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Replacement of 110 kV- switch


Draft replacement of 110kV switch with TEC. Replacement of air circuit breaker with gas-insulated one: - Explanatory note; General data; Installation diagram; Panel diagram; Rows; Secondary connection diagrams; Switch Drawing 4- Power and Control Cable Log; ORU 110kV

Project's Content

icon Выключатель.dwg
icon Журнал силовых и контрольных кабелей.dwg
icon Монтажная схема.dwg
icon Общие данные.dwg
icon ОД.dwg
icon Оперативные цепи.dwg
icon Оперативные цепи2.dwg
icon ОРУ 110.dwg
icon Панель отключающего сигнала.dwg
icon Раскладка кабелей в ЗРУ.dwg
icon РЩ панели№11.dwg
icon Ряды.dwg
icon Сводная ведомость.dwg
icon Схема защит.dwg
icon Схема отключающего импульса.dwg
icon Схема.dwg
icon Цепи тока и напряжения ВЛ35.dwg
icon Цепи тока и напряжения.dwg
icon Обложка.doc
icon Раздел 1.Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Раздел2. Организация строительства.docx
icon Раздел3. ГО и ЧС.docx
icon Раздел4. Сметный расчет.docx
icon Содержание.doc
icon Состав проекта.doc

Additional information



Explanatory Note

1.1 Initial data

1.2 Brief description of the object

1.3 Electrical Solutions

1.4 Construction Solutions

1.5 Environmental Protection


Organization of construction

2.1 Characteristics of the object. Construction conditions

2.2 Scope of main construction and installation works

2.3 Construction requirements for materials, products and structures

2.4. Need for construction and installation frames. Labor costs

2.5. Electrical Installation Organization Methods

2.5.1. Concrete and reinforced concrete works

2.5.2. Electrical installation works

2.6. Occupational safety


Engineering Solutions for Civil and Emergency Situations


Estimate documentation

Section 1. Explanatory Note

1.1. Source Data

Working project "110 kV ZRU, cell No. 1. Replacement of air circuit breaker with gas-insulated one "is made on the basis of:


Contract No. 08/03 for execution of design works

Materials of technical survey of existing electrical networks, route selection and approval performed by representatives


The project provides for:

Replacement of the existing air VVBM110B, cell No. 1 ZRU110 switch of kV, TETs3, by the LTB145 D1/B gas-insulated switch

1.2.A brief description of the object.

The existing 110 kV closed switchgear is located on the territory of the Volgograd TEC 3, made according to the "two working bus systems with bypass" scheme with partitioning of working bus systems with switches and bypass disconnectors.

110 kV air switches of VBBM110B31, 5/2000U1 type and disconnectors of RNDZ110B/1000U1 type are installed in RP 110 kV.

1.3.Electrotechnical solutions.

In accordance with the technical assignment for the execution of the working design in cell No. 1 of 110 kV, it is provided to replace the air circuit breaker with a gas-insulated column switch LTB 145 D1/B with a nominal current of 3150A, a disconnection current of 40 kA with a spring drive BLK 222.

The switch earthing terminals are connected by a steel strip with a section of 4 * 30 mm to the existing 110 kV GRR earthing loop.

Control and signalling circuit of 110 kV L35 VL switch is made on the basis of actuating circuit with preservation of control and automation panels.

The switch to be installed has two disconnection electromagnets.

In this regard, on panel No. 11 of the VL35 automation, panel No. 65 of the ACR, panel No. 71 of the DSH, additional circuits for disconnecting the switch through the standby electromagnet are organized, alarm circuits on panels No. 10 and 23 of the GSCH are added, the existing distribution cabinet of the cell switch is re-installed.

1.4. Construction solutions.

When developing this set of drawings, the requirements of the following regulatory documents are taken into account:

SNiP 12032001 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Part 1

SNiP 12042002 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Part 2

SNiP 52012003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures"

SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and Impacts"

SNiP 2.02.0183 * "Foundations of buildings and structures"

GOST 12.3.00575 * "Occupational Safety Standards System"

SNiP 2.03.1185 "Protection of building structures against corrosion"

Before performance of monolithic FM1 reinforced concrete foundations to dismantle the existing bases under switches.

