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Reinforced concrete structures of a multi-storey industrial building

  • Added: 29.01.2022
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Explanatory note to the course project on the discipline "Building structures of transport structures". The theme of the project is reinforced concrete structures of a multi-storey industrial building. 

Drawings and sketch calculation of an industrial building.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Source Data

2. Assembly Beam Floor Layout

3. Calculation of Multipost Slab

3.1 Definition of cross section of prefabricated continuous crossbar

3.2 Material Selection

3.3 Load collection per square meter of floor

3.4 Calculation of strength by normal sections

3.5 Check by inclined sections

3.6 Calculation of Multi-Stop Plate Shelf

3.7 Calculation of slab for installation loads

3.8 Calculation of mounting loops

3.9 Calculation of slab by the second group of limit states

3.9.1 Calculation for crack formation

3.9.2 Calculation for crack opening

3.9.3 Calculation of deformations with cracks in the stretched area

4. Column Design

4.1 Column Barrel Calculation

4.1.1 Load collection, material assignment

4.1.2 Structural calculation

4.2 Console Design

4.2.1 Static calculation

4.2.2 Structural calculation

4.2.3 Calculation by inclined compressed band

4.3 Column Junction Design

5. Calculation of crossbar joint with column

5.1 Static calculation

6. Calculation of centrally loaded foundation for column

6.1 Calculation of the strength of the foundation body

6.2 Check for forcing of foundation body by column

6.3 Calculation of foundation reinforcement

7. List of literature used

7.1 Basic Literature

7.2 Additional Literature

Source Data

In this course project, it was required to design prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of a multi-storey industrial building with an incomplete frame. Build the prefabricated beam slab, divide it into temperature blocks. In accordance with the regulatory requirements, select the floor slab and the prefabricated continuous girder. Calculate the first and second group of limit states and complete the column and foundation. Calculate and finish the rigid joint of the prefabricated continuous crossbar with the column.

Length of the building in axes - 42 m

Width of the building in axes - 24 m

Number of floors - 5

Height of the first floor - 3 m

Height of subsequent floors - 3 m

Floor covering material - tiles

Brick building walls

Size and shape of window openings is accepted as per GOST 23166

Temporary floor payload - 6.0 kN/m2

10) Design soil resistance of the base - 0.27 MPa

11) Construction site - Omsk

Types of constructs:

a) floor slab: multi-stop;

b) column of the first floor of the middle row with random eccentricity;

c) centrally loaded foundation for the column;

d) rigid joint of the crossbar with the column.

Scope of work:

The graphic part on sheets of standard size A1 or A2 shall contain the plan and cross section of the designed building in the prefabricated version, formwork drawings of structures; plans, sections of structures with reinforcement layout; rebar, BOM tables, steel consumption lists, and parts lists.

The explanatory note to the graphic part should contain data on the layout of the slab in the prefabricated version, static and structural calculations of structural elements, their calculation diagrams, calculation sections and other necessary illustrations.

Assembly Beam Floor Layout

The layout of the prefabricated floor consists in selecting the location of the prefabricated girders, floor slabs and determining their main geometric dimensions, as well as column sizes.

Structural elements of a building with an incomplete frame are structural brick walls, columns and girders resting on them. Floor slabs are laid along the girders: P1, P-2, P3, P-4.

Select the 6x6m column grid. Snaps the interior wall surface to the 200 mm breakout axes. The platform of the crossbar operation on the wall is 250 mm. Platform of floor slab operation on the wall 120 mm. Floor slabs are multistage. The main slab of the slab P2 to be calculated has nominal dimensions in plan 6x1.5 m .

The plan of the prefabricated beam floor at elevations and the vertical section of the building are shown in the drawing in the appendix.

Drawings content

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