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Reliability of Volkswagen Polo Sedan power supply system

  • Added: 27.07.2016
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The main stage of this course work is the development of an algorithm for diagnosing the engine power system of the VW Polo Sedan car.

Project's Content

icon КУРС Надежность.xlsx
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icon КУРС Надежность.docx

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1. Functional diagram and description of diagnostic object operation

2. Diagnostic equipment for evaluation of engine power supply system technical condition

3. State Table Development

3.1. Building a Structural and Logical Diagnostic Model

3.2. Building a State Table

4. Incompatimization of the diagnostic process

4.1. Development of algorithm for estimation of technical condition type

4.2. Development of fault search algorithm

5. Calculation of product reliability and reliability characteristics

5.1. Calculation of characteristics of random values before the first failure

5.2. Calculation of characteristics of random values up to the second failure

5.3. Building the Recovery Process


List of sources used



Road transport today is the main carrier in the transport system of the Republic of Belarus. From all modes of transport, road transport forms the basis of the transport system of our country and provides the needs of the population and the economy with all the services and work performed in road transport activities.

The reliability of the vehicle is based on the following position: for any motor vehicle, reliability is the property of the motor vehicle to perform its specified functions while maintaining its operational properties within the specified limits for a required period of time or the required operating time.

Thus, the reliability of the vehicle is its property to maintain for the required time within the established limits of all parameters characterizing its ability to carry out transport work in the specified modes and conditions of its use, as well as maintenance, repair, storage and transportation. Reliability of the car allows assessing its current technical condition, as well as the state of its parts, assemblies and units, determining the speed of changing their technical condition when the car is operating under certain operating conditions.

The reliability of the car and its components is a complex property of the car and includes reliability, durability, repairability and persistence.

Operability is the state of a car in which its parameters characterizing its ability to carry out transport work are within the established limits - the car is functional and is able to carry goods and passengers without endangering road safety.

Serviceability of the car is ensured by its serviceability and its repairability. Repairability of a car is its property in adaptability to the prevention, detection and elimination of causes and consequences of faults and failures by carrying out technical maintenance and repairs.

Car durability is its property to maintain operability until the limit state occurs with a maintenance and repair system installed for it.

Thus, from the above it becomes clear that the properties of the car to maintain durability and operability depend on the system of planned and compulsory maintenance and repair established in the road transport organization, regulated by the "Regulation on the Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock of Road Transport," which is a set of means (material, financial), regulatory and technical documentation and performers that ensure the operable condition of the rolling stock.

Road transport organizations, independently solving the issues of profitability and profitability from their activities, strive to save resources and funds, reduce production costs and come to a forced-conscious rejection of the use of high-performance modern technology and technologies for its maintenance. Road transport organizations experience a constant shortage of financial resources and material resources in their production activities due to the lack of uniform principles of economic freedom of economic entities and the lack of mechanisms that create conditions for the development of the economy, including in the automotive industry. The economic instability of road transport organizations prevents them from developing dynamically, forces them to save resources and funds, artificially reduce production costs to the detriment of the durability and operability of their own car fleet. The absence of a modern regulatory and legal framework, the use of insufficient experience, skills and knowledge, often lead to significant economic losses, or even a complete failure in the activities of the transport organization. Forced resource and financial savings are forcing road transport companies to purchase the cheapest maintenance materials and spare parts for scheduled maintenance and repairs to rolling stock, while reducing the scope of scheduled maintenance and, as a result, the labour intensity of scheduled maintenance. Such forced decisions act to the detriment of the serviceability and durability of the rolling stock, which in turn creates constantly increasing failures and technical malfunctions, as well as a constantly growing threat to road safety.

The main stage of this course work is the development of an algorithm for diagnosing the engine power system of the VW Polo Sedan car.


In the process of developing a course project, they studied methods of diagnosing rolling stock, deepened theoretical knowledge about braking systems.

It may be noted that it is possible to diagnose the motor power system at low cost.

The functioning of this system is an important component of the entire operability of the car, which emphasizes the need for diagnostic work of this plan.

Point estimates allow us to pre-judge the quality of products and technological processes. The lower the average life and the higher the variation (a, v, z), the lower the quality of the design and manufacture (or repair) of the product. The higher the coefficient of variation of the parameters of the TEA technological processes (labor intensity, downtime in maintenance or repair, loading of posts and performers, etc.), the less perfect the applied organization and technology of maintenance and repair.

In our example of course work, the average operating time before the first replacement of the product is 23.882 thousand km, the mean square deviation is 8.2 thousand km, and the resource recovery completeness factor is 0.72.

Timely inspection works reduce the risk of failure of car systems, in particular, the braking system.

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