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Reinforced concrete one-story industrial building

  • Added: 15.01.2021
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Course project for reinforced concrete structures. LW industrial building + explanatory note on CP.

Project's Content

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1. Calculation of frame structures of a single-storey production building

1.1. Defining the general dimensions of the transverse frame

2. Calculation of rafter structure

2.1. Design characteristics of materials

2.2. Define Loads

2.3. To Assign Beam Geometric Dimensions

2.4. Determining Beam Section Forces

2.5. Preliminary selection of longitudinal stressed reinforcement

2.5.1. Select Design Section

2.5.2. Defining Geometric Characteristics of Beam Sections

2.5.3. Purpose of prestress value in stressed valves

2.5.4. Determination of area of stressed reinforcement

3. Determination of prestress force losses

3.1. Direct (first) prestress force loss

3.1.1. Losses from short-term stress relaxation in valves

3.1.2 Losses due to limited concrete expansion during heat treatment of precast reinforced concrete elements (item 10.5.2 EN 1992-1-1-2009 [4])

3.1.3. Losses due to deformation of anchors located in the area of tensioners when tensioned against stops

3.1.4. Steel Mold Deformation Loss

3.1.5. Losses caused by friction of reinforcement against walls of channels and about envelopes of accessories are equal to zero, since tension on stops with rectilinear arrangement of reinforcement along the length of beam ()

3.1.6. Losses caused by elastic deformation of concrete

3.2. Time-dependent prestress force loss (second loss)

4. Check of beam load bearing capacity during operation

5. Check of structural capacity of beam section

in the manufacturing stage

6. Calculation of the load capacity of the beam during operation on the action of transverse force

6.1 Determination of forces in beam sections

6.2 Check of necessity to install transverse reinforcement

6.3 Calculation of cross section area of transverse reinforcement

7. Check of bearing capacity of the beam in the skate for separation of the upper shelf from the wall

8. Calculation of crack formation normal to the longitudinal axis of the element

9. Calculation of beam deformations

10. Determining Cross Frame Loads

10.1 Constant loads from the weight of the coating, the own weight of the structures and the wall fence

10.2 Crane Loads

10.3 Loads from Snow Weight

10.4 Wind Pressure Loads

10.5 Taking into account geometric imperfections

10.6 Static frame calculation for individual loads

11.1. Over-the-Crane Calculation and Design

part of the column

11.2. Calculation and Construction of a Crane Frame

part of the column

12.1. Example of Column Foundation Calculation

12.1.1. Input data, load collection, material characteristics

12.1.2. Sizing the Foundation

12.1.3. Sizing of foundation slab

12.1.4. Check of base bearing capacity

12.1.5. Stress Determination Under Foundation Floor

12.1.6. Bending moments in sole sections, selection of reinforcement

12.1.7. Calculation of foundation slab part for push-through taking into account reinforcement

12.1.8. Calculation of reinforcement of foundation shell


In this course design, the structures of the framework of the one-story production building were calculated, calculation of rafter structure, determination of prestress force losses, check of beam bearing capacity under load in operation stage, checking the load capacity of the beam, calculating the load capacity of the beam in operation for the action of a transverse force, checking the bearing capacity of the beam in the skate to break the upper shelf from the wall, calculation of cracks normal to the longitudinal axis of the element, calculation of beam deformations, determined the load on the transverse frame, the calculation and design of the column, and the calculation of the foundation for the column.

Determining Cross Frame Loads

The building can be affected by several loads at the same time and several combinations of them are possible, taking into account the absence of some of them or possible changes in the diagrams of their application. Therefore, the frame is calculated for each of the loads separately, and then the most unprofitable combinations of loads are made according to certain rules.

Calculation of reinforcement of foundation shell

In each wall, 7 rods ∅ 12 (792 mm2) are received parallel to the action of the bending moment.

Transverse reinforcement in the form of closed clamps is arranged to the maximum in the upper part of the sleeve. We install the first three layers of clamps at a distance of 50 mm from the upper edge of the foundation, with a pitch of 100 mm, following through 100 mm, the rest after 150 mm. The seven upper clamps in the 200 mm section are designed, the rest with a spacing of 150 mm are accepted structurally.

To strengthen the "stretched" wall of the cup, 8 rods ∅12 (1608 mm2) in the form of four loops (P1) are adopted.

The opposite wall is "compressed" by the armor symmetrically .

Reinforcement in walls parallel to bending moment is assigned structurally, 12 rods ∅ 8 for three loops (P2) to each wall.

Drawings content

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