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разработка участка по обслуживанию электрических систем автомобиля Dodge


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icon генеретор Г372.370100.cdw
icon Диплом.docx
icon доклад.docx
icon карта неисправностей генератора.cdw
icon Универсальный стенд для ремонта генератора.cdw
icon Электротехнический участок.cdw

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Until recently, the development of a network of car maintenance stations has not been sharply achieved, due to the small number of cars that are in personal use of citizens, as well as the ease of servicing domestic cars due to the simple design.

The increase in the number of cars owned by citizens, as well as the complication of the structures of various mechanisms and units installed on cars, requires significant capital investments in the development of a network of specialized car service enterprises - car maintenance and repair stations.

It is known that more recently about 50% of the total fleet of cars in personal use were serviced by the owners themselves, but due to the improvement of the design of mechanisms and units installed on cars, as well as the increase in the number of cars, it became possible to reduce this indicator to a minimum, when building new or expanding old maintenance stations throughout the country.

At the moment, the network of specialized maintenance stations satisfies the need to maintain only about 40% of the total fleet of cars of citizens in personal use, and are mainly located in large cities of the country, which is about 30% of all cities.

Relevance: The rate of growth in the number of private cars, the improvement of the structures of the mechanisms and units installed on them, the involvement of an increasing number of people in the transport process, as well as the increase in traffic on the roads requires the rapid and high-quality development of maintenance stations. Such stations are characterized by a number of signs related to their activities: high-quality maintenance and repair of cars, ensuring a warranty service life for a certain mileage or period, consulting specialists, selling high-quality spare parts and accessories for cars, providing customers with convenient waiting places (cafes, billiards, lounges, etc.).

The design of additional sections at the passenger car maintenance and repair station in order to reduce material costs, with an increase in the quality of service, should be carried out in the following closely interconnected directions:

- Strengthening of the production and technical base due to the construction of new or reconstruction of old maintenance stations for more promising projects;

higher efficiency of maintenance and repair system, higher skills of workers, use of high-quality spare parts, consumables and introduction of modern equipment to work stations.

Design object: The object of the diagnostic system is characterized by the need and possibility of diagnostics. In turn, the need to diagnose a car is determined by the laws of changing its technical condition and the costs of maintaining operability. Diagnostic capabilities are due to the presence of external signs that allow you to determine the malfunction of the car without disassembling it, as well as the availability of measuring these signs.

Diagnostic tools are special devices and stands. They are divided into external (separate) and built-in, which are an integral part of the car. When diagnosing, not only measuring equipment is used, but also subjective capabilities of a person, his senses, experience, skills; in the simplest cases, subjective diagnosis is used, and in complex cases, objective.

Diagnostic systems are divided into functional ones, when diagnostics are carried out during operation of the object, and test ones, when diagnostic parameters are measured, object operation is reproduced artificially .

There are universal systems designed for several different diagnostic processes, and special ones that provide only one diagnostic process.

Diagnostic systems can be common when the object is the product as a whole, and the purpose is to determine its state at the level of "annual" and local - to diagnose the component parts of the object (units, systems, mechanisms).

In addition, diagnostic tools can be manual or automated (automatic).

By predicting the technical condition of the car is meant the determination of the period of its serviceable operation until the maximum condition arises due to technical documentation (GOST, industry standards, factory instructions). The assessment of the technical state of the object in the past (for example, to identify the cause of an emergency failure that entailed a traffic accident) is called retrospection. Practical problems of forecasting or retrospection are solved using known patterns of changes in parameters of technical state of an object in the function of operating time (mileage) by extrapolation or interpolation, respectively.

Depending on the technology, diagnostics are divided into bench and running, mainly bench are used. For running diagnostics, devices are installed on the car for the duration of tests, for example, a measuring tank when checking fuel consumption by the car. More progressive is running diagnostics using built-in devices that allow you to check the condition of the unit at any time (according to the example of the indicator of water temperature, oil pressure and the amount of fuel in the tank). Using diagnostic tools reduces maintenance and maintenance costs by 5%, spare parts and materials - by 10%, fuel and tires - by 20%. The payback period of diagnostic tools in a large (500600 cars) motor vehicle enterprise is about a year. To create devices with which you can determine the technical state of the unit without disassembly, you must first establish a diagnostic symptom that would characterize the technical state of the object, a change in the structure of the object

Tasks: The task of the proposed passenger car maintenance and repair station should be solved by modern methods developed as a result of research activities.

