebonite pipe.
Calculation of in-house gas pipelines is carried out after selecting and placing equipment and developing a gas pipeline scheme.
6. Selection of equipment for network GRP
Equipment for network gas control stations consists of the following main units and elements: gas pressure control unit with safety shut-off valve and bypass gas pipeline (bypass), safety discharge valve, set of instrumentation and measuring devices, blowdown lines.
High or medium pressure gas enters the FRG and enters the control unit, in which the equipment along the gas flow is arranged in the following sequence: disconnecting device; filter for gas cleaning from mechanical impurities and dust; safety shut-off valve for disconnection of gas supply to consumers (in case of unacceptable increase or decrease of pressure downstream the regulator); a regulator for reducing gas pressure and maintaining pressure after itself; disconnecting device.
For gas cleaning, hair or mesh filters are installed on the FRG.
The initial data for the selection of FRG equipment are: gas flow rate and limits of its change, gas pressure at the inlet and outlet, density, gas humidity, degree of necessity to take into account gas flow rate.
In this work, the gas supply system was calculated and designed
residential area of Elista
1. Description of the construction area is presented.
2. Characteristic of gaseous fuel is presented.
3. Defined annual consumption in gas, including: domestic consumption
gas consumption by large utilities,
public enterprises and structures, annual gas consumption per
heating and GVA, industrial enterprises, total annual
gas consumption by individual quarters and the gasification area.
4. Calculation and hourly gas consumption in quarters from 1no, 5, 9 are determined
storey buildings, at public utilities, at
industrial enterprises.
5. Gas dynamic calculation of gas pipelines: low pressure networks
and a single-ring medium pressure gas network.
6. Gas dynamic calculation of the internal house gas pipeline was carried out.
7. Selection of equipment for network FRS: regulator selection
pressure and selection of gas filters.
8. Design of low-pressure network for gas supply to utilities
domestic consumers and medium pressure networks for gas supply
industrial consumers, as well as GRP for low power supply
pressure, district gas boiler room, bath and laundry mill and
9. Calculation of emergency modes of medium pressure network at
turning off the headings to the left and right of the power supply, for
providing gas to the most distant consumers. Calculation made with
taking into account all standards and pressure loss do not exceed permissible values.
10. The general plan of the residential area with the applied on it has been developed
schemes of low and medium pressure gas pipelines.
11. Design diagrams of gas pipelines of low- and medium-sized networks are presented
12. A typical floor plan with the location of gas pipelines is presented,

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