Protection of building structures against corrosion is provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.C85 and standard series instructions, taking into account the aggressiveness of the environment.

Section 2 Construction Organization

This project provides for the main provisions for the organization of reconstruction, replacement of the air circuit breaker with gas-insulated ZRU 110.220 kV, cell No. 1 of CHPP-3.

The following documents and materials are used in the development of PIC:

SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization."

SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction."

SP 121362002 "Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects"

Management on the organization of construction production in the conditions of reconstruction of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures (TsNIIOMTP).

2.1 Characteristics of the object. Construction conditions.

The reconstruction site is located on the territory of the CHPP-3 enterprise.

The project provides for the replacement of a mentally and physically obsolete air circuit breaker with a gas-insulated one.

The reconstruction includes the installation of a reinforced concrete foundation for equipment, as well as the laying of new control cables.

Due to the fact that construction, installation and electrical installation works will be carried out in the conditions of the current enterprise with the presence of existing technological equipment in the area of work near high-voltage facilities, the factors for cramping K = 1.35 are determined on the basis of MDS 8135.2004, item 1 and K = 1.2 on the basis of MDS 8135.2004, table. 1, item 5

Type of construction - reconstruction

Construction Method - Contracting

2.4 Need for construction and installation frames.

Labor costs.

The construction need for construction and installation personnel is determined on the basis of:

Duration of construction.

Estimated construction cost.

Normative labor intensity - 1.553 thousand people. hour (194 people)

The standard number of construction and production personnel will be 5 people.

2.5 Methods of organization of electrical installation works.

The works shall be carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the existing building codes and rules for the organization, production and acceptance of works, safety and fire prevention measures. Specific measures on the process of work execution, safety and fire safety are developed in the work execution project (PDP).

2.5.1 Concrete and reinforced concrete works.

Concreting of cast-in-situ structures shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2 of SNiP 3.03.0197 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures."

When concreting monolithic structures, an inventory plywood metal or metal panel formwork of factory manufacture shall be used.

Delivery of concrete mixture from the concrete-filling unit to the object shall be carried out by concrete mixers of type SB33 or SB921. Concrete mix shall be laid by concrete pumps SB126. At the same time, the free drop of the mixture should not exceed 1.52 m.

2.5.2 Electrical installation works.

Electrical installation works in the conditions of reconstruction are carried out by qualified workers of a specialized organization using a manual tool.

Section 3. engineering solutions for go and hs

Based on the requirements of Federal Law No. 116FZ of 21.07.2007 "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities," Appendix 1 in the technological process of the designed facility there are no signs that allow to attribute the designed facility to hazardous production facilities.

Similarly, on the basis of the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation No. 105 of 28.02.2003 "Requirements for Emergency Prevention at Potentially Hazardous and Life Support Facilities," the designed object cannot be classified as potentially dangerous and requiring the development of the section "ITM PG and emergency situations" in the working draft.

Drawings content

icon Выключатель.dwg


icon Журнал силовых и контрольных кабелей.dwg

Журнал силовых и контрольных кабелей.dwg

icon Монтажная схема.dwg

Монтажная схема.dwg

icon Общие данные.dwg

Общие данные.dwg

icon ОД.dwg


icon Оперативные цепи.dwg

Оперативные цепи.dwg

icon Оперативные цепи2.dwg

Оперативные цепи2.dwg

icon ОРУ 110.dwg

ОРУ 110.dwg

icon Панель отключающего сигнала.dwg

Панель отключающего сигнала.dwg

icon Раскладка кабелей в ЗРУ.dwg

Раскладка кабелей в ЗРУ.dwg

icon РЩ панели№11.dwg

РЩ панели№11.dwg

icon Ряды.dwg


icon Сводная ведомость.dwg

Сводная ведомость.dwg

icon Схема защит.dwg

Схема защит.dwg

icon Схема отключающего импульса.dwg

Схема отключающего импульса.dwg

icon Схема.dwg


icon Цепи тока и напряжения ВЛ35.dwg

Цепи тока и напряжения ВЛ35.dwg

icon Цепи тока и напряжения.dwg

Цепи тока и напряжения.dwg