At the same time, the object of these studies is some features of the operation of cars of privately used citizens:

average daily and average annual mileage;

period of operation during the year;

car storage conditions (open or closed);

the degree of professionalism of owners in driving and repairing a car;

road conditions.

In addition to the features of operation, there are a number of other factors that are the subject of research, they have a significant role in the uneven arrival of cars at posts, and, therefore, in the uneven loading of the maintenance station during the planning period of the scope of work.

The most important condition for the qualitative performance of the diploma design for the design at the site maintenance station is a clear justification of the initial data accepted for this improvement, which includes the following stages:

selection of brands of vehicles to be serviced;

selection of maintenance station for design of the required area on it;

justification of maintenance station power.

To complete these steps, you must define the following data:

the number of people and cars in this city in personal use of citizens (in our case, the city of Abay in the Karaganda region);

average annual mileage of cars.

The justification of the capacity and type of the maintenance station is required as input for the process calculation.

Production capacity is determined by the quantity of products produced in natural or value terms for a certain period. For a maintenance station in general, this indicator is the number of fully serviced vehicles during the year. Production capacity, in turn, is greatly influenced by the size of the enterprise.

The size of the enterprise is determined by the amount of living and social work, that is, the number of employees and production funds. Basically, the value of production funds, and, therefore, the size of the workshop can be characterized by the number of jobs, plots, waiting places, etc.

The purpose of my diploma project is to develop a section for servicing the electrical systems of the Dodge car, which meets all modern requirements.


As a result of the thesis project, the issues of calculation of the STOA production program, development and design of the electrotechnical section taking into account the requirements of building codes and regulations, industry design standards for ATP and STOA, safety, industrial sanitation, labor protection, as well as technology for maintenance and repair and technological interconnection between departments were considered.

Much attention was paid to the development of the site. In this section, the issues of calculating the labor intensity of the work of this department, calculating the number of repair workers, selecting the necessary equipment for the normal operation of the site were considered and the required area of ​ ​ the site was calculated.

In the remaining sections of the diploma project, the issues of the organizational structure of production management, industrial sanitation, safety during the work in the designed unit were considered.

In the process of thesis design, the skills of conducting independent work, research methods and experimentation in solving problems and issues developed in the thesis project were developed.

The purpose of this diploma project was to develop a section for servicing the electrical systems of the Dodge car

The main tasks in the design of the site were the calculation of production capacities and economic indicators of the designed post.

A large role in the development of the post was played by the decision to adopt technological equipment for the diagnosis of cars. The equipment is accepted in accordance with the technological necessity of the works performed with its help. It is used periodically and does not have a full load per work shift.

This diploma project presents the technical justification of the project in the main part: the norms of overhaul mileage, average values ​ ​ of overhaul mileage, labor intensity for conducting TO1, TO-2 and current repairs, car downtime during maintenance and maintenance, annual mileage and number of maintenance per year are calculated. The second section defines the minimum number of workers at the post. With a post area of ​ ​ 109.25 m2 and a labor capacity of 2237 n/h, the number of workers in the department is 1 person. The equipment for the diagnostic post was selected. The power supply system of the car includes an alternator. The selected equipment can be used to diagnose and repair generator faults. He also considered health and safety measures during diagnostic work. He studied and analyzed such items in labor protection as: safety requirements during basic work; requirements for tools, accessories and main process equipment; safety requirements for the production room.

In the economic part of the diploma project, the costs of materials and components, salary costs, expenses and cost of repair work were calculated. The cost of repair work for 1000 km of mileage is 977 rubles. Average monthly

the worker's salary amounted to 24,484 rubles .

According to the results of the diploma project, the following conclusions can be drawn: emphasis should be placed on the creation of specialized stations for the maintenance and repair of Korean-made cars using modern diagnostic and repair equipment, since narrow-directional activities contribute to increasing the speed and, most importantly, the high quality of the work performed.

The development of maintenance and maintenance areas at the station using the latest technical means and equipment will allow the station to provide services at a new, higher level. In the future, this will provide the station with stable demand, a constant clientele, a high reputation among car owners.

Drawings content

icon генеретор Г372.370100.cdw

генеретор Г372.370100.cdw

icon карта неисправностей генератора.cdw

карта неисправностей генератора.cdw

icon Универсальный стенд для ремонта генератора.cdw

Универсальный стенд для ремонта генератора.cdw

icon Электротехнический участок.cdw

Электротехнический участок.cdw

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